Giao diện mới của VnDoc Pro: Dễ sử dụng hơn - chỉ tập trung vào lớp bạn quan tâm. Vui lòng chọn lớp mà bạn quan tâm: Lưu và trải nghiệm
Lão Tổng Hắc Hoàng Thiên Zy Tiếng Anh

I wish you.....stop interrupting me whenever I speak

Choose a, b,c,d that best completes each unfinished sentences

1. You will not succeed.....working hard

A. unless B. without C. If  D although

2. It was raining very ..... so i took my umbrella.

A.wet B.badly C.hard D.firmly

3. that if i were you.

A. won't B. shan't C. wouldn't D. don't

4. You may borrow as many books as you like provided you show them to

A.who B.whom C.whoever D.which

5. I wish you.....stop interrupting me whenever i speak

A did B.would C.might D.will

6. I wish i .....more about the logistics of the expedition

A.would know B.knew C.know D.con know

7. The little girl .... when she fell

A. hurt himself  B.hurt herself C.has hurt D.hurt

8. Listen to what i am saying ,......?

A. don't you B. do you C. did you D. will you

9. ....... this medicine , and you'll be well again.

A. Have B. Drink C. Eat D. Take

3 Câu trả lời
  • Nguyễn Sumi
    Nguyễn Sumi will not succeed.....working hard

    A.unless was raining very ..... so i took my umbrella.

    A.wet that if i were you.

    C.wouldn't may borrow as many books as you like provided you show them to

    A.who B.whom C.whoever D.which

    5.i wish you.....stop interrupting me whenever i speak


    6.i wish i .....more about the logistics of the expedition

    A.would know

    7.the little girl .... when she fell

    A.hurt himself B.hurt herself C.has hurt D.hurt

    8.listen to what i am saying ,......?

    A.don't you

    9. ....... this medicine , and you'll be well again.

    B. Drink

    0 Trả lời 25/03/23
    • Phước Thịnh
      Phước Thịnh

      1. you will not succeed unless working hard

      2. It was raining very wet so i took my umbrella.

      3. i wouldn't do that if i were you.

      5. i wish you would stop interrupting me whenever i speak

      6. i wish i would know more about the logistics of the expedition

      7. The little girl hurt herself when she fell

      8.listen to what i am saying, don't you?

      9. Drink this medicine , and you'll be well again.

      0 Trả lời 27/03/23
      • Lê Thị Ngọc Ánh
        Lê Thị Ngọc Ánh

        1a 2a 3c 5b 6a 7b 8a 9b

        0 Trả lời 27/03/23

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