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Chuyên đề các dạng bài tập tự luận môn Tiếng Anh 12

Chuyên đề các dạng bài tập tự luận môn Tiếng Anh 12

Chuyên đề các dạng bài tập tự luận môn Tiếng Anh 12 nếu ra các dạng bài tập tự luận Tiếng Anh lớp 12 hay được ra trong các bài thi, các bài kiểm tra như: Chia động từ trong đoạn văn, biến đổi từ loại, đặt câu với từ gợi ý,... để các em chuẩn bị thật tốt cho các kì kiểm tra sắp tới.

Giải bài tập SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 9: Deserts

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 9: Deserts có đáp án - Số 1

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 9: Deserts có đáp án - Số 2

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 9: Deserts có đáp án - Số 3

I. Các dạng bài tập tự luận trong SGK lớp 12

1. Tự luận là gì?

Có hai dạng test thường gặp là selected-response test và constructed-response test.

+ Selected-response test yêu cầu thí sinh chọn câu hỏi đúng từ các lựa chọn cho sẵn và bao gồm các loại đề như true/ false (chọn đúng/ sai), matching (nối hai cột) hay MCQ (trắc nghiệm).

+ Constructed-response test yêu cầu thí sinh tự đưa ra câu trả lời và bao gồm các dạng như điền vào chỗ trống (fill-in-the-blanks), biến đổi câu (transformation)...

Vậy tự luận chính là constructed-response test.

2. Các đề thi tự luận trước đây

- Chia động từ trong đoạn văn

Question I. Put in the correct tense of each verb in brackets (2. 0 p).

A. -John..... (1. lose) his job last month and since then he..... (2. be) out of work.

- Do you know why he..... (3. lose) his job?

- Because he..... (4. be) very rude to his boss.

B. Yesterday morning, when I..... (1. arrive) at the airport, Sophie.... (2. wait) for me. She..... (3. wear) a pink dress and..... (4. look) very pretty.

QUESTION II: Put each verb in brackets in the correct tense (1. 5p)

A. Yesterday Ann introduced me to her husband. As I 1. (see) him, I 2. (know) that I 3. (meet) him before. We went to primary school together.

B. When she 1. (go) out of the house this morning, she 2. (take) her umbrella because it 3. (rain)

- Biến đổi từ loại (Word forms)

Question III. Give the correct form of the words in brackets (1. 5 p).

1. It is........ (REASONABLE) to regard any language as the possession of a particular nation.

2. If you need any help, you can ask Tom. He's very.......................... (HELP).

3. My daughter spends two hours.......................... (STUDY) mathematics every day.

4. The city has been.......................... (POLLUTE) with toxic waste from local factories.

5. They have tried to increase.................... (PRODUCE) by using better methods and tools.

6. I have a.......................... (TEND) to talk a lot whenever I am nervous.

QUESTION IV: Give the correct form of the words in brackets to finish the following sentences (1. 5p).

1. Lasers can be used to treat..... (deaf)

2. Smoking can cause..... diseases. (danger)

3. Fertilizers can help..... the soil. (rich)

4. Hundreds of..... have been involved in the research. (science)

5. Nitric oxide is..... poisonous. (high)

6. The man took his..... time over a smoke. (comfort)

- Điền khuyết (cloze test)

Question V. Fill in each space with a suitable word (1. 0p).

British and American English have a lot of words which look the same but have different meanings. Nobody ever gets.... (. 1)... trouble if they make a mistake, although you may get a strange look if you ask for the wrong clothes. There are some American English words that the British don't use at.... (2)..... However, most of the.... (3).... between British and American English are small. You can usually understand what words..... (4)..... from the context.

Điền một từ thích hợp vào mỗi chỗ trống được đánh số trong đoạn văn sau:

Rivers are one of the world's most important natural 1. _____. Many cities are on large rivers, and almost every country 2. _____ at least one river that plays an important part 3. ____the lives of its people. Besides transportation, rivers supply food, water for crops, water to drink, 4. _____ opportunities for recreation.

- Làm câu với từ gợi ý

CÂU VI (0,5 điểm). Dùng từ/ cụm từ gợi ý để viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh:

1. Conservation/ safeguarding/ preservation/ natural resources//

2. When/ woman/ man/ introduced/ shaking hands/ up to/ woman//

Question VII: Use the suggested words to make complete sentences (1p).

1. Language/ not/ private property/ those/ use it//

2. Many foods/ drinks/ sold/ plastic bottles/ boxes/ which/ reused//

- Biến đổi câu

Question VIII. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence (2. 0 p).

1. "Please sit down," the teacher said to me.

The teacher asked me.....................................

2. Let's go camping tomorrow.

Why don't................................................?

3. I fell asleep because the film was boring.

The film was so..................................................

4. " What are you doing?", she asked me.

She wondered...................................................................

5. Cars cause pollution but people still want them.


6. Please don't play your music so loudly.

Would you mind...........................................................?

7. I don't find it difficult to get up early in the morning.

I am used..................................................................................

8. Larry didn't buy the shirt because she didn't have enough money.

If Larry...............................................................................................

Question IX: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence (2p).

1 "Study hard, boys"

She told the boys......

2. The coat is too small for him to wear.

The coat isn't....

3. "Let's get together next Saturday"

How about....?

4. John didn't go to work because he was seriously ill.


5. It was such a boring film that she fell asleep.

The film was...

6. Today American women often earn their own money

Today American women are used...

7. Many years ago people believed the earth was flat.

Many years ago the earth...

8. I'll give Nick a map. I want him to find the way all right.

I'll give Nick the map so....

Các dạng bài tự luận trong SGK hiện nay


1. Answer the questions:

Task 2. Answer the questions.

1. How busy are the parents in the passage?

2. How caring is the mother?

3. How do the father and the daughter share the household chores?

4. What is the daughter attempting to do after secondary school?

5. Why do the children feel they are safe and secure in their family?

(Unit 1 - Page 14)

2. Explain the meaning of the words given:

Task 1. Explain the meaning of the italicized words/ phrases in the following sentences.

1. Love is supposed to follow marriage, not precede it.

2. A survey was made to determine their attitudes toward love and marriage.

3. They agree that it is unwise to confide in their wives.

4. An Indian woman has to sacrifice more in a marriage than a man.

5. A husband is obliged to tell his wife where he has been.

(Unit 2 - page 22)

Or find words/ phrases which have the meanings given:

Task 1. Find words or phrases in the reading passage which have the following meanings.

1. Schools in which all children can attend without paying tuition fees

2. A stage of study for children aged from 5 to 10

3. A stage of study for children aged from 11 to 16

4. Put into force by the law

5. The examinations children sit at the end of compulsory education

6. A detailed plan for a course of study offered in a school or college

(Unit 4 - page 46)

3. Fill in the gaps with the correct word(s) from the reading passage:

Task 2. Complete the following sentences, using the information from the passage.

1. Water polo is played in a pool ______metres deep,______long and wide.

2. The home team wears____, the visiting team wears____and the goalies wear ____.

3. Both teams sprint for the ball from__________________________.

4. A free throw is awarded for minor fouls, such as__________________________.

5. A game is divided into quarters ranging from in length.

Unit 12 - page 130


1. Giving compliments or responding to compliments

Task 2. Work with a partner. Practise giving compliments to suit the responses. Use the cues below.

David: _____________________________________. (dress)

Kathy: I'm glad you like it. I bought it at a shop near my house a few days ago.

Hung: _____________________________________. (motorbike)

Hien: Thanks, Hung. I think I've finally found the colour that suits me.

Michael: _____________________________________. (badminton)

Colin: You must be kidding! I thought the game was terrible.

Task 3. Work in pairs. Practise responding to the compliments below.

Phil: You're a great dancer, Huong. I wish I could do half as well as you.

You: _____________________________________.

Peter: I didn't know you could play the guitar so well, Toan. Your tune was lovely!

You: _____________________________________.

Tom: Your English is better than many Americans, Hanh. I really enjoy your public speaking.

You: _____________________________________.

Unit 3 - page33

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