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Từ vựng Unit 11 lớp 12 Books

Nhằm nâng cao chất lượng dạy và học môn Tiếng Anh 12 trong chương trình giáo dục phổ thông năm học 2023 - 2024, đã đăng tải rất nhiều tài liệu để học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 12 chương trình cũ khác nhau.

Tài liệu Từ vựng tiếng Anh 12 Unit 11 Books gồm toàn bộ những từ mới tiếng Anh xuất hiện trong các lesson của bài học và các cụm từ quan trọng thường dùng trong văn nói và văn viết giúp các em học sinh lớp 12 tích lũy kiến thức hiệu quả.

A. Vocabulary - Từ vựng tiếng Anh Unit 11 lớp 12

Từ mớiPhân loại/ Phiên âmĐịnh nghĩa
1. bit(n) [bit]miếng, mẩu
2. Chew(v) [t∫u:]nhai
3. digest(v) ['daidʒest]tiêu hoá
4. Fascinating(a) /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ/hấp dẫn, quyến rũ
5. personality(n) [,pə:sə'nỉləti]tính cách, lịch thiệp
6. Swallow(v) ['swɔlou]nuốt
7. reunite(v) [,ri:ju:'nait]đoàn tụ
8. Taste(v) [teist]nếm
9. unnoticed(a) [,ʌn'noutist]không để ý thấy
10. Wilderness(n) ['wildənis]vùng hoang dã
11. literature(n) ['litrət∫ə]văn học
12. Advantage(n) [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ]lợi thế
13. discovery(n) [dis'kʌvəri]sự khám phá ra
14. Comprehension(n) [,kɔmpri'hen∫n]sự nhận thức
15. inspirational(a)[,inspə'rei∫ənl]gây cảm hứng
16. Judgment(n) ['dʒʌdʒmənt]phán quyết
17. horizon(n) [hə'raizn]đường chân trời, tầm nhìn
18. Mental(a) ['mentl](thuộc) trí tuệ
19. assimilate(v) [ə'simileit]tiêu hoá
20. Expertise(n) [,ekspə'ti:z]sự tinh thông
21. self-esteem(n) [,self i'sti:m]lòng tự trọng
22. well-read(n) /ˌwel ˈred/uyên bác
23. deadening(n) ['dedəniç]sự tiêu hủy
24. freezer(n) ['fri:zə]máy ướp lạnh
25. forecast(v) ['fɔ:kɑ:st]dự đoán
26. submit(v) [səb'mit]quy phục
27. first of alltrước hết
28. organize(v) ['ɔ:gənaiz]tổ chức
29. element(n) ['elimənt]yếu tố
30. whatever(a) /wɒtˈevə(r)/bất cứ thứ gì
31. explain(v) [iks'plein]giải thích
32. identify(v) [ai'dentifai]nhận ra, nhận dạng
33. solution(n) [sə'lu:∫n]phương án, lời giải
34. non-fiction(n) /ˌnɒn ˈfɪkʃn/chuyện về người thật việc thật
35. compare(v) [kəm'peə]so sánh
36. biography(n) /baɪˈɒɡrəfi/tiểu sử
37. Craft(n) /krɑːft/thủ công
38. Science fiction(n) /ˈsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃn/Khoa học viễn tưởng
39. romance(n) /rəʊˈmæns/sách lãng mạn
40. thriller(n) /ˈθrɪlə(r)/truyện giật gân, ly kỳ
41. wizard(n) /ˈwɪzəd/thầy phù thủy
42. witty(adj) /ˈwɪtɪ/dí dỏm
43. wittiness(n) /ˈwɪtinəs/sự hóm hỉnh
44. wittily(adv) /ˈwɪtɪli/hóm hỉnh

B. Word phrases - Cụm từ tiếng Anh Unit 11 lớp 12

- On the subject of reading Về chủ đề đọc sách

- lived at about sống vào khoảng

- are to be tasted để đọc thử

- to be swallowed để đọc ngấu nghiến

- to be chewed and digested để nghiền ngẫm và để đọc và suy nghĩ

- read different types đọc những loại sách khác nhau

- pick up a travel book nhặt được một quyển sách về du lịch

- dip into đọc qua loa

- tasting đọc thử

- swallowing đọc ngấu nghiến

- even more important ngay cả quan trọng hơn

- be on holiday đang đi nghỉ hè

- on a long train journey trên một cuộc hành trình dài bằng xe lửa

- It's so good I can't put it down Nó hay quá tôi không thể bỏ nó xuống được

- belong to thuộc về

- hard-to-pick-up-again không thể đọc lần nữa

- a book on a subject một quyển sách nói về chủ đề

- chew and digest it nghiền ngẫm và suy nghĩ

- pick up a book for the first time cầm một quyển sách lần đầu tiên

- more and more people have television in their homes càng ngày càng có nhiều người có tivi ở gia đình

- bring you all the information mang lại cho bạn tất cả thông tin

- are sold than ever before được bán hơn trước

- are still a cheap way to get information là một phương tiện rẻ tiền để thu thập thông tin

- a wonderful source of knowledge một nguồn kiến thức phong phú

C. Bài tập Từ vựng unit 11 lớp 12 Books có đáp án

I. Complete these sentences, using the word from the box.

thriller ; romance ; novel ; science ; fiction ; craft ; comic ; horror

biography ; autobiography ; dictionary ; atlas ; library

1. A book or electronic resource that gives a list of the words of a language in alphabetical order is called a(n) __________.

2. A book which is a collection of maps is a(n) _________.

3. A _________ book is a book in which the story is told with pictures.

4. The story of a person’s life, written by that person is called a(n) ________

5. The story of a person’s life written by somebody else is a(n) ________

6. A book that tell an exciting story, especially one about crime or spying is called a(n) _______

7. A book about a love affair is called a(n) ________

8. A(n) _______ is a long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary.

9. A book about imaginary future events and characters, often dealing with space travel and life on the other planets, is called a(n) _______ book.

10. A book teaching traditional skills of making things by hand is a(n) _________book.

11. A building in which collections of books, newspapers, etc is called _______.

12. A type of book that is designed to frighten people is called __________.

II. Give the correct form of the word in bracket.

1. This book is not really ________. It is a waste of money buying it. (INFORM)

2. Sometimes it is ________ to find suitable books for our children. (DIFFICULTY)

3. A book may be evaluated by a reader or professional writer to create a book ________. (REVIEW)

4. Read the book ________ and you can find the information you need. (CARE)

5. Not many people find reading more ________ than watching TV. (INTEREST)

6. To become a novelist, you need to be ________. (IMAGE)


I. Complete these sentences, using the word from the box.

thriller ; romance ; novel ; science fiction ; craft ; comic ; horror

biography ; autobiography ; dictionary ; atlas ; library

1. A book or electronic resource that gives a list of the words of a language in alphabetical order is called a(n) ____dictionary______.

2. A book which is a collection of maps is a(n) ___atlas______.

3. A ____comic_____ book is a book in which the story is told with pictures.

4. The story of a person’s life, written by that person is called a(n) __autobiography______

5. The story of a person’s life written by somebody else is a(n) ____biography____

6. A book that tell an exciting story, especially one about crime or spying is called a(n) ___thriller____

7. A book about a love affair is called a(n) __romance_____

8. A(n) _______ is a long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary.

9. A book about imaginary future events and characters, often dealing with space travel and life on the other planets, is called a(n) __novel_____ book.

10. A book teaching traditional skills of making things by hand is a(n) _____science fiction____book.

11. A building in which collections of books, newspapers, etc is called ___library____.

12. A type of book that is designed to frighten people is called ___Horror_______.

II. Give the correct form of the word in bracket.

1. This book is not really _____informative___. It is a waste of money buying it. (INFORM)

2. Sometimes it is ____difficult____ to find suitable books for our children. (DIFFICULTY)

3. A book may be evaluated by a reader or professional writer to create a book ____review____. (REVIEW)

4. Read the book _____carefully___ and you can find the information you need. (CARE)

5. Not many people find reading more ____interesting____ than watching TV. (INTEREST)

6. To become a novelist, you need to be ____imaginative____. (IMAGE)

Complete the sentence with the appropriate forms of the verbs in the list. Use each verb only once. Some of the sentences are active and some are passive.



distinguish participate

tell discover




replace read scrub

forget repeat


1. Jack has a right to know. He ought to _________the news immediately.

If you don’t do it, I will.

2. I have no patience with gossips. What I told Bill was a secret. He shouldn’t

Have _________it to you.

3. Use this brown paper and tape. A package has to_________ carefully before it is mailed. Otherwise, the post office won’t send it.

4. I don’t know why Jessica wasn’t at the meeting. She must have _________about it.

5. The ancient ruin may have_________ as early as 1792. The historical record is difficult to interpret.

6. The games are open to anyone who wants to join in. Everyone can_________ in them.

7. This burnt out light bulb should have _________days ago. Could you do it for me?

8. You’d better not drink that river water. It could_________.

9. I think everyone should_________ , this paperback on the economic crisis. It contains information that everyone should have.

10. Surgeon must _________their hands thoroughly with disinfectant soap and hot water before they enter the operating room.

11. Your passport is supposed to_________. It is invalid without your signature.

12. A bald eagle can _________from the other large birds by its white head and white tail.

13. If you don’t want to work tonight, you ought to_________ work shifts with Emily.

14. When you are on duty, your uniform must_________ at all times.

15. A university may_________ in outer space before long.

Xem đáp án

1. be told

2. repeated

3. be wrapped

4. forgotten

5. been discovered

6. participate

7. been replaced

8. be polluted

9. read

10. scrub

11. be signed

12. be distinguished

13. trade

14. be worn

15. be established

Trên đây là toàn bộ nội dung của Từ vựng Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 11: Books.

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