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Tổng hợp Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 5: Higher Education có đáp án

Bài tập tự luận + trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh lớp 12 có đáp án

Mời quý thầy cô giáo và các em học sinh tham khảo bộ sưu tập bài tập trắc nghiệm, tự luận Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 5 Higher Education trên Đây là bộ sưu tập tài liệu được chúng tôi chọn lọc và tổng hợp nhằm giúp quý thầy cô giáo và các em học sinh tiện theo dõi.

Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 5: Higher Education Số 1 có đáp án

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Bài tập tự luận Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 5 Higher Education

Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 5: Higher Education Số 1 có đáp án

Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1. a. university b. application c. technology d. entertainment

2. a. mathematics b. engineering c. scientific d. laboratory

3. a. certificate b. necessary c. economy d. geography

4. a. interviewer b. preparation c. economics d. education

5. a. considerable b. information c. librarian d. technician

Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one.

6. It is a course _______ two years for those who want to work as a marketing agent.

a. of b. in c. for d. with

7. You can meet Mr. Pike, who is _______ behalf _______ the university to solve the problems of foreign students.

a. on/ of b. in/ for c. with/ at d. for/ at

8. In most _______ developed countries, up to 50% of _______ population enters higher education at some time in their lives.

a. Ø/ the b. the/ a c. Ø/ Ø d. the/ Ø

9. _______ colleges and _______ universities are the main institutions that provide tertiary education.

a. The/ Ø b. Ø/ the c. The/ the d. Ø/ Ø

10. He graduated with doctorates of _______ and surgery from Florence, gaining the highest honors that year.

a. medicine b. medical c. medicate d. medication

11. The making of good habits _______ a determination to keep on training your child.

a. require b. requires c. requirement d. required

12. He was the only _______ that was offered the job.

a. apply b. application c. applicant d. applying

13. A university is an -institution of higher education and research, which grants _______ degrees at all levels in a variety of subjects.

a. secondary b. optional c. academic d. vocational

14. _______ is used to describe the work of a person whose job is to treat sick or injured animals, or to describe the medical treatment of animals.

a. Chemistry b. Pharmacy c. Medicine d. Veterinary

15. A _______ is an area of knowledge or study, especially one that you study at school, college, or university.

a. degree b. subject c. level d. vacancy

16. Most _______ are at senior level, requiring appropriate qualifications.

a. degrees b. grades c. colleges d. vacancies

17. She reads newspapers every day to look for the vacant _______ for which she can apply.

a. institutions b. indications c. positions d. locations

18. He had been expected to cope well with examinations and _______ good results.

a. achieve b. consider c. last d. object

19. You can choose four subjects either in Arts _______ in Sciences.

a. nor b. or c. and d. as

20. Either you or your friend _______ on charge today.

a. are b. is c. was d. were

21. I am flying to the States tonight. I ______ you a ring if I can find a phone.

a. will give b. would give c. could give d. have given

22. We'll need more staff _______ we start the new project.

a. unless b. whether c. in case d. or

23. If I _______ 10 years younger, I _______ the job.

a. am/ will take b. was/ have taken

c. had been/ will have taken d. were/ would take

24. _______ I had learnt English when I was at high school.

a. Unless b. Even if c. If d. If only

25. You are not allowed to use the club's facilities _____ you are a member.

a. unless b. if c. provided d. supposed

26. If she _______ the train last night, she here now.

a. took/ were b. were taking/ is

c. had taken/ would have been d. had taken/ would be

27. _______ if a war happened?

a. What you would do b. What would you do

c. What will you do d. What will you do

28. I would send her a fax if I _______ her number.

a. know b. knew c. had known d. could know

29. _______ it were well paid, I would accept this proposal.

a. Providing b. Unless c. But for d. If only

30. _______ more carefully, he would not have had the accident yesterday:

a. If Peter driven b. If had Peter driven

c. Had Peter driven d. Unless Peter had driven

Bài giảng bài Higher education Tiếng Anh 12

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

University Entrance Examination is very important in Vietnamese students. High school graduates have to take it and get high results to be admitted to universities. The pressure on the candidates remains very high despite the measures that have been taken to reduce the heat around these exams, since securing a place in a state university is considered a major step towards a successful career for young people, especially those from rural areas or disadvantaged families. In the year 2004, it was estimated that nearly 1 million Vietnamese students took the University Entrance Examination, but on average only 1 out of 5 candidates succeeded. Normally, candidates take 3 exam subjects, and each lasts; 180 minutes for the fixed group of subjects they choose. There are 4 fixed groups of subjects: Group A: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry; Group B: Mathematics, Biology, and Chemistry; Group C: Literature, History, and Geography; Group D: Literature, Foreign Language, and Mathematics.

In addition to universities, there are community colleges, art and technology institutes; professional secondary schools, and vocational schools which offer degrees or certificates from a-few-month to 2-year courses.

According to Vietnam's Ministry of Education and Training, there are currently 23 non-public universities, accounting for 11% of the total number of universities. These non-public universities are currently training 119,464 students, or 11. 7% of the total number of students. The government is planning to increase the number of non-public universities to 30% by 2007.

36. University Entrance Examination in Vietnamese is very _______.

a. interesting b. stressful c. free d. easy

37. The word those refers to _______.

a. exam subjects b. young people c. universities d. examinations

38. In 2004, the proportion of the students who got success in University Entrance Examination was about _______ percent.

a. 5 b. 10 c. 20 d. 50

39. Which sentence refers to the University Entrance Examination in Vietnam?

a. Students find it easy to get success in the University Entrance Examination.

b. Math is compulsory in the University Entrance Examination.

c. Students are not allowed to choose their exam subjects.

d. There are four fixed groups of exam subjects for students to choose.

40. According to the passage, _______.

a. the Vietnamese government will close all non-public universities by next year.

b. the Vietnamese government does not appreciate non-public universities

c. the Vietnamese government encourages the establishing of non-public universities.

d. Vietnamese students have no alternative to continue their higher study besides universities.

Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

The University of Oxford, informally called "Oxford University", or simply "Oxford", (41) ______ in the city of Oxford, in England, is (42) ______ oldest university in the English-speaking world. It is also considered as one of the world's leading (43) ______ institutions. The university traces, its roots back to at least the end of the 11th century, (44) ______ the exact date of foundation remains unclear. Academically, Oxford is consistently ranked in the world's top ten universities. The University is also open (45) ______ overseas students, primarily from American universities, who may (46) _____ in study abroad programs during the summer months for more than a century, it has served as the home of the Rhodes Scholarship, (47) ______ brings highly accomplished students from a number of countries to study at Oxford as (48) ______ The University of Oxford is also a place where many talented leaders from all over the world used to study. Twenty-five British Prime Ministers attended Oxford, including Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair. At (49) ______ 25 other international leaders have been educated at Oxford, and this number includes King Harald V of Norway and King Abdullah II of Jordan. Bill Clinton is the first American President to attend Oxford. Forty-seven Nobel (50) __ winners have studied or taught at Oxford.

41. a. put b. placed c. located d. stood

42. a. a b. an c. the d. Ø

43. a. learning b. academic c. graduating d. scholar

44. a. although b. because c. since d. if

45. a. to b. for c. from d. up

46. a. write b. name c. enroll d. require

47. a. that b. where c. whose d. which

48. a. postgraduates b. postgraduated c. postgraduation d. postgraduating

49. a. last b. least c. late d. lately

50. a. present b. gift c. medal d. prize

Bài tập tự luận Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 5 Higher Education

III. Making compound:

1. application a. certificate ...............................................

2. dead b. letter ..............................................

3. birth c. aborigines ..............................................

4. entrance d. line ..............................................

5. reference e. time ..............................................

6. identity f. level ..............................................

7. Australian g. form ..............................................

8. full- h. December ..............................................

9. mid- i. card ..............................................

10. advanced j. examination ..............................................

IV. Put the words into the list of pronunciation. The signal ● shows the main stress.

●○: ......................................................................................................

○●: ......................................................................................................

●○○: ....................................................................................................

○●○: ....................................................................................................

national, October, prefer, maximum, severely, applicant, apply, notify, August, behalf, candidate, consider, consist, detail, decision, director, follow, full-time, require, vacant.

V. Hoàn thành động từ trong ngoặc ở dạng câu điều kiện thích hợp

Conditional type I

  1. If you ........................(eat) an ice-cream, I ........................ (have) a hot chocolate.
  2. If she ........................ (need) a computer, her brother ........................ (give) her his computer.
  3. If we ........................ (have/ not) time this afternoon, we ........................ (meet) tomorrow.
  4. He ........................ (talk) to her if you ........................ (want/ not) to do it.
  5. You........................ (win/ not) the game if you ........................ (know/ not) the rules.
  6. If you ........................ (wash) the dishes, I ........................ (cook) dinner tonight.
  7. If my dad ........................ (have) time next week, we ........................ (paint) my room.
  8. You ........................ (learn) a lot about American history if you ........................ (visit) the exhibition.
  9. If the weather ........................ (be/ not) too bad tomorrow, we ........................ (play) golf.
  10. We ........................ (get/ not) there on time if we ........................ (catch/ not) the bus
  11. Conditional type II
  12. If I................................. (have) more time, I ................................. (learn) to play the guitar.
  13. If she ................................. (study) harder, she ................................. (get) better marks.
  14. If we .............................. (know) more about history, we ........................... (be/ not) afraid of the test.
  15. I ........................... (go) jogging with Tom and Sue if they.............................. (be) here this week.
  16. It ................................. (surprise) me if she................................. (help/ not) you.
  17. If he................................. (try) harder, he ................................. (reach) his goals.
  18. I ................................. (buy) these shoes if they................................. (fit) .
  19. It ................................. (surprise/ not) me if he ................................. (know/ not) the answer

Conditional type III

1) If the weather .........................................(be) nice, they ...................................... (play) football.

2) If we ................................... (go) to a good restaurant, we ...................................... (have) a better dinner.

3) If John ............................. (learn) more words, he ...................................... (write) a good report.

4) If the boys ............................. (take) the bus to school, they ................................... (arrive) on time.

5) If the teacher ...................................... (explain) the homework, I ............................................ (do) it.

6) If they ....................... (wait) for another 10 minutes, they ................................... (see) the pop star.

7) If the police ............................. (come) earlier, they ...................................... (arrest) the burglar.

8) If you ............................. (buy) fresh green vegetable, your salad ................................ (taste) better.

9) If Alex ................................... (ask) me, I ...................................... (email) the documents.

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