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Họa sĩ vẽ Tranh Trần Nguyễn Tường Phi Tiếng Anh

Fill in the gaps with (should or shouldn't): It's an interesting film. it

Fill in the gaps with (should or shouldn't)

1 It's an interesting film. it

2 You have a toothache. You.............go to the dentist

3 It's very dangerous are. We..............get there

4 She's always tired. She....................go to bed late everyt night

5 We have a test tomorrow. hard

4 Câu trả lời
  • Gấu Bông
    Gấu Bông

    1. It's an interesting film. You should watch it

    2. You have a toothache. You should go to the dentist

    3. It's very dangerous are. We shouldn't get there

    4. She's always tired. She shouldn't go to bed late everyt night

    5. We have a test tomorrow. We should study hard

    Trả lời hay
    2 Trả lời 06/04/23
    • Bé Cún
      Bé Cún

      1 It's an interesting film. You .....should....... watch it

      2 You have a toothache. You .......should...... go to the dentist

      3 It's very dangerous are. We .......shouldn't..... get there

      4 She's always tired. She ......shouldn't ..............go to bed late everyt night

      5 We have a test tomorrow. We .....should.......... study hard

      0 Trả lời 06/04/23
      • Đường tăng
        Đường tăng

        1 should

        2 should

        3 shouldn't

        4 shouldn't

        5 should

        0 Trả lời 06/04/23
        • Hoang Long
          Hoang Long

          đáp án của các bạn đều đúng. Dùng should hay shouldn't là do nghĩa của câu. bạn cần đọc kỹ.

          0 Trả lời 06/04/23

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