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Some parents often compare their own childhood to their children’s experiences today with the intention of teaching them good behaviour

Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success Review 1 Writing

Nằm trong bộ tài liệu Giải tiếng Anh 11 Kết nối tri thức theo từng Unit, Some parents often compare their own childhood to their children’s experiences today with the intention of teaching them good behaviour do tự biên soạn và đăng tải dưới đây tổng hợp các bài văn mẫu tham khảo, là tài liệu luyện tập hữu ích giúp học sinh lớp 11 học tập hơn.

Topic: Write an opinion essay (120-150 words) on the following topic. You may use the ideas in the reading to help you.

(Viết một bài luận (120-150 từ) về chủ đề sau. Bạn có thể sử dụng những ý tưởng trong bài đọc để giúp bạn.)

Some parents often compare their own childhood to their children’s experiences today with the intention of teaching them good behaviour. Do you think this is a good idea?

(Một số bậc cha mẹ thường so sánh thời thơ ấu của họ với trải nghiệm của con cái họ ngày nay với ý định dạy chúng cách cư xử tốt. Bạn có nghĩ đây là ý kiến hay?)

Bài viết số 1

Comparing children's experiences today to those of their parents is not a good idea because of some following reasons.

First, although parents may have good intentions, this approach can have negative effects on children's confidence and self-esteem. Children may feel pressured to live up to their parents' expectations, leading to feelings of inadequacy and frustration. Furthermore, each generation is influenced by changes in society, making it difficult for parents and children to fully understand each other's way of thinking. Instead of comparisons, parents should focus on building a positive and supportive relationship with their children, which includes good communication and spending quality time together. They can also set good examples of behavior and explain why certain behaviors are desirable. Children are more likely to learn and internalize positive behaviors when they are taught in a supportive and positive environment, rather than through comparisons that can be damaging to their confidence and self-esteem.

To sum up, parents should not compare their life experiences with their children's experiences.

Bài viết số 2

It is not a good idea, in my opinion, to compare children's experiences now to those of their parents.

First of all, this strategy may have a negative impact on children's self-esteem and confidence. Children could experience feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction as a result of feeling under pressure to live up to their parents' expectations. Additionally, because of how the society is changing, it is challenging for parents and children to properly comprehend one another's perspectives. Instead of making comparisons, parents should concentrate on developing a strong bond with their kids through open conversation and meaningful time spent together. They can also explain why particular behaviors are preferable and set good examples of behavior. When positive actions are taught in an environment that is encouraging and supportive rather than through comparisons that can be detrimental to a child's self-confidence and self-esteem, the likelihood that the child will learn and internalize those behaviors increases.

In conclusion, parents should build strong relationship with their kids instead of comparing their own childhood with their children's experiences.

Bài viết số 3

Many parents compare their own childhood with their children's experiences because they want to teach them good behaviour. In my opinion, parents should not make such a comparison for two reasons.

Firstly, parents and their children belong to different generations. Parents experienced different social changes and grew up in different economic conditions. These changes and conditions have helped them form their opinions and behaviour. However, many social norms have changed over the last decades. Therefore, it may be difficult to apply them to their children's lives nowadays.

In addition, when children are compared to their parents, they may lose their confidence because they may think that they are not good enough. As a result, many of them will believe that their parents don't believe in their abilities and become afraid of living independently.

In conclusion, parents should not compare their life experiences with their children's experiences because of generational differences and the negative emotions that this comparison may cause to their children.

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