Giao diện mới của VnDoc Pro: Dễ sử dụng hơn - chỉ tập trung vào lớp bạn quan tâm. Vui lòng chọn lớp mà bạn quan tâm: Lưu và trải nghiệm

110 câu bài tập viết lại Tiếng Anh lớp 6

Bài tập viết lại câu tiếng Anh 6 có đáp án nằm trong bộ đề ôn tập Tiếng Anh 6 cả năm do sưu tầm và đăng tải. Đề luyện tập gồm 110 câu tự luận khác nhau giúp các em học sinh lớp 6 kiểm tra vốn kiến thức Từ vựng - Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh trọng tâm hiệu quả.

I. Bài tập viết lại câu tiếng Anh 6

1. My house is bigger than your house

- Your house…………....................................

2. The black car is cheaper than the red one.

- The red car………….....................................

3. There is the sink, a tub and a shower in the bathroom.

- The bathroom ……........................................

4. No one in Trung’s class is taller than him.

- Trung..............................................................

5. Do you have a better hat than this?

- Is this.............................................................

6. My house is the oldest house on the street.

- No houses.......................................................

7. How excellent the girl is!

- What..............................................................

8. It is one – fifty.

- It is ten...........................................................

9. What is your address?

- Where............................................................

10. Finding an apartment in a big city is not easy.

- It is................................................................

11. We have a two-month summer vacation.

- Our summer vacation lasts.............................

12. Will you please look after the house while we’re away?

- Will you please take........................................?

13. Vietnamese students have fewer vacations than American ones.

- American students............................................

14. It takes me about two hours each day to do my homework.

- I spend ..............................................................

15. Hoa is a hard student .

- Hoa studies........................................................

16. I get to work in half an hour.

- It takes...............................................................

17. Do you have a cheaper computer than this?

- Is this ...............................................................?

18. How much is this dictionary?

- How much does.................................................

19. It isn’t important for you to finish the work today.

- You don’t.............................................................

20. There are over eight hundred stamps in Tim’s collection.

- Tim’s collection........................ ............................

21. How high is the Big Ben Clock Tower?

- (height) .............................................................?

22. What is your son’s weight?

- (heavy) ............................................................?

23. What is the price of this face mask ?

- (cost) ...............................................................?

24. How long is the Mekong River ?

- What ..................................................................?

25. How wide is the west Lake ?

- What ..................................................................?

26. I never saw the sharks before.

- This is ..................................................................

27.I didn’t have a toothache. They didn’t have a toothache

- (neither) ............................................................

28. Mr. Lan should wear gloves to protect his hands

- Mr. Lan had better .............................................

29. Mr. Thanh couldn’t enjoy the meal because of the stomachache

- The stomachache prevented .............................

30. What is your daughter’s age, Mr. Lan ?

- How ..................................................................?

31. Minh didn’t go to school yesterday because of his sickness

- Because Minh ..................................................

32. You shouldn’t eat too much meat

- You’d ................................................................

33. How heavy is the chicken?

- What .................................................................?

34. What’s the matter with you?

- (wrong).............................................................?

35. Why were you absent from class last Monday?

- Why didn’t .......................................................?

36. Liz thought no fish was more beautiful than the colorful little fish

- (the most).........................................................

37. Long is a bad swimmer

- Long swims ......................................................

38. Mrs. Oanh cooks well

- Mrs. Oanh is ......................................................

39. Ann drives dangerously

- Ann is ..............................................................

40. It is not necessary for you to finish the work to day.

- You don’t have .................................................

41. I like roller skating and my brother does, too

- (so)....................................................................

42. How much are these rackets?

- How much do ...................................................?

43. My school has thirty classrooms

- (are)....................................................................

44. Literature interests my brother a lot

- (interested)...........................................................

45. Nam like staying at home than going to the zoo

- (prefers)..............................................................

46. Let’s visit the beautiful Khmer temples of Angkor Wat this summer

- How about ...........................................................

47. Listening to music at home is more interesting than going to the concert

- I prefer ..................................................................

48. We didn’t enjoy the trip because of the heavy rain

- The heavy rain prevented .......................................

49. You shouldn’t eat too many candies

- You’d ....................................................................

50. He is a slower and more careful driver than I am

- He drives .............................................................

51. The visitor spoke so quickly that I couldn’t understand what he said.

- The visitor spoke too ............................................

52. Jane found driving on the left difficult

- Jane wasn’t used ..................................................

53. How about eating out tonight?

- Why don’t we ......................................................?

54. Han is a better swimmer than Lan

- Lan can’t swim .....................................................

55. Can she take care of herself when her mother is away?

- Can she look .......................................................?

56. Let’s visit the museum this afternoon

- What about  ..................................................?

57. Where can I find the station ?

- Could you tell me how .......................................?

58. We took a train to HCM city

- We got to ............................................................

59. It’ll be not necessary for you to go to the meeting next week

- You won’t have ...................................................

60. How long was your flight from Ha Noi to Jakarta?

- How long did ......................................................?

61. John can cook very well

- John is ................................................................

62. Minh usually works hard.

- Minh is usually ...................................................

63. I’m not as good at Math as my brother

- My brother is ....................................................

64. They won’t be able to come on Saturday

- It will be impossible ...........................................

65. Their father got to London by taxi last Monday

- Their father took a ............................................

66. What is your date of birth?

- When ...............................................................

67. Remember to do your homework

- Don’t..................................................................

68. Nam is 15 years old and Quang is, too

- Nam and Quang ................................................

69. To learn English is very good

- It is ....................................................................

70. We cycle to school every morning.

- We go ...............................................................

71. How long is this river?

- What is............................................................

72. We live too far away from our school

- We don’t live...................................................

73. She flew to France last year.

- She went ..........................................................

74. He is able to speak English to his teacher.

- He can.............................................................

- Don’t................................................................

76. Shall we go to the zoo?

- Let’s ................................................................

77. Studying English is very necessary.

- It is ..................................................................

78. It’s a lovely dinner.

- What ................................................................

79. We have to keep our school clean, green and attractive.

- It’s our duty......................................................

80. He gets to work in one hour.

- It takes ...........................................................…

81. You shouldn’t eat too much meat.

- You’d ..........................................................................................................

82 How old is your grandpa?

- What is ................................................. ....................................................?

83. Lan’s parents gave her a bike for her birthday.

- Lan received ..............................................................................................

84 When my mother was ill, I looked after her.

- I took......................................................................................

85 . Listening to music at home is more interesting than going to the concert.

- I prefer ……………………………………………………………………

86 . We didn’t enjoy the trip because of the heavy rain.

- The heavy rain prevented …………………………………………………

87 . You should eat too much candies.

- You’d ……………………………………………………………………..

88 He is slower and more careful driver than I am.

- He drives ………………………………………………………………….

89 . The visitors spoke so quickly that I couldn’t understand what he said.

- The visitors spoke too ……………………………………………………..

90. It took Mr. Hoang half an hour to walk to work yesterday.

- Mr. Hoang spent.......................................................

91. What is the price of this cap ?

- How much.................................................................?

92. You shouldn’t eat too much meat.

- You’d............................................................................

93. Lan is the youngest of the three sisters.

- Lan has .....................................................

94. Our house is older than any other house in the living centre

- Our house......................................................................

95. Mai usually works hard.

- Mai is usually a………………………………………………

II. Đáp án Bài tập viết lại câu tiếng Anh 6

1 - Your house is smaller than my house.

2 - The red car is more expensive than the black one.

3 - The bathroom has a sink, a tub and a shower.

4 - Trung is the tallest person in his class.

5 - Is this the best hat?

6 - No houses on the street is older than my house.

7 - What an excellent girl!

8 - It is ten to two.

9 - Where are you?

10 - It is not easy to find an apartment in a big city.

11 - Our summer vacation lasts two months.

12 - Will you please take care of the house while we’re away?

40 - You don't have to finish the work to day.

41 - I like roller skating and so does my brother.

42 - How much do these rackets cost?

43 - There are thirty classroom in my school.

44 - My brother is interested in literature.

45 - Nam prefers staying at home to going to the zoo.

46 - How about visiting the beautiful Khmer temples of Angkor Wat this summer?

47 - I prefer listening to music at home to going to the concert.

48 - The heavy rain prevented us from enjoying the trip.

49 - You'd better not eat too many candies.

50 - He drivers more slowly and more carefully than I do.

51 - The visitor spoke too quickly for me to understand.

52 - Jane wasn't used to driving on the left.

53 - Why don't we eat out tonight?

54 - Lan can't swim as well as Han can.

55 - Can she look after herself when her mother is away?

56 - What about visiting the museum this afternoon?

57 - Could you tell me how to get to the station?

58 - We got to HCM city by train.

59 - You won’t have to go to the meeting next week.

60 - How long did the flight from Ha Noi to Jakarta take?

61 - John is a good cook.

62 - Minh is usually hard-working.

63 - My brother is better at Math than I am.

64 - It will be impossible to come on Saturday.

65 - Their father took a taxi to London last Monday.

66 - When was you born?

67 - Don't forget to do your homework!

68 - Nam and Quang are the same age.

69 - It is very good to learn English.

70 - We go to school by bike every morning.

71 - What is the length of this river?

72 - We don't live near our school.

73 - She went to France by plane last year.

74 - He can speak English to his teacher.

75 - Don't forget to lock the door before you leave.

75. Be sure to lock the door before you leave.

76 - Let's go to the zoo!

77 - It is very necessary to study English.

78 - What a lovely dinner!

79 - It's our duty to keep our school clean, green and attractive.

80 - It takes him one hour to get to work.

81 - You'd better not eat too much meat.

82 - What is your grandpa's age?

83 - Lan received a bike for her birthday from her parents.

84 - I took care of my mother when she was ill.

85 - I prefer listening to music to going to the concert.

86 - The heavy rain prevented us from enjoying the trip.

87 - You'd better eat too much candies.

88 - He drives more slowly and more carefully than I do.

89 - The visitors spoke too quickly for me to understand what he said.

90 - Mr. Hoang spent half an hour walking to work yesterday.

91 - How much is this cap?

92 - You'd better not eat too much meat.

93 - Lan has two elder sisters.

94 - Our house is the oldest house in the living centre.

95 - Mai is usually a hard-working person.

Hiện tại chưa cập nhật được đáp án, mời bạn đọc tải trọn bộ nội dung tài liệu tại: 110 câu bài tập viết lại Tiếng Anh lớp 6. Ngoài ra, đã đăng tải rất nhiều tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 khác nhau nhau. Mời thầy cô, quý phụ huynh và các em học sinh tham khảo, download.

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