Giao diện mới của VnDoc Pro: Dễ sử dụng hơn - chỉ tập trung vào lớp bạn quan tâm. Vui lòng chọn lớp mà bạn quan tâm: Lưu và trải nghiệm

Bài tập thì quá khứ đơn trong tiếng Anh có đáp án

Bài tập thì quá khứ đơn có đáp án xin gửi đến các bạn Bài tập thì quá khứ đơn trong tiếng Anh có đáp án do sưu tầm và đăng tải nhằm bổ sung vào nguồn vốn ôn tập của các bạn, chuẩn bị tốt nhất cho việc học tiếng Anh cũng như những bài kiểm tra và bài thi quan trọng. Sau đây mời các bạn vào tham khảo.

I. Put the verbs into the correct form. (Điền dạng đúng của động từ)

1. Mozart (write) _________ more than 60 pieces of music.

2. "How did you learn to drive?"

- My father (teach) _________ me.

3. We couldn't afford to keep our car, so we (sell) _______ it.

4. I was very thirsty. I (drink) _______ the water very quickly.

5. Paul and I played tennis yesterday. He (win) ______ me.

6. Daniel (fall) ________ down the stair this morning and (hurt) ______ his leg.

7. Jim (throw) _______ the ball to Kate.

8. Jen (spend) _______ a lot of money yesterday. She (buy) ________ a dress which (cost) _____ $100.

9. I (be) ______ very tired, so I (go) _______ to bed early.

10. The window was open and a bird (fly) _______ into the room.

II. Complete the sentences. Put the verbs into negative form. (Hoàn thành những câu dưới đây với động từ dạng phủ định)

1. The film wasn't very good, I didn't/ did not enjoy it so much. (enjoy)

2. I knew Sarah was busy, so I ______________ her. (disturb)

3. The bed was uncomfortable. I _____________ well. (sleep)

4. They weren't hungry, so they ___________ anything. (eat)

5. We went to Kate's house but she ________ at home. (be)

6. The hotel wasn't so expensive. It ____________ very much. (cost)

7. I was in a hurry, so I ___________ time to phone you. (have)

III. Read what Rosy says about a typical working day. Then write what she did or didn't do.

(Đọc đoạn văn Rosy kể về 1 ngày làm việc bình thường của cô ấy. Sau đó viết lại những việc cô ấy đã làm và không làm)

"I usually get up at 7 o'clock and have a big breakfast. I walk to work. It takes me about 30 minutes. I start work at 8.45. I never have lunch. I finish work at 5 o'clock. I'm always tired when I get home. I usually cook a meal in the evening. I don't usually go out. I go to bed at about 11 o'clock. I always sleep well."

Yesterday was a typical day for Rosy.

1. She got up at 7 o'clock. 7. She ______ work at 5 o'clock.

2. She ______ a big breakfast. 8. She _____ tired when she ______ home.

3. She _______ to work. 9. She ______ a meal in yesterday evening.

4. It ______ about 30 minutes to get to work. 10. She ________ out.

5. She __________ to work at 8.45. 11. She _______ to bed at 11.

6. She _________ lunch. 12. She _______ well last night.

IV.A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.

(Một người bạn của bạn mới đi nghỉ lễ về. Hãy đặt câu hỏi theo gợi ý dưới đây để hỏi anh ta về chuyến đi đó.)

1.(Where/ go?) --> Where did you go?

2. (go alone?) --> ________________________________

3. (food/ good?) --> ________________________________

4. (How long/ stay there?) --> ________________________________

5. (stay/ at a hotel?) --> ________________________________

6. (How/ travel?) --> ________________________________

7. (the weather/ fine?) --> ________________________________

8. (What/ do in the evening?) --> ________________________________

9. (meet anybody interesting?) --> ________________________________

Đáp án bài tập thì quá khứ đơn

1. wrote 5. won

2. taught 6. fell - hurt

3. sold 7. threw

4. drank 8. spent - bought - cost


2.did not disturb/ didn't disturb

3. did not sleep/ didn't sleep

4. did not eat/ didn't eat

5. was not/ wasn't

6. did not cost/ didn't cost

7. did not have/ didn't have


2. had 8. finished

3. walked 9. was - got

4. took 10. cooked

5. started 11. did not go/ didn't go

6. did not have/ didn't have 12. went

7. slept


2. Did you go alone?

3. Was the food good?

4. How long did you stay there?

5. Did you stay at a hotel?

6. How did you travel?

7. Was the weather fine?

8. What did you do in the evening?

9. Did you meet anybody interesting?

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