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Bài tập tiếng Anh 11 unit 12 The Asian Games có đáp án

Bài tập Unit 12 lớp 11 The Asians Games có đáp án

Nằm trong bộ đề ôn tập tiếng Anh lớp 11 theo từng Unit, trắc nghiệm Unit 12 lớp 11 The Asian Games có đáp án dưới đây do sưu tầm và đăng tải. Đề kiểm tra tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 12 có đáp án tổng hợp nhiều hình thức trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh lớp 11 khác nhau giúp các em học sinh lớp 11 nâng cao kỹ năng làm bài thi hiệu quả.

Lưu ý: Nếu không tìm thấy nút Tải về bài viết này, bạn vui lòng kéo xuống cuối bài viết để tải về.

I. Multiple Choice.

1. It's cheaper if you book the tickets.......advance.

A. at

B. in

C. by

D. for

2. Please accept this gift in.......of all you've done for us.

A. behalf

B. all

C. respect

D. appreciation

3. The company has laid off 150 workers in save money.

A. effort

B. efforts

C. affect

D. affection

4. I didn't really feel like going out, but I am glad I......the effort.

A. did

B. made

C. tried

D. acted

5. Workers give money to charity to show their.........with the strikers.

A. share

B. combination

C. solidarity

D. strength

6. ~ ‘Who's suitable for the scholarship?' ~ 'Anyone........scholastic record is above average can apply for the scholarship.'

A. who has a

B. has

C. who's a

D. whose

7. Dr. Slats is a person.......

A. in whom I don't have much confidence

B. in that I don't have much confidence

C. whom I don't have much confidence in him

D. I don't have much confidence

8. 'Is April twenty-first the day.......?' ~ 'No, the twenty-second.'

A. you'll arrive then

B. on that you'll arrive

C. when you'll arrive

D. when you'll arrive on

9. The severe drought........occurred last summer ruined the corn crop.

A. that it

B. which it

C. it

D. that

10. Florida, ........the Sunshine State, attracts many tourists every year.

A. is

B. known as

C. is known as

D. that is known as

11. Laura's marriage has been arranged by her family. She marrying a man

A. that she hardly knows him

B. who she hardly knows him

C. she hardly knows

D. she hardly knows him

12. People who exercise frequently have greater physical endurance than those

A. who doesn't

B. which don't

C. that doesn't

D. who don't

13. 'Is this the address, want the package sent?' ~ 'Yes.'

A. where

B. that

C. which

D. whom

14. Ann lost her job at the advertising agency,........surprised everyone.

A. which

B. that

C. who

D. that is

15. That book is by a famous anthropologist. It's about the people in Samoa for two years.

A. that she lived

B. that she lived among them

C. among whom she/ lived

D. where she lived among them

16. The publishers expect that the new biography of Simon Bolivar will be bough» by Latin American history.

A. who they are interested

B. are interested

C. interested

D. they are interested

17. I have always wanted to visit Paris.........of France.

A. is the capital

B. which the capital is

C. that is the capital

D. the capital

18. The chemistry book.........was a little expensive.

A. that I bought it

B. I bought that

C. what I bought

D. I bought

19. 'Have you ever met the man........over there?' 'No. Who is he?'

A. stands

B. standing

C. who he is standing

D. is standing

20. "Do you remember Mrs. Goddard, ..........taught us English composition?' ~ 'I certainly do.'

A. who

B. whom

C. that

D. which

21. I have three brothers,..........are businessmen.

A. that all of them

B. who they all

C. all of whom

D. who all of them

22. 'Were you able to locate the person..........wallet you found?' 'Luckily, yes.'

A. which

B. that his

C. whose

D. that's

23. 'You seem so happy today.' ~ I am. You are looking for a person........has just accepted into medical college.'

A. who

B. who she

C. whom she

D. whom

24. 'The movie..........last night was terrible.' 'What's it about?'

A. I went

B. I went to it

C. I went to

D. that I went

25. Many people lost their homes in the storm. The government needs to establish more shelters to care for those..........have homes.

A. who doesn't

B. which doesn't

C. who don't

D. which don't

26. The problem..........never occurred.

A. I had expected it

B. who I had expected

C. that I had expected it

D. I had expected

27. I had to drive to the factory to pick up my wouldn't start.

A. who his

B. who

C. who's

D. whose

28. I read a book about Picasso,.........

A. is a Spanish painter

B. who a Spanish painter is

C. a Spanish painter

D. that is a Spanish painter

29. 'My writing has improved a lot in this class.' 'Mine has, too. All the well in writing.'

A. whom Mr. Davis teaches them

B. which Mr. Davis teaches

C. that Mr. Davis teaches them

D. Mr. Davis teaches

30. 'Excuse me, but there is something about........immediately.' ~ 'Certainly.'

A. which I must speak to you

B. which I must speak to you about it

C. that I must speak to you about

D. that I must speak to you

II. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. One example has been done for you.

0. A. Boil plenty of salty water, and add the spaghetti.

B. I'll boil the kettle and make some tea.

C. She put some potatoes on to boil.

1. A. Our knowledge of the disease has...........(-ed) considerably over recent years.

B. This research hus done much to........our understanding of language learning.

C. They worked together to........the cause of democracy.

2. A. Thanks for coming.

B. 1 if you paid in cash.

C. You can't really............. foreign literature in translation.

3. A. He's a talented............who competes nationally and internationally.

B. She has already distinguished herself as an.............

C. The............failed a dope test, he used some illegal drugs.

4. A. The club most nights.

B. A............recording was made at Wembley Arena.

C. It was the first interview I'd done in front of a..........audience.

5. A. There were plans to....... a stretch of the river.

B. Their friendships soon.......into love.

C. It is such an opportunity for students to.......their understanding of different cultures.

6. A. You should put more........into your work.

B. A lot of.......has gone into making this event a success.

C. It's a long climb to the top, but well worth the........

7. A. They were all.......round the TV.

B. A large crowd was........outside the studio.

C. The kids were........together in one room.

8. A. Venice is a beautiful city full of.......and history.

B. The children are taught to respect their own........

C. Immigrants have contributed to many ways.

9. A. The plane........safely.

B. A fly.......on his nose.

C. The pilot.......the plane safely.

10. A. The plan will be submitted for.......approval.

B. He made an........visit to Tokyo in March.

C. Have you ever been to Argentina? The country's........language is Spanish.

11. A. This tool can be used in a.......of ways.

B. I was impressed by the.......of dishes on offer.

C. We all our diet.

12. A. Some sports events were.......(-ed) by the tobacco industry.

B. Will for a charity walk I'm doing?

C. She found a company to.......her through college.

III. Supply the correct form of the word in bold.

1. There were only thr°e of us on the........course. (advance)

2. She shows little.................of good music. (appreciate)

3. A reporter should know methods of information........ (gather)

4. The orchestra is very important for of the city. (culture)

5. Demonstrations were held as a gesture of..............with the hunger strikers. (solid)

6. The club provides a.........of activities including swimming, tennis, and squash. (vary)

7. She took the job for...........reasons. (vary)

8. He has been.........described as a hero, a genius and a bully. (vary)

9. A back injury prevented any sports for a while. (participate)

10. The Lake District offers.......attractive areas in England. (scene)

IV. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.

1. It was very to help me with that difficult work.

2. You were very when 1 asked you for some help.

3. I wish Carl would take a holiday. It would be good.......his health.

4. Fred said the weather was perfect....... taking colour photographs.

5. You'll find that this tool is very useful.......many different things.

6. That new product will be year.

7. Arthur is quite accustomed.......receiving criticism.

8. John was so tired........hard work that he could move.

9. The clerk said she was tired.......hearing complaints day after day.

10. My English teacher said he was quite satisfied......... my class work.

V. Fill in each gap with only one suitable word.

1. His boss asked him.......he had not finished the job yet.

2. Do you know.......he is travelling, by train or by car?

3. The boy did not know........he was supposed to do.

4. She did not say.......she would come.

5........shall I leave the letters if you are not at home?

6. I.......I were a cosmonaut.

7. be maps on the walls. I don't see any now.

8. He was prevented.......finishing his work by his illness.

9. He must help.......poor.

10. You missed the train because you didn't get up........

VI. Fill in each gap with a word from the list below.

official multicultural gymnasium live variety advance

gather body-building effort appreciation athletics

1. Galileo's ideas were well in........of the age in which he lived.

2. I had no........of the problems they faced.

3. Students should be involved in all forms of college.........

4. Arnold Schwarzenegger and other Hollywood actors inspired people to take up

5. The show is going out

6. I’m afraid this essay is a poor........ Can you all........round? I've got something to tell you.

7. The school has recently built a new........

8. We live in a...........society.

9. He used to be a the US State Department.

10. We want our work.

Xem đáp án

1. advance 2. appreciation 3. athletics 4. body-building 5. live 6. effort

7. gather 8. gymnasium 9. multicultural 10 . official 11. variety

VII. Combine the following sentences, using the relative pronoun which.

1. The bus was full. It was late.

2. The house was too expensive. We wanted to buy it.

3. Have you read the book? I gave it to you.

4. They didn't find the money. You said you had left it.

5. They didn't get the job. I applied for the job.

6. I liked the dress. She was wearing it.

7. The stories are usually funny. Tom tells them the stories.

8. The fish was really delicious. We had it for dinner.

9. I didn't like the stories. They have unhappy endings.

10. The window has now been repaired. It was broken.

Xem đáp án

1. The bus which was late was full.

2. The house which we wanted to buy was too expensive.

3. Have you read the book which I gave to you?

4. They didn't find the money which you said you had left.

5. They didn't get the job which I applied for.

6. I liked the dress.which she was wearing.

7. The stories which Tom tells them are usually funny.

8. The fish which we had for dinner was really delicious.

9. I didn't like the stories which have unhappy endings.

10. The window which was broken has now been repaired.

VIII. Combine each sentence in A with a corresponding one in B by using a suitable relative pronoun to make complete sentences.


I went to see her flat.

You should buy the books.

This is the factory.

I'd like to buy the house.

I have to study mathematics.


It is with a garden.

She lived in it when she was a student.

They make shoes for export in the factory.

I do not enjoy it.

They are about the history of the English language.

Xem đáp án

1. The bus which was late was full.

2. The house which we wanted to buy was too expensive.

3. Have you read the book which I gave to you?

4. They didn't find the money which you said you had left.

5. They didn't get the job which I applied for.

6. I liked the dress.which she was wearing.

7. The stories which Tom tells them are usually funny.

8. The fish which we had for dinner was really delicious.

9. I didn't like the stories which have unhappy endings.

10. The window which was broken has now been repaired.



1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. B

11. C 12. D 13. D 14. A 15. C 16. C 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. A

21. C 22. C 23. A 24. C 25. C 26. D 27. D 28. C 29. D 30. A


1. advanced 2. appreciate 3. athlete 4. live 5. deepen 6. effort

7. gathered 8. culture 9. landed 10 . official 11. variety 12. sponsor


1. advanced 2. appreciation 3. gathering 4. cultural 5. solidarity 6. variety

7. various 8. variously 9. Participation 10. scenically


1. of 2. to 3. For 4. for 5. For 6. for 7. to 8. from 9. of 10. with


1. if/ whether 2. how 3. what 4. when 5. Where 6. wish 7. used 8. from 9. the 10. early


1. advance 2. appreciation 3. athletics 4. body-building 5. live 6. effort

7. gather 8. gymnasium 9. multicultural 10 . official 11. variety

Trên đây là Bài tập tiếng Anh 11 unit 12 The Asian Games có đáp án. Mời thầy cô tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh lớp 11 cả năm khác như: Để học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 11, Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 11 theo từng Unit trực tuyến, Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 11, Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 11,... được cập nhật liên tục trên

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