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Trần Trọng Giang Tiếng Anh

Talk about how you save energy at home

giúp mik với

3 Câu trả lời
  • Tiểu Thái Giám
    Tiểu Thái Giám

    We use a lot of energy at home and it costs us a lot. To save energy, we should use electricity, water and gas economically. For example, we should turn of the lights and air conditioners when we go out. Next, we should use electrical equipment which are energy-saving. Using lights and fans that have low capacity, or using equipment which reserve electricity. Not only do these help us to save money but also they work effectively. In short, we need to save energy so that energy isn't run out and continues to serve human's life.

    Trả lời hay
    2 Trả lời 03/05/23
    • Friv ッ
      Friv ッ

      We use a lot of energy at home and it costs us a lot. To save energy, we should use energy saving light bulbs in our house. It will help us to reduce our electricity bill. Next, we should use electricity more efficiently. We should turn the light, the television and other electrical appliances off when we are not using them. Finally, we should reduce the use of water. Taking showers instead of baths is a good way. Besides, we should turn off the tap when brushing our teeth; this can save 6 liters of water per minute. In conclusion, those ways can save our lives in the future so we should raise our awareness of saving energy.

      Trả lời hay
      1 Trả lời 02/05/23
      • Lanh chanh

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