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Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 10 Nature in danger có đáp án

Bài tập Unit 10 lớp 11 Nature In Danger có đáp án

Với mong muốn giúp các em học sinh học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 11, đã đăng tải rất nhiều tài liệu lý thuyết & bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 theo từng Unit khác nhau. Đề ôn tập Tiếng Anh Unit 10: Nature In Danger có đáp án gồm nhiều dạng bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 11 khác nhau giúp học sinh lớp 11 nâng cao kỹ năng làm bài thi hiệu quả.

Đề kiểm tra tiếng Anh 11 Unit 10 Nature in danger có đáp án được biên tập bám sát nội dung SGK tiếng Anh lớp 11 chương trình cũ giúp các em học sinh lớp 11 củng cố kiến thức Từ vựng - Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh Unit 10 lớp 11 Nature In Danger hiệu quả., hy vọng rằng đây sẽ là nguồn tài liệu ôn tập tiếng Anh hiệu quả dành cho các em học sinh lớp 11.

* Xem thêm bộ đề trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh 10 lớp 11: Tổng hợp bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 10: Nature in Danger có đáp án

I. Circle the word with the underlined letter(s) pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. A. chemicalB. dischargeC. changeD. feature
2. A. natureB. nationC. suggestionD. situation
3. A. scatterB. pandaC. captureD. devastate
4. A. dangerB. villageC. tigerD. origin
5. A. supplyB. dirtyC. energyD. happy
6. A. swallowB. switchC. sweetD. sword
7. A. wildB. prohibitC. environmentD. survive
8. A. dangerB. raceC. dischargeD. maintenance
9. A. supplyB. surviveC. industryD. agriculture
10. A. scenicB. extinctC. decreaseD. coexist

II. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in the list.

endanger; scatter; coexist ; pollute; devastate;

discharge; prohibit; survive; protect; capture;

1. Many birds didn't...... the severe winter.

2. Animals shouldn't be...... for recreation arid entertainment.

3. The health of our children are being...... by exhaust fumes.

4. The factory was fined for...... chemicals into the river.

5. The explosion...... a flock of birds roosting in the trees.

6. Laws have been introduced to...... killing endangered animals.

7. The air in the city is heavily...... with traffic fumes.

8. The government should do more to...... the environment.

9. It is possible for local wildlife to...... with industry.

10. Western India was...... by a huge earthquake.

III. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentences.

1. The panda's...... habitat is the bamboo forest.

A. nature

B. natural

C. naturalized

D. naturally

2. Learners can feel very...... if an exercise is too difficult.

A. courageous

B. encouraging

C. discouraged

D. discouragingly

3. The...... friendly products are designed not to harm the natural environment.

A. environment

B. environmental

C. environmentally

D. environmentalism

4. The waste from the chemical factory is extremely.......

A. harm

B. harmful

C. unharmed

D. harmless

5. People are destroying the air by adding...... to it.

A. pollutants

B. polluters

C. pollution

D. polluted

6. 14 per cent of primate species are highly.......

A. danger

B. dangerous

C. endanger

D. endangered

7. The...... of old buildings should be taken into consideration.

A. preserve

B. preservation

C. preservative

D. preserves

8. You have to be aware of the damage humans are doing to quicken the...... of wildlife.

A. extinct

B. extinctive

C. extinctions

D. extinction

9. Animal...... supporters gathered to protest' against hunting.

A. protect

B. protection

C. protective

D. protectionist

10. The main threat to the...... of these creatures comes from their loss of habitat.

A. survive

B. survivor

C. survival

D. survivable

IV. Join the sentence halves using which or whom after an appropriate preposition.

the furniture is to be delivered.; you should be aware.;

I had great respect.; I look up.;

most world trade was conducted.; the printer was supplied.;

she was divorced in 1995; it was named.;

we went on holiday. ; it was primarily written.;

1. My English teacher, Mrs. Brookes, was someone...............

2. Until 1914 the pound sterling was the currency.............

3. They have changed the date.........

4. Pasteurisation was discovered by the French chemist Louis Pasteur,........

5. There are a number of safety procedures.....................

6. Details are in the instruction manual.........................

7. Ms. Peters was left the money by her former husband...........

8. She is one of the few people...............................

9. This is a photograph of our friends...........................

10. The book is enjoyed by adults as well as children.............

V. Combine the, following pairs or groups of sentences by means of relative pronouns, making any changes necessary.

1. Her many friends gave her encouragement. I like to be considered among them.

Her many friends.......................................

2. Her father died last year. She looked after him for over twenty years.

Her father.............................................

3. The bed has no mattress. I sleep on this bed.

The bed...............................................

4. There wasn't any directory in the telephone box. I was phoning from this box.

There wasn't...........................................

5. I was sitting on a chair. It suddenly collapsed.

The chair..............................................

6. Mr Smith said he was too busy to speak to me. I had come specially to see him.

Mr Smith...............................................

7. I saw several houses. Most of them were quite unsuitable.


8. Graham took us to his office. It was filled with books.

The office...............................................

9. Mr Marks is unhappy about the plans for the new dam. The stream flows across his farm.

Mr Marks...............................................

10. They picked up five boat-loads of refugees. Some of them had been at sea for several months.


11. Tom came to the party in patched jeans. This surprised the other guests. Most of the other guests were wearing evening dress.


12. The people didn't know French. He was speaking to these people.

The people...............................................

13. Mr Jones was very generous about overtime payments. I was working for him.

Mr Jones................................................

14. The Roman coins are now on display in the National Museum. A local farmer came across them in a field.

The Roman coins..........................................

15. Professor Johnson is to visit the University next week. I have long looked up to him

Professor Johnson.........................................

VI. Suggest corrections or improvements to these sentences or write () if they are already correct.

1. The playground wasn't used by the children for who it was built.

2. The house into which the thieves broke is owned by Peter Brown.

3. The building from that Mr Marcus emerged was little more than a ruin.

4. The party, to which I've been looking forward all week, is at Mary's house.

5. The water that she fell into was freezing cold.

6. The college is home to 30 students from Nepal, almost all of who are studying economics.

7. I have heard her on the violin and clarinet, both which she plays extremely well.

8. It was the perfect tree under that to sit on a hot, sunny day.

9. The film was made at Tulloch Castle, part of it dates back to 1466.

10. A huge amount of oil was spilled, the effects of which are still being felt.

VII. Complete each of the sentences with an appropriate preposition.

1. A number of rare animals are now in danger...... extinction.

2. If people's interference...... the environment decreases, more species will survive and produce off-spring.

3. The government should do more to protect rare animals...... being extinct.

4. She believes there is life...... other planets.

5. The EU has imposed a ban...... the import of seal skins.

6. People are destroying the air by adding pollutants...... it.

7. Human beings are responsible...... the changes in the environment.

8. They are changing weather conditions by cutting...... trees in the forests.

9. National parks should be set...... to save animals and plants.

10. Raw sewage was discharged ...... the treatment plant directly...... the river.

VIII. Write a passage about the tropical rainforest, using the cues given.

The tropical rainforests/ a delight/ people/ love nature. The forests/ beautiful woodlands/ receive/ plenty of rain.

Nowadays/ tropical rainforests/ danger/ extinction. Each year/ millions of acres/ rainforests/ clear/ make way/ population growth/ agriculture. This/ result/ the destruction/ millions of plants. This destruction/ cause/ some types of animals/ lose/ their natural habitat. Because/ this/ many species/ plants/ animals/ become/ extinct.

It/ important/ us/ save/ the tropical rainforests. Once/ tropical rainforest/ destroy/ it/ take/ hundreds of years/ before/ the forest/ re-establish.

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Nowadays, tropical rainforests are in danger of extinction. Each year millions of acres of rainforests are cleared to make way for population growth and agriculture. This results in the destruction of millions of plants. In turn, this destruction causes some types of animals to lose their natural habitat. Because of this, many species of plants and animals are becoming extinct.

It is important for us to save the tropical rainforests. Once a tropical rainforest is destroyed, it will take hundreds of years before the forest can be re-established.

IX. Read the text carefully then choose the correct answers.

Since the world became industrialized, the number of animal species that have either become extinct or have neared extinction has increaseD. Bengal tigers, for instance, which 'once roamed the jungles in vast numbers, now number only about 2,300. By the year 2025, it is estimated that they will become extinct.

What is alarming about the case of the Bengal tiger is that this extinction will have been caused almost entirely by poachers who, according to some sources, are not always interested in material gain but in personal gratification. This is an example of the callousness that is contributing to the problem of extinction. Animals such as the Bengal tiger, as well as other endangered species, are valuable parts of the world's ecosystem. International laws protecting these animals must be enacted to ensure their survival - and the survival of our planet.

Countries around the world have begun to deal with the problem in various ways. Some countries, in an effort to circumvent the problem, have allocated large amounts of land to animal reserves. They then charge admission prices to help defray the costs of maintaining the parks, and they often must also depend on world organizations for support. This money enables them to invest in equipment and patrols to protect the animals. Another response to the increase in animal extinction is an international boycott of products made from endangered species. This has' had some effect, but by itself It will not prevent animals from being hunted and killed.

1.What is the main topic of the passage?

A. The Bengal tiger B. International boycotts

C. Endangered species D. Problems with industrialization

2. The word 'poachers' used in line 7 could be best replaced by which of the followings?

A. Illegal hunters B. Enterprising researchers.

C. Concerned scientists D. Trained hunters

3. What is an act of cruelty according to the passage?

A. Having interest in material gain.

B. Hunting endangered animals.

C. Killing animals for personal satisfaction.

D. Causing the problem of extinction. .

4. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as a way to protect animals from extinction?

A. Introduce laws to prohibit the killing of endangered animals.

B. Establish wildlife reserves.

C. Refuse to buy animal products.

D. Raise money to invest in equipment and patrol.

5. Which of the following best describes the author's attitude?

A. Forgiving

B. Surprised

C. Vindictive

D. Concerned

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1. C

2. A

3. C

4. D

5. D

X. Choose the correct answers to fill in the blanks

Every year millions of tons of oil are spilled into the ocean. (1) ___________ this only a small percentage of the total amount shipped around the world each year, this spilled oil can have terrible effects (2) ___________ ocean life, including the coastlines (3) ___________ the oil washes up onto shore. Some of the largest spills in history have been (4) ___________ by oil tankers ramming into each other or by an oil tanker running aground in shallow water. After these spills, officials try to discover who or what was at fault to help (5) ___________ similiar accidents in the future.

The most oil (6) ___________ spilled was acutally released (7) ___________ purpose as part of the Iraqi war plan during the Gulf War in 1991. Alomost a million tons of oil were released into the Persian Gulf. This oil covered 1,500 square kilometers of water in the Persian Gulf, and also damaged 650 kilometers of the coastlines of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. In some places, oil (8) ___________ on the water was measured to be 43 centimeters thick. Water birds, water plants, and fish were all (9) ___________ harmed by the oil. The long-tern (10) ___________ of this act on the food chain in the area are likely to cause problems far into the future.

1. A. When

B. If

C. Although

D. Because

2. A. by

B. with

C. to

D. on

3. A. that

B. which

C. where

D. when

4. A. created

B. caused

C. built

D. set

5. A. released

B. prevent

C. preserve

D. protect

6. A. even

B. still

C. already

D. ever

7. A. by

B. in

C. on

D. with

8. A. floating

B. flowing

C. sinking

D. blowing

9. A. strictly

B. seriously

C. greatly

D. largely

10. A. influences

B. attacks

C. damages

D. effects

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1. C

2. D

3. C

4. B

5. B

6. D

7. C

8. A

9. B

10. D

XI. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets

1. About 100 athletes were (final) ___________ to compete in Athens.

2. The swimmer did some (warm) ___________ before the competition.

3. Thousands of (compete) ___________ participated in the race.

4. Right after the (kick) ___________, the home team scored their very first goal.

5. The (shut) ___________ at the airport lasted for half a week.

6. (Prohibit) ___________ of wild animal hunting is quite necessary.

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1. About 100 athletes were (final) _____finalized______ to compete in Athens.

2. The swimmer did some (warm) ____warm-up_______ before the competition.

3. Thousands of (compete) _____competitors______ participated in the race.

4. Right after the (kick) ___kickoff________, the home team scored their very first goal.

5. The (shut) _____shutdown______ at the airport lasted for half a week.

6. (Prohibit) ____Prohibition_______ of wild animal hunting is quite necessary.

Đáp án Bài tập tiếng Anh Unit 10 lớp 11 Nature in Danger

I. Circle the word with the underlined letter(s) pronounced differently from that of the others.

1 - A. chemical; 2 - B. nation; 3 - D. devastate; 4 - C. tiger; 5 - A. supply;

6 - D. sword; 7 - B. prohibit; 8 - C. discharge; 9 - D. agriculture; 10 - A. scenic;

II. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in the list.

1 - survive; 2 - captured; 3 - endangered; 4 - discharging; 5 - scattered;

6 - prohibit; 7 - polluted; 8 - protect; 9 - coexist ;10 - devastated;

III. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentences.

1 - b. natural; 2 - c. discouraged; 3 - c. environmentally; 4 - b. harmful; 5 - a. pollutants;

6 - d. endangered; 7 - b. preservation; 8 - d. extinction; 9 - B. protection; 10 - C. survival ;

IV. Join the sentence halves using which or whom after an appropriate preposition.

1 - for whom I had great respect.

2 - in/ with which most world trade was conducted

3 - on/ by which the furniture is to be delivered.

4 - after whom it was named

5 - of which you should be aware

6 - with which the printer was supplied.

7 - from whom she was divorced in 1995.

8 - to whom I look up.

9 - with whom we went on holiday

10 - for whom it was primarily written

V. Combine the, following pairs or groups of sentences by means of relative pronouns, making any changes necessary.

1 - Her many friends, among whom I like to be considered, gave her encouragement.

2 - Her father, who she looked after for over twenty years, died last year.

3 - The bed (which/that) I sleep on has no mattress./ The bed on which I sleep has no mattress.

4 - There wasn't any directory in the telephone box, (which/that) I was phoning from.

5 - The chair (which/that) I was sitting on suddenly collapsed./ The chair on which I was sitting suddenly collapsed.

6 - Mr Smith, whom I had come specially to see, was too busy to speak to me.

7 - I saw several houses, most of which were quite unsuitable.

8 - The office (that/which) Graham took us to was filled with books.

9 - Mr Marks, whose farm the stream flows across, is unhappy about the plans for the new dam./

Mr Marks, across whose farm the stream flows, is unhappy about the plans for the new dam./

10 - They picked up five boat-loads of refugees, some of which had been at sea for several months.

11 - Tom came to the party in patched jeans, which surprised the other guests, most of whom were wearing evening dress.

12 - The people (who(m)/ that) he was speaking to didn't know French./

The people to whom he was speaking didn't know French.

13 - Mr Jones, who(m) I was working for, was very generous about overtime payments./

Mr Jones, for whom I was working, was very generous ...

14 - The Roman coins, which a local farmer came across in a field, are now on display in the National Museum.

15 - Professor Johnson, who(m) I have long looked up to, is to visit the University next week.!

Professor Johnson, to whom I have long looked up, is to visit the University next week

VI. Suggest corrections or improvements to these sentences or write () if they are already correct.

1. who → whom

2. into which the thieves broke → which the thieves broke into

3. that → which

4. to which → which I’ve been looking forward to

5. True

6. who → whom

7. both which → both of which

8. that → which

9. it → which

10. True

VII. Complete each of the sentences with an appropriate preposition.

1 - of; 2 - in; 3 - from; 4 - on; 5 - on;

6 - to; 7 - for; 8-  down; 9-  up; 10 - from - into;

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Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 10: Nature in Danger có đáp án

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