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Topic: Talk about global warming

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3 Câu trả lời
  • Nhân Mã
    Nhân Mã

    Topic 3 - B

    Nowsadays, one of the most worrying threat people have faced is global warming. This essay will discuss the main reasons of this issue and then describe the possible effects of the problems

    Two main reasons leading to global warming are “natural” and “human” influences. One main natural cause of global warming is greenshouse gases which are carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide. It traps the solar rays and prevent them from escaping the surface of the earth, which makes the temperature of the earth increased. For human influences, it is contributing more than natural causes of global warming. Human activities including industrial production, burning fossil fuels, mining of minerals release carbon dioxide and monoxide from the exhaust. This causes an increase in the temperature of Earth’s atmosphere. Deforestation is a human influence because they have been cutting down lots of tree to produce paper, wood, build houses and more.

    Global warming causing on earth is greatly serious. Due to the increasing temperature, polar ice caps have been melted, which leads to an increase in sea level drowning coastlines and slowly submerging contients. Moreover, various species will be extincted.

    To sum up, global warming is a serious issue, both goverments and individuals can take to reduce its effects.

    0 Trả lời 18/04/23
    • Gà Bông
      Gà Bông

      Topic 2: Bạn tham khảo dạng viết thư về City of the future tại

      0 Trả lời 18/04/23
      • Hằng Nguyễn
        Hằng Nguyễn

        Topic 3:

        Global warming is one of the biggest issues facing humans nowadays, caused mainly by humans. It has most catastrophic effects on humans and humans have to take action to reduce the risks. In this essay, we will discuss the causes and effects of global warming and give some possible solutions.

        Global warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth.

        Global warming has serious consequences. It leads to heat-related illnesses and death, and spread of infectious diseases. It also results in melting of polar ice caps and rising of sea levels. Extreme weather patterns such as severe storms, heat waves, flood and droughts are obvious consequences of global warming. Moreover global warming might cause the widespread extinction of species.

        Every one of us can help to protect and sustain our environment by changing our consumption habits such as reducing energy use, using green methods of transport and planting trees.

        In brief, global warming is a serious problem that has a lot of consequences and effects on humans' lives. To solve this, people have to take action by changing our consumption habits and protect our environment.

        0 Trả lời 18/04/23

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