Giao diện mới của VnDoc Pro: Dễ sử dụng hơn - chỉ tập trung vào lớp bạn quan tâm. Vui lòng chọn lớp mà bạn quan tâm: Lưu và trải nghiệm

Bài tập phân biệt Thì hiện tại hoàn thành và Thì quá khứ đơn có đáp án (II)

Bài tập phân biệt Thì hiện tại hoàn thành và Thì quá khứ đơn xin giới thiệu đến các bạn Bài tập phân biệt Thì hiện tại hoàn thành và Thì quá khứ đơn có đáp án (II) do sưu tầm và đăng tải dưới đây sẽ là nguồn tài liệu hữu ích giúp các bạn ôn tập và củng cố hai Thì quan trọng này. Bài tập có đáp án đi kèm giúp các bạn dễ dàng đối chiếu. Sau đây mời các bạn vào tham khảo.

Bài 1:

Are you underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.

1. I've lost my key. I can't find it anywhere. Ok

2. Have you eaten a lot of sweets when you were a child? Did you eat

3. I've bought a new car. You must come and see it. ...........

4. I've bought a new car last week. ...........

5. When have you been yesterday evening? ...........

6. Lucky has left school in 1999. ...........

7. I'm looking for Mike. Have you seen him? ...........

8. Have you been to Paris? "Yes, many times" ...........

9. I'm very hungry. I haven't eaten much today. ...........

10. When has this book been published. ...........

Đáp án

3. OK

4. I bought

5. Where were you

6. Lucy left school

7. OK

8. OK

9. OK

10. When was this book published?

Bài 2:

Make sentences from the words in brackets. Use the present perfect or past simple.

1. (it/ not/ rain/ this week) It hasn't rained this week.

2. (the weather/ be/ cold/ recently) The weather ..........

3. (it/ cold/ last week) It ..........

4. (I/ not/ read/ a newspaper yesterday) I ..........

5. (I/ not/ read/ a newspaper today) I ..........

6. (Emily/ earn/ a lot of money/ this year) .............

7. (she/ not/ earn/ so much/ last year) .............

8. (you/ have/ a holiday recently?) .............

Đáp án

2. The weather has been cold recently.

3. It was cold last week.

4. I didn't read a newspaper yesterday.

5. I haven't read a nespaper today.

6. Emily has earned a lot of money this year.

7. She didn't earn so much last year.

8. Have you had a holiday recently?

Bài 3:

Put the verb into the correct from present perfect or past simple.

1. I don't know where Lisa is. Have you seen (yoo/ see) her?

2. When I ... (get) home last night, I ... (be ) very tired and I ... (go) straight to bed.

3. A: ... (you/ finish) painting the bedroom?

B: Not yet. I'll finish it tomorrow.

4. George ... (not/be) very well last week.

5. Mr.Clark ... (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave ip up.

6. Molly lives in Dublin. She ... (live) there all her life.

7. A: ... (you/ go) to the cinema last night?

B: Yes, but it ... (be) a mistake. The film ... (be) awful

8. My grandfather ... (die) before I was born. I ... (never/ meet) him.

9. I don't know Carol's husband. I ... (never/ meet) him.

10. A: Is Martin here?

B: No, he ... (go) out.

A: When exactly ... (he/ go) out?

B: About ten minutes ago.

11. A: Where do you live?

B: In Boston.

A: How long ... (you/ 've) there?

B: Five years

A: Where ... (you/ like) before that?

B : In Chicago.

A: And how long ... (you/ like) in Chicago?

B: Tow years.

Đáp án

2. got…was…went

3. have you finished

4. wasn't

5. worked

6. has lived

7. did you go…was.was

8. died…never met

9. have never met

10. has gone

11. have you lived…did you live…did you live

Bài 4:

Write sentences about yourself using the ideas in brackets.

1. (something you haven't done today) I haven't eaten any fruit today.

2. (something you haven't done today) ...............

3. (something you didn't do yesterday) ...............

4. (something you did yesterday evening) ...............

5. (something you haven't done recently) ...............

6. (something you've done a lot recently) ...............

Đáp án

Example answers:

2. I haven't bought anything today

3. I dindn't watch TV yesterday

4. I want out with some friends yesterday evening

5. I haven't been to the cinema recently

6. I've read a lot of books recently

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