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Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 5 (1)

VnDoc. Ti tài liệu, văn bn pháp lut, biu mu min phí
I. Put in the right prepositions.
1. Was there anything good ......................... TV last night?
2. Remote controls are used to interact ......................... TV.
3. I prefer sports programs ......................... others, but there are no sports programs
......................... Saturday afternoon.
4. The information is posted ......................... Jimhello ......................... 10 December 2002.
5. It's not easy to get access ......................... the Internet the countryside.
6. Did you see the film ......................... 10 p.m ......................... HBO channel last night.
7. There was a report ......................... The Independent ....................... this new law.
8. You can e-mail me .........................
9. This website is useful ......................... people who are interested ......................... wild
10. There was nothing interesting ........................ , so I turned the TV .........................
II. Put a question tag on the end of these sentences.
1. Torn won't be late, .........................? - No, he never late.
2. You're tired, .........................? - Yes, a little.
3. You haven't seen Mary today, .........................? - No, I'm afraid not.
4. You've got a camera, .........................? - Yes, why?
5. There aren't many people here yet, .........................? - No, but it's still quite early.
6. Sue doesn't know Ann, .........................? - No, they've never met.
7. You came in your sports car, .........................? - No, I came in a taxi.
8. These cakes look good, .........................? - I can't wait to try them.
9. You can speak German, .........................? - Yes, but not very fluently.
10. I'm too impatient, .........................? - Yes, you are sometimes.
11. Jack's on holiday, .........................? - Yes, he's in Portugal.
12. You couldn't do me a favour, .........................? - It depends what it is.
13. Let's go out tonight, .........................? - Yes, let's.
14. Don't drop that vase, .........................? - No, don't worry.
15. He won't mind if I use his phone, .........................? - No, of course not.
III. Make complete sentences from these prompts and add a question tag.
1. Vicky/ go/ cinema/ last Monday
2. They/ have/ supper/ at the moment
3. I/ be/ best student
4. The Browns/ go/ on holiday/ next month
5. Christ/ catch/ lots of fish/ last Sunday
6. Mike/ not be/ the doctor/ recently
7. George/ not enjoy/ his work/ the office
8. The children/ have to do/ a lot/ homework
9. That pullover/ shrink/ when you/ wash/ yesterday
VnDoc. Ti tài liệu, văn bn pháp lut, biu mu min phí
10. You/ always/ eat/ at home
11. You/ used not/ like/ him
12. Nobody/ phone/ me/ this morning
13. You/ seldom/ late/ for work
IV. Complete each of the sentences with the gerund form of one of the following verbs:
write, play, argue, pay, make, buy, break, hold, smoke, read, work, do, wait.
1. Try to avoid ......................... him angry.
2. It's not use ......................... for the president's arrival, so I suggest .........................
another meeting next week.
3. Would you mind ......................... your name and address on the back of the cheque?
4. Have you finished ......................... the newspaper yet?
5. They don't allow ......................... here. Please put out your cigarette.
6. The boy like ......................... games but hate ......................... lessons.
7. Please stop ......................... and start .........................
8. I remember ......................... him. I gave him £20.
9. He is considering ......................... a used car.
10. At first the boy denied ................. the CD player but after a while he admitted ................
V. Complete each of the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. The car began (make)................ an extraordinary noise so I stopped (see)........... what it
2. He hate (answer)...................... the phone, and very often just lets it (ring).......................
3. He tried to avoid (answer).............. my question and refused (listen)............ my
4. Would you mind (lend)...................... me £5? I forgot (cash)...................... a cheque.
5. I must remember (post)...................... this letter today. It's important.
6. The joke that I told Michael made him (laugh)...................... a lot.
7. Tim suggested (walk)...................... for a while, but nobody wanted (go)......................
8. I like (lie)...................... on the beach. I always spend my holidays
9. Imagine (live)...................... with someone who never stop (talk).......................
10. 'Do you enjoy (lie)............. on the beach?' 'No. I really dislike (sit)............ in the sun all
11. Andrew doesn't mind (walk)............ home, but his sister would like (get)................. a
12. Sandra gave up (try)............... to find a job in this country and decided (go)...............
13. 'Are you looking forward to (see)............ Ann again?' 'Well, I expect (meet)........... her
14. The teacher told everybody (be)................... quiet, but they just went on (talk).................
15. 'I'm trying (repair)...................... my radio, but it doesn't work.'
'Why don't you try (change)................ the batteries. I think batteries in the radio need
VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.
VnDoc. Ti tài liệu, văn bn pháp lut, biu mu min phí
1. I can do what I want and you can't stop me.
You can't stop ..................................................................................................................
2. Please don't interrupt me all the time.
Would you mind ..............................................................................................................
3. My father said I could use his car.
My father allowed ............................................................................................................
4. It's not a good idea to travel during the rush hour.
It's better to avoid ...........................................................................................................
5. Don't stop him doing what he wants.
Let ....................................................................................................................................
6. We like to lie on the beach all day.
We enjoy ..........................................................................................................................
7. Do you fancy going for a walk?
Would you like ................................................................................................................
8. Seeing Nelson Mandela will always stay in my memory.
I'll never forget.................................................................................................................
9. It was difficult for me to stop laughing at Wendy's letter.
I couldn't help ..................................................................................................................
10. Shall I phone you this evening?
Do you want .....................................................................................................................
11. It will be good to see them again.
I'm looking .......................................................................................................................
12. I'd prefer not to go out tonight.
I'd rather ...........................................................................................................................
VII. Write the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.
1. Your parents' house is still in Nha Trang, isn't it?
Your parents still .......................................................................................................... ?
2. It takes my brother three hours to surf the Net every night.
My brother spends ...........................................................................................................
3. You'd better put your money in the bank, Jack.
I advised ...........................................................................................................................
4. 'Do you like watching documentary?' he said to me.
He asked ..........................................................................................................................
5. Driving a big car was a new and difficult experience.
I wasn't used.....................................................................................................................
6. Do you find it difficult to understand him?
Do you have .....................................................................................................................
7. I don't know how to design a website.
I wish ...............................................................................................................................
8. 'Laura! Don't touch the electric wires!'
Mike warned ....................................................................................................................
9. My mother never allows me to go out alone at night.
My mother never lets .......................................................................................................
10. People should use bicycles for short journeys.
Bicycles ...........................................................................................................................
I. Put in the right prepositions.
1. Was there anything good on TV last night?
2. Remote controls are used to interact with TV.

Ôn tập Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 5

Bộ sưu tập Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 5 sẽ mang đến cho quý thầy cô giáo và các em học sinh các tài liệu hay, chất lượng phục vụ việc dạy và học môn Tiếng Anh. Chúng tôi hi vọng, bộ sưu tập này sẽ giúp ích cho quá trình dạy và học của quý thầy cô giáo và các em học sinh!

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