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Đề thi và bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 18/3/2017

Đề thi và bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 18/3/2017

"Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think people should have freedom to do any sports or activity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion." là đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 18/3/2017. Sau đây là 3 bài mẫu band 7 và band 8 để bạn tham khảo.

49 Đề và Đáp án bài IELTS Speaking mẫu Part 2

Từ vựng luyện thi nói IELTS theo chủ đề: Fashion and Clothes

Tổng hợp Đề thi và bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 tháng 1/2017

22000 từ vựng thi TOEFL, IELTS của Harold Levine

You should write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1:

Activities, as it is said, keep a person young and energetic. It is in tune with it that a person must always keep oneself occupied with an activity of any sort. Sporting activity is one of many activities which pay no heed to the age barrier.

As a matter of fact, sporting activities contribute a lot towards the physical fitness, mental ability / balance and overall characteristic of an individual. However, a 'dangerous' sporting activity must be undertaken by an individual with an extra caution. Though a dangerous sporting activity is generally performed due to a sudden rush of adrenalin but the consequences of such an activity are not reasonably positively skewed. The probability of an untoward incident, while performing a dangerous sporting activity, is always high.

It is due to this reason that State interference, to a reasonable extent, is welcome. The activities which are more skewed towards the possibility of a fatal accident must be regulated and consequently banned by the government.

However, there is another school of thought which is on the view that individuals must be accorded the freedom to choose the sport according to their wishes. The ideology of the followers of this school of thought is that the individual is matured enough to understand what is more beneficial to him. However, they fail to look beyond the veil, probably reason due to which an individual undertakes the performance of such dangerous acts. The reasons may vary from peer pressure, family circumstances, financial needs or just momentary pleasure. Whatever may be the reason, an individual must not be given the liberty to put his life, and consequently the life of his dependents, at risk. The fortnightly sports magazine, The Risktakers, did share the views of the son of the famous skydiver, Peterson, who met with an accident while trying to attempt skiing after getting himself released from the parachute at a height of only 15 feet above the ground level.

Yet another interview with the daughter of another renowned sports person, Robinson, revealed the sad story wherein after the death of his paratrooper father, it became difficult for her to make her both ends meet during her teenage. The only reason for the death of her father was that he wanted to set a record of jumping from an unbelievable height.

In the end, I am of the opinion that there should be the complete ban on the dangerous sporting activities as it is the survivors of the deceased who has to pay a heavy price for the acts of their mentors.

[Written by - Mehra]

Sample band 7:

An abundant variety of sports activities spring up nowadays,including some dangerous sports such as bungee jumping and parachuting.Should this kind of sports activity be banned by the government? A public debate has been ignited regarding this issue.

Those who maintain that government should ban dangerous sports activities argue on the grounds that a government has a responsibility to protect its population. In other words, the law should be obstructed to prevent citizens from taking risks themselves, whether deliberately or unintentionally. Therefore, banning unsafe sports is necessary. Besides, doing extreme sports such as bungee jumping and parachuting can bring tragedies to people themselves as well as their families.If there are some unexpected cases, a person might get hurt both physically and mentally.

While other people hold the view that it is people's liberty to do whatever sports activities they choose. Not infringing citizens' freedom should be regarded as a government's priority. In addition, having personal freedom is a sacred human right . With the rapid development of advanced technology and medical insurance in our society, the security system of those extreme sports is absolutely mature enough to protect people who take part in these challenging activities. What's more, a ban might just lead to people deciding to turn on to do some other risky things to relax themselves from the high pressure in modern society, which cannot solve the problem per se.

As far as I am concerned, to ban or not to ban in essence, is the individual decision. Laws and regulations should just stand by, just like they do when facing the issue of smoking.

Sample band 7:

A variety of games and sports attract countless audiences and fans all over the world. It is often argued that some hazardous sports should be prohibited since it has a negative impact on our society, while others feel like individuals have rights to choose whatever sports they like. Personally, I believe that aggression should not be permitted in the name of sport, so those brutal sports that glorify violence should be banned.

Admittedly, professional sport events like horse racing and rugby contribute greatly to the local economy, as well as offer people numerous job opportunities. Thai boxing is a perfect example of how profitable dangerous sports can be. It has become an important component of tourism and it is the reason why thousands of tourists flock to Thailand each year. Many fans believe these challenging sports provide a physical outlet for aggression, therefore they love watching these matches. Moreover, many say that extreme sports such as free climbing, parkour and paragliding are more of a lifestyle choice that push the limits of human endurance and athleticism. So these risk-intensive hobbies with no intention of hurting others should be supported.

Nevertheless, others argue that some dangerous sports are nothing but an excuse of violence. Also, activities like hunting or bull-fighting are pure barbaric practices. With regard to popular competitions like boxing and wrestling, any talk of the athletic spirit is sheer hypocrisy when your goal is to physically and intentionally hurt your opponent. Meanwhile, these cruel games tend to give children the wrong message that it is acceptable to punch others. To be specific, it teaches people to use their fists instead of their words. And the fact that some fighting champions become television stars makes people idolize brute strength even more. Besides, illegal gambling and crimes related to gangs are rampant, especially when they go underground.

In summary, the government should implement regulations on such dangerous sports and inhibit those that hurt or even kill people.

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