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Ngữ pháp và Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 4

Ôn tập Tiếng Anh 4 theo từng Chuyên đề

Đề tổng hợp Ngữ pháp và bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 4 nằm trong bộ đề Ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh lớp 4 năm 2023 do sưu tầm và đăng tải. Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh gồm lý thuyết và nhiều dạng bài tập Tiếng Anh khác nhau liên quan đến nhiều chủ đề như: Thời gian biểu, Sở thích, Cách hỏi giá tiền, Cách dùng câu hỏi Vì sao/ Tại sao với Why giúp các em học sinh lớp 4 ôn tập lại những phần Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh quan trọng này



- By the end of the lesson Students will be able to remember how to talk about daily activities

- Language focus:


HE /SHE /IT +Vs/es +AT +…….O’CLOCK

- Material: books, chalk pictures, word cards


- Students remember the verbs : go to school do homework

Get up have breakfast

Watch TV have dinner

Have lunch go to bed

- To talk about daily activities we say:

I get up at six o’clock. He gets up at six o’ clock.


Get up gets up

Have breakfast has breakfast

Watch TV watch TV

Do homework does homework

Go to school goes to school

- Ask students to compare the use of two columns

- Let them work in pair and practice before class.


- Ask them to write about themselves


I get up at six o’clock

I have breakfast at 6:15

I go to school at 6: 45

I do homework at 3 o’clock

I watch TV at 8:30

I go to bed at 9:00

- Give students some verbs:

brush teeth wash face

Play football comb hair

- Ask them to talk aloud before class

- Ask them to change subject

I → HE or SHE


I. Choose the best answer

1. My father ………… work at 7:30

a. go b. gos c. goes

2. We ………….. breakfast at 6:15

a. have b. has c. haves

3. Nam …………….TV at 3p.m

a. watch b. watchs c. watches

4. Lili and Alan ………….homework at 7 o’clock

a. do b. dos c. does

5. Her friends…………..lunch at 12:00 at school

a. go b. have c. do

II. Use the given words to make complete sentences

1. I / school /7 o’clock

2. Peter / homework / 3pm.

3. Linda and Mai / TV / evening.

4. I and Lan / lunch / 11:30.

5. My sister / up / 6 o’clock.

III. Find and correct the mistake.

1. We go to bed on 9 o’clock.

2. May watchs TV at 8 o’clock.

3. I gets up at 5:30

4. Tony and Mary has dinner at 6:30.

5. His brother do his homework in the evening.

IV. Translate into English.

1. Tôi ăn sáng lúc 6:30.

2. Me tôi dậy lúc 5:30

3. Chúng tôi đi học lúc 7:00


I. Choose the best answer

1 - c; 2 - a; 3 - c; 4 - a; 5 - b;

II. Use the given words to make complete sentences

1 - I go to school at 7o'clock.

2 - Peter does his homework at 3 p.m.

3 - Linda and Mai watch TV in the evening.

4 - I and Lan have lunch at 11:30.

5 - My sister gets up at 6 o'clock.

III. Find and correct the mistake.

1 - on thành at

2 - watchs thành watches

3 - gets thành get

4 - has thành have

5 - do thành does

IV. Translate into English.

1 - I have breakfast at 6:30.

2 - My mother gets up at 5:30.

3 - We go to school at 7:00.

BÀI 2.


I. Overview

1. Objective:

- By the end of the lesson students will be able to ask and answer about time

2. Language focus:

- What time do you get up ? I get up at 6 o’clock

- What time does Mai get up ?She gets up at 6 o’clock

3. Teaching aids:

- books , pictures ,word cards……

II. Content of review:

- students know how to tell the time

- 6:00→six o’clock

- 6:10→six –ten

- 6:15→six- fifteen

- 6:30→six -thirty

- students can use other way to tell the time


6:10→ten past six

6:15→aquarter past six (fifteen past six)

6:30→haft past six

- T Shows the picture and ask students to practice

- students repeat the question of time

+ What is the time?

+ What time is it ?- It’s seven –twenty

- Give some pictures and ask students to practice

- Go ask about the time of doing sth we use:

What time do you get up ?I get up at six o’clock

What time does Mai get up ?She gets up at six o’clock.

- Give some pictures and ask students to practice more

students1; What time do you go to school?

students 2: I go to school at seven o’clock.

students 3: What time do you have lunch ?

students 4 : I have lunch at twelve - fifteen

students 5: What time does Nam watch TV?

students 6: He watches TV at 3 :15 pm

- Guide students answer the Yes / No question

Eg: Do you go to bed at ten o’clock? Yes, I do (No, I don’t)

Do they have breakfast at 6:30? Yes, they do (No, they don’t)

Does Hoa get up early at five o’clock? Yes, She does (No, She doesn’t)

Does your father have dinner at 6:30 pm? Yes, He does (No, He doesn’t)

- Ask students to practice in pair

- Call students ask and answer before class

- Correct the students’ mistake.


I. Tell the time in English

1. 1:00 2. 3:20

3. 5:35 4. 7:45

5. 10:50 6. 12:15

II. Add s/es after the verbs

- do get

- watch go

- have cook

- work play

- listen study

III. Choose the best answer

1………… you and Hoa go to bed ?

a. what b. what time c. how d. when time

2. Does Peter……….. football in the afternoon?

a. playing b. play c. plays d. to play

3. What time ……………Alan and Lili listen to music? -  at 4:15 pm

a. is b. are c. do d. does

4. We do our homework ……………7:30 pm

a. at b. on c. in d. about

5. My mother goes to work ……..7 am ………4 pm everyday.

a. at / at b. at / on c. from /to d. at /from

IV. Answer the questions

1. What time do you get up ?


2..What time do you go to school ?.


3. What time does your mother go to work?


4. Do your friends have lunch at school ?


5. Does your sister go to bed at nine o’clock?


V. Fill in the gap.

This is my brother………….name is Tung .He is eleven years old . He ………..up at 5 o’clock ,he does morning exercise ,he ……….breakfast with milk and bread. Then he ………… school at 6:45. He has lessons ………….7:30 to 11:30. He comes back home at about 12 o’clock. In the afternoon ,he …………….sport with his friends. He does his homework …………7:15 after dinner. He goes ……….bed at 9:00.


1. What is his name ?

2. How old is he ?

3. Does he get up at nine o’clock ?

4. What time does go to school?

5. What time does he come back home?

6. Does he play football with his brother in the afternoon?

7. Does he watch TV in the evening?

8. What time does he go to bed?


I. Tell the time in English

1. 1:00 - one o'clock;

2. 3:20 - three twenty

3. 5:35 - five thirty-five

4. 7:45 - a quarter to eight/ seven forty -five

5. 10:50 - ten to eleven/ ten fitty

6. 12:15 - a quarter past twelve/ twelve fifteen

II. Add s/es after the verbs

- does gets

- watches goes

- have (has) cooks

- works plays

- listens studies

III. Choose the best answer

1 - b; 2 - b; 3 - c; 4 - a; 5 - c;

IV. Answer the questions

1. What time do you get up ?

...............I get up at 7 o'clock.......................

2..What time do you go to school ?.

..........I go to school at 7:45....................

3. What time does your mother go to work?

...........My mother goes to work at 7:50..............

4. Do your friends have lunch at school ?

..........No, I don't...................

5. Does your sister go to bed at nine o’clock?

............No, she doesn't.................

V. Fill in the gap.

This is my brother………His….name is Tung. He is eleven years old . He …gets……..up at 5 o’clock ,he does morning exercise ,he …has…….breakfast with milk and bread. Then he ……goes… school at 6:45. He has lessons ……from…….7:30 to 11:30. He comes back home at about 12 o’clock. In the afternoon, he ……plays……….sport with his friends. He does his homework ……at……7:15 after dinner. He goes …to…….bed at 9:00.


1 - His name is Tung.

2 - He is eleven years old.

3 - No, he doesn't.

4 - He goes to school at 6:45.

5 - He comes back at 12 o'clock.

6 - No, he doesn't.

7 - No, he doesn't.

8 - He goes to bed at 9:00.

Mời bạn đọc tải trọn bộ nội dung tài liệu tại: Ngữ pháp và Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 4. Mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh lớp 4 khác nhau được cập nhật liên tục trên

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