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Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 2: Cultural diversity - Lesson 2

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 12

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 2: Cultural diversity - Lesson 2 được VnDoc sưu tầm và giới thiệu để có thể chuẩn bị giáo án và bài giảng hiệu quả, giúp quý thầy cô tiết kiệm thời gian và công sức làm việc. Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 12 này được soạn phù hợp quy định Bộ Giáo dục và nội dung súc tích giúp học sinh dễ dàng hiểu bài học hơn.

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 1: Home life - Lesson 6

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 2: Cultural diversity - Lesson 1

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 2: Cultural diversity - Lesson 3

I. Objectives:

1. Educational aim:

  • Students can read the passage carefully and do more exercises
  • Students know how to use the new words through asking and answering

2. Knowledge:

  • General knowledge: Through this unit, students know more about cultural diversity
  • New words: Words related to the topic (culture, society....)

3. Skills: Guessing meaning from context

II. Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids: Board, tape, cassetteplayer, chalks, textbook and notebook

IV. Procedures:

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

Warm-up: (4 minutes)

Match the picture with the country

Pre-reading: (10mins)

+ Review the vocabularies.

n diversity [dai'və:siti] (n)

n Romantic (adj): [rou'mæntik]

n Contractual (adj): [kən'træktjuəl]

n Precede (v): [pri:'si:d]

n Confide (v): [kən'faid]

n Physical attractiveness: ['fizikl] [ə'træktivnis]

n Partnership (n): ['pɑ:tnə∫ip]

n Determine (v): [di'tə:min]

n Sacrifice (v) ['sækrifais]

Oblige (v) [ə'blaidʒ]

- Ask students to read up in chorus twice.

+ Introduce the situation of the passage

+ Show students the tasks of the reading

While-reading: (20 minutes)

- Make the class read the small talks, to scan the details and do the tasks

Task 1. Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B

1. precede 2. Determine 3. Confide 4. sacrifice

5. oblige 6. partnership 7. diversity

8. contractual

a. find out

b. the state of being a partner in business

c. having a duty to do sth

d. happen or exist before

e. tell s.o about sth very private or secret

f. willingly stop having sth you want

g. agreed in a contract

h. a range of different thing

-ask sts to match the words with their meanings

-Goes around for help

Task 2: game lucky number

- Ask students to work in groups of 8 to play the game

Post-reading: (12 minutes)

Ask students to work in groups to write a paragraph about the question:

+ What are the differences between a traditional Vietnamese family and a morden Vietnamese family ?

-Goes around for help.

-Call on some representatives on the groups to talk about the differences

Homework: (1 minutes)

-Do reading text in workbook

-Prepare the next lesson

-Look at the picture amd match

- Read the vocabularies in chorus twice.

-take notes

Read the passage in skim

- Show the meaning of the words.

- Work in groups to match.

-work in group.

-play game.

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    Tiếng Anh lớp 12

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