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Trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 2 Life In The Countryside

Với mong muốn giúp các em học sinh lớp 8 học tốt môn tiếng Anh năm 2022 - 2023, đã đăng tải rất nhiều tài liệu lý thuyết - bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 theo chương trình sách mới và chương trình sách cũ khác nhau. Đây chắc chắn sẽ là nguồn tài liệu rất hữu ích giúp các em học sinh ôn tập hiệu quả.

Tài liệu đề thi trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 2 Life In the countryside có đáp án dưới đây nằm trong bộ đề bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 theo từng Unit mới nhất do biên tập đáp án và đăng tải. Đề ôn tập tiếng Anh xoay quanh chủ đề Cuộc sống ở nông thôn. Chủ đề ngữ pháp tiếng Anh cơ bản trong bài liên đến dạng So sánh hơn - So sánh hơn nhất với tình từ ngắn, tính từ dài, So sánh ngang bằng với So/ As ... As.

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 unit 2 Life in the countryside có đáp án

Nằm trong bộ đề trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh lớp 8 theo từng Unit trên, bài tập tiếng Anh 8 Unit 2 có đáp án dưới đây gồm nhiều dạng bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 chương trình mới khác nhau giúp các em học sinh ôn tập kiến thức Từ vựng - Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh trọng tâm hiệu quả.

1. Odd one out.

1. A. cowB. buffaloC. chickenD. sheep
2. A. peacefulB. noisyC. quietD. safe
3. A. buffalo-drawn cartB. busC. truckD. car
4. A. wheatB. riceC. cornD. crop
5. A. cattleB. houseC. schoolD. hospital

2. Choose the correct answer.

1. Some neighbors have a _________ relation as if they were relatives of each other.

A. open

B. close-knit

C. strange

D. bad

2. I wonder who live ______________ , country folk or city people?

A. happier

B. more happier

C. happilier

D. more happily

3. My father and I enjoy _______ kites and ___________ in the west.

A. fly/watch

B. flying/watch

C. flying/watching

D. fly/watching

4. The sun ______ in the east and _________ the movement of clouds in summer sky.

A. rises/sets

B. sets/rises

C. set/rise

D. rises/set

5. Anger ____________is often seen on grasslands can be more easily put up than a house.

A. who

B. what

C. where

D. which

6. When my family goes camping, the most interesting thing is to _________ the tent.

A. put up

B. get up

C. take up

D. make up

7. Farmers who are working on ________ look very happy with shining smiles in summer days.

A. grasslands

B. paddy fields

C. factories

D. construction sites

8. ______ is often the hardest but the most important time to people living in the countryside.

A. Tet holiday

B. Harvest time

C. Daylight

D. Travelling time

3. For each group, choose the correct sentence A or B.

1. a. More industry and automobiles are concentrated in urban areas than in rural areas.

b. More industry and automobiles are concentrated in urban areas that in rural areas.

2. a. Air pollution in cities is more worse than in the countryside.

b. Air pollution in cities is worse than in the countryside.

3. a. The air in the countryside is fresher than in cities.

b. The air in the countryside is more fresh than in cities.

4. a. City children play less freely on the streets because of crowded traffic.

b. City children play more freely on the streets because of crowded traffic.

5. a. In the countryside, the life style is less faster than the life style in cities.

b. In the countryside, the life style is not so fast as the life style in cities.

6. a. Most people believe that country people live happier than city people.

b. Most people believe that country people live more happily than city people. people.

7. a. Farmers have to work harder in harvest time.

b. Farmers have to work more hardly in harvest time

8. a. The starry sky at night in the countryside is more clearer and more fantastic than that in cities.

b. The starry sky at night in the countryside is clearer and more fantastic than that in cities.

9. a. The cost of living in cities is more high than in the countryside.

b. The cost of living in cities is higher than in the countryside.

10. a. Life in a small town is less exciting than life in a big city.

b. Life in a small town is not so exciting than life in a big city.

4. Rewrite the following sentences, using the given words.

1. I haven't returned my village for 5 years.

It is ___________________________

2. People living in cities have to drive more carefully than those living in the countryside.

People living in the countryside don't have to drive so ___________________________.

3. Some people think country folk are friendlier than city people.

Some people think city people are not so ___________________________.

4. I have never seen such a beautiful picture before.

This is the most ___________________________.

5. His house is the biggest one in the village.

None of houses in the village ___________________________.

5. Read and choose the correct answer. 

The country and the city have both advantages and (1) ________. People in the country live in more beautiful surroundings. They enjoy (2) ________ and quietness, and can do their work at their own space because no one is in a (3) ________. They live in larger, more comfortable houses, and their neighbors are friendlier, and ready to help them (4)________ they need it. Their life, however, can be boring and they may be isolated, which is a serious problem if they are ill or want to take children to school.

1. A. joy B. enjoyment C. happiness D. disadvantages

2. A. quiet B. quietly C. peace D. peaceful

3. A. hurry B. hurried C. hurriedly D. hurrying

4. A. when B. which C. why D. that

6. Choose the correct answer. 

1. She is ___________ singer I’ve ever met.

A. worse

B. bad

C. the worst

D. badly

2. Mary is __________ responsible as Peter.

A. more

B. the most

C. much

D. as

3. It is ________ in the city than it is in the country.

A. noisily

B. more noisier

C. noisier

D. noisy

4. She sings _________ among the singers I have known.

A. the most beautiful

B. the more beautiful

C. the most beautifully

D. the more beautifully

5. She is ___________ student in my class.

A. most hard-working

B. more hard-working

C. the most hard-working

D. as hard-working

6. The English test was __________ than I thought it would be.

A. the easier

B. more easy

C. easiest

D. easier

7. English is thought to be ___________ than Math.

A. harder

B. the more hard

C. hardest

D. the hardest

8. Jupiter is __________ planet in the solar system.

A. the biggest

B. the bigger

C. bigger

D. biggest

9. She runs ____________ in my class.

A. the slowest

B. the most slow

C. the slowly

D. the most slowly

10. Her office is _________ away than mine.

A. father

B . more far

C. farther

D. farer

7. Use the adjective in brackets in their correct forms of comparison to complete the sentences.

1. Tea is ________ coffee.(cheap)

2. The new harvest machine is  ________ than the old one. (effective)

3. The countryside is  ________ the town. (beautiful)

4. A tractor is  ________ a buffalo. (powerful)

5. My sister is  ________ me. (tall)

6. Blue whales are  ________ elephants. (heavy)

7. The Mekong River is  ________ the Red River. (long)

8. Do you think English is  ________ French in grammar? (easy)

9. My new bed is  ________ my old bed. (comfortable)

10. The film about my village town is ________  than the book. (interesting)


1. Odd one out.

1 - C; 2 - B; A; 4 - D; 5 - A;

2. Choose the correct answer.

1 - B; 2 - A; 3 - C; 4 - A;

5 - D; 6 - D; 7 - B; 8 - B;

3. For each group, choose the correct sentence A or B.

1 - a; 2 - b; 3 - a; 4 - a; 5 - b;

6 - a; 7 - a; 8 - b; 9 - b; 10 - a;

4. Rewrite the following sentences, using the given words.

1 - It is five years since I didn’t return my village.

2 - People living in the countryside don’t have to drive so carefully as those living in cities.

3 - Some people think city people are not so friendly than country folk. .

4 - This is the most beautiful picture I have ever seen.

5 - None of houses in the village is bigger than his house.

5. Read and choose the correct answer.

1 - D; 2 - C; 3 - A; 4 - A;

6. Choose the correct answer. 

1 - C; 2 - D; 3 - C; 4 - C; 5 - C;

6 - D; 7 - A; 8 - A; 9 - D; 10 - C;

7. Use the adjective in brackets in their correct forms of comparison to complete the sentences.

1. Tea is ____cheaper than____ coffee.(cheap)

2. The new harvest machine is ____more effective____ than the old one. (effective)

3. The countryside is ___more beautiful than_____ the town. (beautiful)

4. A tractor is _____more powerful than___ a buffalo. (powerful)

5. My sister is _____taller than___ me. (tall)

6. Blue whales are ___heavier than_____ elephants. (heavy)

7. The Mekong River is ___longer than_____ the Red River. (long)

8. Do you think English is ___easier_____ French in grammar? (easy)

9. My new bed is ____more comfortable than____ my old bed. (comfortable)

10. The film about my village town is ____more interesting____ than the book. (interesting)

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