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Sách bài tập tiếng Anh 8 unit 4 lesson 1

Tiếng Anh 8 i Learn Smart World Workbook unit 4 lesson 1

Tài liệu i-Learn Smart World 8 Workbook unit 4 lesson 1 Disasters hướng dẫn giải bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 unit 4 Disasters lesson 1 trang 20 21 một cách chi tiết giúp các em ôn tập hiệu quả.

>> Tham khảo Giải SGK unit 4 lớp 8 lesson 1 tại: Tiếng Anh 8 i Learn Smart World unit 4 lesson 1 trang 34 35 36 37

New words

Unscramble the groups of letters to make words. Sắp xếp lại các nhóm chữ cái để tạo thành từ.

Đáp án

2 - earthquake

3 - tsunami

4 - flood

5 - typhoon

6 - landslide

7 - avalanche

8 - blizzard

9 - heat wave

10 - drought


a. Read the quick facts on a website about a famous disaster. Tick the correct statement. Đọc thông tin nhanh trên một trang web về một thảm họa nổi tiếng. Đánh dấu vào câu đúng.

- What was the biggest earthquake?

The biggest earthquake was the Great Chilean Earthquake.

- Where was the earthquake?

The Great Chilean Earthquake happened near Valdivia, but it affected many other places.

- When was the Great Chilean Earthquake?

The Great Chilean Earthquake happened on May 22nd , 1960.

- How much damage did the Great Chilean Earthquake cause?

The Great Chilean Earthquake caused around 675 million dollars of damage. The earthquake caused quite a lot of damage, and it caused tsunamis. These tsunamis affected many towns on the Chilean coast as well as places in Japan, Hawaii, and many other places over ten thousand kilometers away. Overall, the earthquake destroyed buildings, boats, electricity, and water systems, and roads.

- How many people died in the Great Chilean Earthquake?

Between one and six thousand people died from the Great Chilean Earthquake. It also injured at least three thousand more people.

- How many people lost their homes in the Great Chilean Earthquake?

Over two million people lost their homes in the Great Chilean Earthquake.

Đáp án

The earthquake caused damage in many different places

b. Now, read and answer the questions. Bây giờ, hãy đọc và trả lời các câu hỏi.

1. What city did the earthquake happen near?


2. On what date did the earthquake happen?


3. How much damage did it cause?


4. How many people died?


5. How many people lost their homes?


Đáp án

1 - It happened near Valdivia.

2 - It happened on May 22nd, 1960.

3 - It caused around 675 million dollars of damage.

4 - Between one and six thousand people died.

5 - Over two million people lost their homes.


Match the numbers (1– 7) with the letters (A– G) to complete the conversation. Nối các số (1–7) với các chữ cái (A–G) để hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại.

Đáp án

2 - B

3 - E

4 - A

5 - D

6 - F


Look at the information below and the quick fact file above. Write a quick fact file about the 2021 Russia Wildfires. Xem thông tin bên dưới và tệp thông tin nhanh ở trên. Viết một tệp thông tin nhanh về năm 2021 Cháy rừng ở Nga.

Gợi ý

- What was the biggest wildfire?

The biggest wildfire was the 2021 Russia Wildfires.

- Where did the 2021 Russia Wildfires happen?

They happened in Siberia, Russia.

- When did the 2021 Russia Wildfires happen?

They happened in June, 2021

- How much damage did they cause?

They burned over 200 thousand km2.

Trên đây là Giải Smart World 8 Workbook unit 4 Lesson 1 trang 20 21. hy vọng rằng tài liệu Giải bài tập i Learn Smart World theo từng Unit trên đây sẽ giúp các em chuẩn bị bài tập hiệu quả.

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