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Đề thi học kì 1 tiếng Anh 8 i Learn Smart World - Đề số 1

Đề thi học kì 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 i Learn Smart World bao gồm nhiều dạng bài tập tiếng Anh 8 khác nhau giúp các em học sinh lớp 8 ôn tập những kỹ năng tiếng Anh cơ bản hiệu quả và đạt điểm cao trong kì thi cuối kì 1 lớp 8 năm 2023 - 2024.

I. Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 8 môn Anh i Learn Smart World


A. Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

1. A. scarf B. scene C. scissors D. scientist

2. A. pollution B. transport C. waste D. plastic

3. A. child B. machine C. chocolate D. chair

B. Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

4. A. basketball B. shuttlecock C. competition D. badminton

C. Choose the word whose primary stress is placed on the first syllable.

5. A. effect B. environment C. tourism D. reduce


Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following questions.

6. The activity of making or fixing things made of cloth is ________

A. knitting B. sewing C. skating D. cycling

7. There are factories that _____ broken glass and make it into new glassware.

A. reduce B. produce C. waste D. recycle

8. Hermione enjoys the _____ of the library.

A. peace B. peacefully C. peaceless D. peaceful

9. You should stock _____ on emergency items like flashlights and first aid kits.

A. up B. into C. down D. in

10. The New Year's Countdown party _____ at the city's square tomorrow.

A. takes off B. takes on C. takes place D. takes care

11. Their flight to Da Lat ________ at 6.50 a.m. tomorrow.

A. is leaving B. leave C. will leave D. leaves

12. We won't complete the task on time unless we _____ working hard.

A. stop B. keep C. don't stop D. don't keep

13. Barry loves running, _____ he is also a member of our school's running club.

A. or B. but C. and D. if

14. Having too ______ vehicles on the streets causes pollution in the city.

A. much B. any C. some D. many

15. Vuong didn't drink his coffee because there was _________ sugar in it. He hates sweet drinks.

A. lots B. a lot C. too many D. too much

16. We should reduce the use of plastic _____ that we can save the environment.

A. to B. for C. so D. because

17. If you _____ enough water, you won't be thirsty.

A. drink B. drinks C. to drink D. drinking


Write the correct form of the words in brackets.

18. Annabelle is a very ___________ character in that horror movie. (SCARE)

19. My little brother likes to eat ___________ fruit at Tet. (CANDY)

20. Vung Tau City welcomes thousands of ___________ every holiday season. (TOURISM)


Find the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

21. I can't sleep (A) - there is (B) too many (C) noise in the neighborhood at (D) night!

22. It is (A) too (B) hot today - please turn on (C) the air condition (D).


A. Read the blog. Write T (True), F (False), or NG (Not Given) if the information is not in the text.

Most of the time, I write about blizzards, typhoons, floods, and so on. But I don’t ski in a blizzard or get wet in a flood. Well, this week’s blog is different, because this time I was there when something big happened!

I was on holiday in an area which has earthquakes. I knew that before I went. But the last big earthquake there happened 50 years ago, so I didn’t really think about it when I booked.

During the first few days, I went swimming every morning in the warm sea and then, in the afternoon, I walked up the side of the mountain behind the town. I didn’t climb over rocks or anything like that. I just walked slowly up a few hundred meters of one of the old donkey tracks.

On the afternoon of the fifth day, I was on the mountain when the ground started to move. I remembered about the earthquakes then, and I thought, ‘The ground will open up and I’ll fall in.’ Then I looked down at the town and saw a huge wave coming very fast towards it. Houses near the beach disappeared under the water. I was safe on the side of the mountain, but my hotel fell down and I lost all my stuff.

23. The writer’s blog is usually about bad weather.

24. The writer thought there might be an earthquake while he was there on holiday.

25. One of the donkey tracks went to the top of the mountain.

26. The writer fell into a hole during the earthquake.

27. The writer watched as the tsunami hit the town.

B. Read an email from Lou to a friend, Millie. Choose the best word or phrase, A, B, C, or D, for each numbered space.

Hi Millie,

Well, here I am in the country. I knew that my grandparents lived a long way from supermarkets and tall apartment buildings, but there’s only one shop and a few hundred people in the (28) _________ that they live in.

It’s a beautiful place. It’s beside a lake, and in the middle of the lake there’s a small (29) _________. Nobody lives there, but Grandpa has a boat, and he took us out there yesterday. It is so (30) _________, with only birdsong and the sound of the wind. There are pretty flowers everywhere which I wanted to (31) _______, but Grandpa told me not to do that because the flowers are for everyone.

Tomorrow there is a festival in a place near my grandparent’s house, and we are going to watch folk games and the other entertainment. Grandma wants me to take (32) _________ in the cake competition, so I plan to bake something this evening.

I’ll write you after the festival and tell you all about it – and send a picture of my prize if I win! (LOL)



28. A. house B. village C. town D. city

29. A. land B. beach C. island D. field

30. A. noise B. quiet C. quite D. noisy

31. A. take B. have C. get D. pick

32.A. partB. place C. off D. over


A. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use the given word(s) if any.

33. Taylor will not forgive him if he doesn't apologize. (UNLESS)

→ ______________________________________________

34. Andy likes playing soccer. He doesn't like going swimming. (PREFERS)

→ ______________________________________________

35. I don't have much money. I can't buy that phone. (ENOUGH)

→ ______________________________________________

36. Tuan wants to reduce air pollution. He planted more trees. (SO)

→ ______________________________________________

B. Use the given words or phrases to make complete sentences.

37. Laura / not really like / dance / and / sing.

→ ______________________________________________

38. There / lots / traditional food / for you / enjoy.

→ ______________________________________________

C. Put the words in the correct order to make correct sentences.

39. Students / bring / water bottles / have to / to school / their own / .

→ ______________________________________________

40. during / to minimize / Make sure / you know / that / the disaster / what to do / the damage / .

→ ______________________________________________

II. Đáp án đề thi học kì 1 lớp 8 môn Anh i Learn Smart World


A. Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

1 - A; 2 - A; 3 - B;

B. Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

4 - C;

C. Choose the word whose primary stress is placed on the first syllable.

5 - C;


Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following questions.

6 - B; 7 - D; 8 - A; 9 - A; 10 - C; 11 - D;

12 - B; 13 - C; 14 - D; 15 - D; 16 - C; 17 - A;


Write the correct form of the words in brackets.

18. Annabelle is a very _______scary____ character in that horror movie. (SCARE)

19. My little brother likes to eat ______candied_____ fruit at Tet. (CANDY)

20. Vung Tau City welcomes thousands of ______tourists_____ every holiday season. (TOURISM)


Find the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

21 - C; 22 - D;


A. Read the blog. Write T (True), F (False), or NG (Not Given) if the information is not in the text.

23 - T; 24 - F; 25 - NG; 26 - F; 27 - T;

B. Read an email from Lou to a friend, Millie. Choose the best word or phrase, A, B, C, or D, for each numbered space.

28 - B; 29 - C; 30 - B; 31 - D; 32 - A;


A. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use the given word(s) if any.

33. Taylor will not forgive him if he doesn't apologize. (UNLESS)

→ Unless he apologizes, Taylor will not forgive him.

→ Taylor will not forgive him unless he apologizes.

34. Andy likes playing soccer. He doesn't like going swimming. (PREFERS)

→ Andy prefers playing soccer to going swimming.

→ Andy prefers soccer to swimming.

→ Andy prefers to play soccer rather than go swimming.

35. I don't have much money. I can't buy that phone. (ENOUGH)

→ I don't/do not have enough money to buy that phone.

36. Tuan wants to reduce air pollution. He planted more trees. (SO)

→ Tuan wants to reduce air pollution, so he planted more trees.

B. Use the given words or phrases to make complete sentences.

37. Laura / not really like / dance / and / sing.

→ Laura doesn't/does not really like dancing or singing.

→ Laura doesn't/does not really like to dance or sing.

→ Laura doesn't/does not really like to dance and to sing.

38. There / lots / traditional food / for you / enjoy.

→ There is lots of traditional food for you to enjoy.

C. Put the words in the correct order to make correct sentences.

39. Students / bring / water bottles / have to / to school / their own / .

→ Students have to bring their own water bottles to school.

40. during / to minimize / Make sure / you know / that / the disaster / what to do / the damage / .

→ Make sure that you know what to do during the disaster to minimize the damage.

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