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Đề thi giữa kì 1 tiếng Anh 9 Friends plus số 2

Đề thi giữa kì 1 Anh 9 Friends plus có đáp án

Đề thi giữa kì 1 tiếng Anh lớp 9 Friends plus - Chân trời sáng tạo có đáp án tổng hợp 40 câu trắc nghiệm & tự luận tiếng Anh 9 mới khác nhau giúp các em học sinh ôn tập kiến thức tiếng Anh hiệu quả.


Question 1. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?

A. decide B. social C. civic D. receipt

Question 2. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?

A. dweller B. work C. waste D. reward

Question 3. Which word has a different stress pattern from that of the others?

A. astonish B. mummify C. chronicle D. magazine

Question 4. Which word has a different stress pattern from that of the others?

A. bizarre B. deceive C. idea D. package

II. Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each question.

Question 5. To address the problem of traffic congestion, the local authority is planning to invest ______ renovating infrastructure.

A. on B. with C. in D. for

Question 6. Mr. Thompson has just been appointed as ______ of the whole project who makes sure that different groups work well with each other.

A. chronicler B. hoarder C. coordinator D. fashionista

Question 7.

Sean: “How was your summer, Tim?”

Tim: “My parents took me to the Carnival of Brazil. I’ll never forget ______ many famous singers and artists there. ”

A. see B. to see C. seen D. seeing

Question 8. If you have enough money, you should buy a/an ______ phone instead of a secondhand one which may not be of high quality.

A. zero waste B. old-fashioned C. brand new D. out-of-money

Question 9. Derek is meeting Kim at her house.

Derek: “Why on earth are you ______ dressed?”

Kim: “Well, I’m going to an important event tonight. ”

A. commonly B. popularly C. usefully D. fashionably

Question 10. Lan and Chris are talking in class at breaktime.

Lan: “Who ______ to you before you came into the class?”

Chris: “Oh, you mean Ms. Middleton. She’s my Maths teacher. ”

A. was talking B. has been talking C. used to be talking D. would be talking

Question 11. Jack rarely reads comics in his free time, ______?

A. is he B. does he C. isn’t he D. doesn’t he

Question 12. Bob has been getting used to ______ the housework by himself since he decided to lead an independent life.

A. do B. did C. doing D. done

Question 13. Jane and David are talking about last night’s party.

Jane: “How was the party last night?”

David: “How fantastic it is! We had a barbecue and stayed outside chatting ______ one in the morning. ”

A. the moment that B. meanwhile C. finally D. until

Question 14. Ben is inviting Mark to join the picnic.

Ben: “We are going to have a picnic next weekend. Would you like to join?”

Mark: “Thanks for your invitation, but ______”

A. I’m pretty good at this. B. how are you doing?

C. I’ll need some time to consider it. D. I’m still trying to do something.

III. Look at each sign or notice. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) that matches its meaning.

Question 15. What does the sign mean?

Đề thi giữa kì 1 tiếng Anh 9 Friends plus số 2

A. On Highway. Speed up!

B. Be careful! One-way street.

C. Stay away! Excavation area.

D. Slow down! ahead.

Question 16. What does the notice say?

Đề thi giữa kì 1 tiếng Anh 9 Friends plus số 2

A. The workshop takes place in late January.

B. There are two sessions in the workshop.

C. The workshop is held on the rooftop.

D. The venue of the workshop is in the outskirts.

IV. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits each blank space in the following passage.

Personal development plays an important role in helping young students build a strong and positive foundation for their future life. It includes assisting students to get (17) ______good study habits and improving interpersonal skills. One way to practice personal development is through self-reflection. Teenagers should take the (18) ______to analyze their strengths and weaknesses and determine (19) ______ to best use them in the future. Through self-reflection, they can understand their purpose and set (20) ______ up for success both academically and socially. Another important aspect of personal development is emotional intelligence. It means having some common sense, (21) ______ responding to situations and getting on well with colleagues. Students, therefore, (22) ______ a lot from this area of personal development in their journey to adulthood.

Question 17. A. up B. out of C. on D. into

Question 18. A. money B. touch C. contact D. time

Question 19. A. what B. whether C. how D. that

Question 20. A. yourselves B. themselves C. ourselves D. myself

Question 21. A. effectively B. uselessly C. tastefully D. excitingly

Question 22. A. deceive B. uncover C. benefit D. impact

V. Read the following and do as directed.

The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought about the rapid transition from traditional to tech-based working methods with the application of the Internet and teleconferencing. During the COVID-19 pandemic, most companies encountered numerous difficulties in their administration and operation. They didn’t get the chance to have face-to-face meetings with each other to discuss important issues, as well as failed to work on various projects together, due to social distancing measures. Teleconferencing appeared as the optimal solution as they provided the necessary infrastructure to maintain continuity in work. Virtual platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet facilitated regular meetings, project management and even large-scale conferences and webinars.

In the post-pandemic era, the convenience of teleconferencing has led to a shift in the way we work and interact. Many organizations have decided to adopt a hybrid work model (the combination of working in an office and working from home) or fully remote work arrangements by means of virtual meeting apps. These apps provide employees with greater flexibility. In other words, all meetings and conferences can be conducted on virtual platforms so that it is unnecessary for employees to show up. Consequently, they can balance their professional and personal lives more effectively, resulting in increased job satisfaction and productivity. Participants across different time zones can join the meetings without their physical presence.

a. Decide whether the following sentences are True or False:

Question 23. The transition to hybrid or fully remote work models has gradually occurred since the outbreak of COVID-19.

Question 24. Online meetings allowed for ongoing workflow during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Question 25. Many companies stop using teleconferencing in the new normal.

Question 26. Teleconferencing makes employees to show up for meetings.

b. Choose the correct answer to each question:

Question 27. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. Teleconferencing in business communication B. The origin of online meeting apps

C. Why teleconferencing is widely used D. Businesses in the post-pandemic era

Question 28. What can be inferred about teleconferencing from the passage?

A. It prevents the spread of diseases. B. It creates more jobs.

C. It reduces job satisfaction. D. It enhances global collaboration.

VI. Supply the correct form of the word given in each sentence.

Question 29. Growing up in a small village, Mr. Harper was greatly influenced by traditional ______ values like honesty, respect and community. (MORALITY)

Question 30. The Board of Directors decided to ______ from the money-losing business to focus on their core operations. (INVEST)

Question 31. Despite his dedication to work, he is ______ treated by his colleagues, who always underestimate his contributions. (FAIR)

Question 32. Many people have had a deep ______ of the media after reading a lot of misleading reports. (TRUST)

Question 33. Through the efforts of the government, the number of ______ in mountainous areas has significantly decreased by 21%. (DROP)

Question 34. The smell of freshly baked cookies was ______ of the cosy atmosphere at my grandparents’ house. (REMIND)

VII. Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) that indicates the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph / letter.

Question 35.

a. One morning, I had to make a phone call to my client to discuss the terms of the contract.

b. However, my colleagues didn’t make fun of me; they laughed with me and gave me a slow clap.

c. Instead, I mistakenly called a pizza place, and my whole office heard the call because of a phone system error.

d. This taught me to laugh at my mistakes and not take myself too seriously.

e. Hi, everyone! I would like to share an embarrassing moment that I wish I could forget.

A. e – a – c – b – d B. c –d – b – e – a C. a – b – d – e – c D. d – c – b – a – e

Question 36.

a. From what we have found, we suggest that extracurricular programs should be expanded to match students’ interests.

b. Results showed that 40% of students prefer sports, 30% enjoy music and arts, and 20% participate in academic clubs.

c. Our recent survey asked students about their favorite extracurricular activities.

d. Moreover, many students expressed a desire for more diverse activity options.

e. Additionally, 10% of students are involved in volunteer work.

A. c – b – e – d – a B. e – b – d – a – c

C. d – a – e – c – b D. b – e –a – c – d

VIII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the sentence printed before it.

Question 37. My father no longer owns that car. (BELONG)

That car used __________________________________________

Question 38. My advice to you would be to carefully consider buying an insurance policy. (TWICE)

I think you________________________________________ buying an insurance policy.

Question 39. After making my own decision, I called my friend to share the news. (MIND)

By the time I called my friend to share the news,_________________________________

Question 40. Peter managed to save a lot of money despite his small salary. (SUCCEEDED)

Small___________________________________________ a lot of money.



1. B2. A3. A4. D

II. Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each question.

5. C6. C7. D8. C9. D
10. A11. B12. C13. D14. C

III. Look at each sign or notice. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) that matches its meaning.

15. D16. B

IV. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits each blank space in the following passage.

17. D18. D19. C20. B21. A22. C

V. Read the following and do as directed.

23. False24. True25. False26. False27. A28. D

VI. Supply the correct form of the word given in each sentence.

29. moral30. divest31. unfairly
32. distrust33. dropouts34. reminiscent

VII. Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) that indicates the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph / letter.

35. A36. A

VIII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the sentence printed before it.

37. That car used to | belong to my father.

38. I think you should | think twice about/before buying an insurance policy.

39. By the time I called my friend to share the news, I had | made up my mind.

40. Small as/though his salary was, | Peter succeeded in saving a lot of money.

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