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Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 lesson 3 i-Learn Smart World

Tiếng Anh 12 Smart World Unit 2 lesson 3 trang 23

Giải SGK tiếng Anh 12 i-Learn Smart World unit 2 lesson 3 bao gồm đáp án chi tiết các phần bài tập xuất hiện trong SGK Unit 2 Lesson 3 Out into the world i-Learn Smart World giúp các em chuẩn bị bài tập tại nhà hiệu quả.

Let's Talk!

Look at the pictures. Would you like to take an overnight trip on a boat? What things could you see and do? Nhìn vào những bức tranh. Bạn có muốn thực hiện một chuyến đi qua đêm trên một chiếc thuyền? Bạn có thể nhìn thấy và làm những điều gì?

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 lesson 3


a. Listen to a boy talking about an interesting trip he went on. Do you think the speaker would want to go on the trip again? Hãy nghe một cậu bé kể về chuyến đi thú vị mà cậu ấy đã trải qua. Bạn có nghĩ người nói sẽ muốn đi trong chuyến đi nữa?

b. Now, listen and number the sentences in the order you hear them. Bây giờ, hãy nghe và đánh số các câu theo thứ tự bạn nghe được.

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 lesson 3

c. In pairs: Which part of the trip do you think was the most interesting? Why? Theo cặp: Bạn nghĩ phần nào của chuyến đi là thú vị nhất? Tại sao?


a. Read the story about an interesting trip. What did the writer think about her trip? Đọc câu chuyện về một chuyến đi thú vị. Nhà văn nghĩ gì về chuyến đi của cô ấy?

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 lesson 3

Đáp án

3. It was amazing.

b. Match the bold words in the text with their definitions. Nối những từ in đậm trong văn bản với định nghĩa của chúng.

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 lesson 3

Đáp án

1. overjoyed: very happy

2. hilarious: very funny

3. flew: went or moved quickly

4. at all: in any way, to any degree

5. terrified: very scared

c. Now, read and choose the correct answers. Bây giờ hãy đọc và chọn câu trả lời đúng.

1. According to paragraph 2, the mountain was in fact _________.

A. quite small

B. not so big

C. quite big

D. really big

2. Which of the following is NOT true about the top of the mountain according to paragraph 3?

A. The view was exciting.

B. They were tired after walking.

C. The monkeys were scared.

D. The air was fresh.

3. According to paragraph 4, the writer _________.

A. went down the slide fast

B. was really scared

C. got hurt

D. agreed with her brother that it wasn't fun

4. The word turn in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _________.

A. a change in direction

B. a bend or corner in a track

C. an opportunity to do something

D. a feeling of illness

5. According to the passage, how did the writer feel about the cable car?

A. She was unhappy to see it.

B. She wanted to go on it.

C. She thought it was funny.

D. She loved going on it.

Đáp án

1 - D2 - C3 - A4 - C5 - B

d. Listen and read. Nghe và đọc.

e. In pairs: Why would you walk up a mountain? What interesting things could you see on the trip? Theo cặp: Tại sao bạn lại đi bộ lên núi? Bạn có thể thấy điều thú vị gì trong chuyến đi?


a. Read about making narratives sound more interesting, then read the story again and underline the adjectives. How many adjectives are there in the story? How many of these are strong adjectives? Đọc về cách làm cho câu chuyện trở nên thú vị hơn, sau đó đọc lại câu chuyện và gạch dưới các tính từ. Trong câu chuyện có bao nhiêu tính từ? Có bao nhiêu trong số này là tính từ mạnh?

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 lesson 3

Đáp án

When we got there, I was overjoyed to see there was a cable car.

Even though we were exhausted by the time we got to the top, it felt great being outside in the fresh air.

We spent some time at the beautiful temple on the top of the mountain, and the view of the landscape below us was spectacular.

It was hilarious.

Eddie was terrified and screamed so loudly that my dad thought he hurt himself.

Anyway, I thought it was awesome and really wanted another turn.

It was a wonderful experience, and I would definitely like to visit the mountain again.

b. Read the sentences and replace the underlined words with synonyms to make them sound more interesting. Đọc các câu và thay thế những từ được gạch chân bằng từ đồng nghĩa để chúng nghe hay hơn.

1. It was snowing, and I didn't have a jacket or a hat. I was very cold.

2. We sat down for the huge dinner, and that's when I realized I wasn't very hungry.

3. I looked out of my tent, and there was a very big elephant standing just a few meters away.

4. One of my favorite things about traveling is trying good local food.

5. We opened the cardboard box carefully, and sleeping inside was a very small puppy.

6. Billy thought it was hilarious when I got stuck in the rain, but I didn't find it very funny.

Đáp án

1 - freezing

2 - starving

3 - huge

4 - excellent

5 - tiny

6 - hilarious


a. In pairs: Ask and answer about a trip you took. Where did you go? When did you go? Who did you go with? What was the weather like? How did you feel before the trip? Theo cặp: Hỏi và trả lời về chuyến đi mà em đã thực hiện. Bạn đã đi đâu? Khi nào bạn đi? Bạn đã đi với ai? Thời tiết đa như thế nào? Bạn cảm thấy thế nào trước chuyến đi?

- Tell me about a trip you took. (Hãy kể cho tôi nghe về chuyến đi bạn đã thực hiện đi.)

- I went to Sa Pa. (Tôi đã đến Sa Pa.)

- Oh. When did you go? (Ồ. Bạn đã đi khi nào?)

- I went a year ago. (Tôi đã đi cách đây một năm.)

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 lesson 3

Gợi ý

- Tell me about a trip you took.

- I went to Da Lat.

- Oh. When did you go?

- I went two years ago.

- Who did you go with?

- I visited with my parents.

- What was the weather like?

- It was sunny and warm in the morning and cold in the evening.

- How did you feel before the trip?

- I felt overjoyed when my dad told me we would go to Da Lat. My mom bought me some new dresses for the trip. I prepared a lot and was agitated.

b. Complete the table to make an outline for your narrative. Hoàn thành bảng để lập dàn ý cho câu chuyện của bạn.

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 lesson 3

Gợi ý

Set the context of the trip:

Where: Ha Long Bay

When: last summer holiday

Who with: my friends

Season/ Weather: summer/ hot

Your feelings before the trip: excited

Beginning of trip/event 1:

Event: on the road trip: have breakfast on the bus, sing a lot

Strong adjectives: hilarious

Middle of trip/event 2:

Event: visit Quang Ninh museum

Strong adjectives: huge, awesome, shocked

End of trip/event 3:

Event: go to the beach

Strong adjectives: overjoyed

Summarize feelings:

Overall feelings: an unforgettable experience

Go on the trip again? Yes

Why?/ Why not? Because I can understand my friends more and find friends who have the same hobbies.

Useful language

a. Look at the phrases below and read the story on page 23 again. Which phrases are used and which aren't? Write a paragraph number (1-5) or an X in the blanks. Nhìn vào các cụm từ dưới đây và đọc lại câu chuyện ở trang 23. Cụm từ nào được sử dụng và cụm từ nào không? Viết số đoạn văn (1-5) hoặc dấu X vào chỗ trống.

Đáp án

Three years ago, I went to Vietnam with my dad and my younger brother, Eddie. While we were there, we visited a place called Black Lady Mountain (Núi Bà Đen). It was hot and humid, and I was a little angry because I hate walking.

The mountain didn't look so big from far away, but when we got nearer, I could see it was actually huge. When we got there, I was overjoyed to see there was a cable car. I wasn't happy for long though, because my dad said we had to walk up the steps. He said that "it builds character" and that it was good for us to experience a nature walk.

We saw lots of small animals and unusual plants, and I realized my dad was right. Even though we were exhausted by the time we got to the top, it felt great being outside in the fresh air. We spent some time at the beautiful temple on the top of the mountain, and the view of the landscape below us was spectacular. There were monkeys everywhere, and they weren't scared of people at all. One of them stole a visitor's sandwich and ran away. It was hilarious.

To get down the mountain, we had to take a really long slide, like at an amusement park. I sat with Eddie on a small cart, and we flew down the slide to the bottom. Eddie was terrified and screamed so loudly that my dad thought he hurt himself. Anyway, I thought it was awesome and really wanted another turn.

It was a wonderful experience, and I would definitely like to visit the mountain again. Next time, however, I’d like to take the cable car or go on a day that is a bit cooler.

_____X__ A. Anyway, ...  ___2____ D... actually ...

____X___ B. ... in fact ...  ___X____ E. Although ...

____3___ C. Even though  ___X____ F. Regardless, ...

b. Write the useful phrases above in the blanks below to show their correct purposes. Viết các cụm từ hữu ích ở trên vào chỗ trống bên dưới để thể hiện mục đích chính xác của chúng.

1. __________/ __________: talk about the fact(s), the reality

2. __________/ __________: move to a new part of a story

3. __________/ __________: another way to say “though"

Đáp án

1. in fact/ actually: talk about the fact(s), the reality

2. Anyway/ Regardless: move to a new part of a story

3. Even though/ Although: another way to say “though"

Let's Write!

Now, write a narrative about an interesting trip you took. Use the Writing Skill box, the reading model, and your speaking notes to help you. Write 180-200 words. Bây giờ, hãy viết một bài tường thuật về một chuyến đi thú vị mà bạn đã tham gia. Sử dụng hộp Kỹ năng Viết, mẫu bài đọc và ghi chú nói của bạn để giúp bạn. Viết 180-200 từ.

Trên đây là Giải Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 2 lesson 3 i Learn Smart World trang 23, 24, 25.

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