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Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 7 môn Tiếng Anh có đáp án năm học 2023

Đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 7 học kì 1 có đáp án năm học 2023 nằm trong bộ đề thi học kì 1 lớp 7 năm 2023 trên Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh 7 học kì 1 bao gồm 4 mã đề thi khác nhau có đầy đủ đáp án va ma trận cho thầy cô tham khảo ra đề và các em ôn tập các kĩ năng khác nhau, chuẩn bị cho bài thi học kì 1 đạt kết quả cao.

Nhằm giúp các em học sinh ôn tập chuẩn bị cho bài thi học kì 1 năm 2023 sắp tới, VnDoc giới thiệu bộ đề kiểm tra học kì 1 lớp 7 với đầy đủ các môn cho các em ôn tập và làm bài. Đề thi được biên soạn bám sát với đề thi thực giúp các em đạt điểm cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời các em tải về để xem toàn bộ đề và đáp án của đề thi.

Đề kiểm tra học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7 năm 2023

Ma trận đề thi học kì 1 Anh 7

Chủ đề

Nhận biết (K)

Thông hiểu (C)

Vận dụng (A)

Vận dụng cao(HA)

Tổng điểm

Số câu

Tỷ lệ










Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F): 4

Fill each of the gaps with a suitable word: 4





Vowels :1





Vocabulary/ grammar:


Matching: 4





Gap filling


Answer the questions: 3





Make questions for the underlined words: 2



Sentence building: 2




Total number






Total weight






Đề kiểm tra Anh 7 học kì 1

Full name:……………………… KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG HỌC KÌ I

Class : 7A… (Năm học: 2019-2020)

ĐỀ 01


1. Listen to a conversation between Tom and Ha about Tom's volunteer work. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Circle T or F. You will listen TWICE: (1m)


Tom goes to hospitals to provide food twice a week.




The elderly often feel happy when Tom and his friends come.




The elderly consider Tom and his friends their nieces or nephews.




Ha wishes she could join Tom’s club!



Xem đáp án

1. F, 2. T, 3. T, 4. T

Nội dung bài nghe

Ha: So what do you often do at the Youth Club?
Tom: Many things… We go to hospitals to provide food for poor patients.
Ha: How often do you do that?
Tom: Once a week.
Ha: Do you go to nursing houses?
Tom: Yes. It’s part of our programmes.
Ha: What do you often do there?
Tom: Well, the elderly often feel lonely. We come to be friends and supporters.
Ha: They must be happy when you come!
Tom: Sure. They consider us their nieces or nephews.
Ha: That sounds great! What else do you often do?
Tom: We also come to orphanages and help children learn English during summer months…
Ha: I wish I could join your club!

2. Listen to the conversation between Julia and Mai about Vietnamese dishes. Fill each of the gaps with NO NO MORE THAN TWO words. You will listen TWICE:(1m)




Cha ca

Seasoned fish, ginger,
(1) ___________, onion and dill

Cha ca is served in a hot
(2) ___________. You can eat it with rice noodles.

Goi cuon

A slide of boiled (3) ___________ or seafood, herbs, rice paper

It's light and healthy. You dip it into fish sauce.

Che /Sweet soup

Beans, jelly, fruit, coconut (4) _____,and ice

It tastes sweet. There are many ingredients.

Xem đáp án
1. turmeric, 2. pan, 3. pork,  4. milk
Nội dung bài nghe
Julia: I want to try some Vietnamese food. Can you recommend me some?
Mai: Do you like fish? If yes, I recommend you to try cha ca.
Julia: What’s that?
Mai: It’s the seasoned fish, cooked with ginger, turmeric, onion and dill. It’s cooked in a hot pan on your table, and served with rice noodles.
Julia: Wow! I must try it. What else?
Mai: My favourite is goi cuon because it’s light and healthy. You wrap a slide of boiled pork or seafood with some herbs in a rice paper. Then dip it into the fish sauce.
Julia: Well, sounds like my type as I don’t like meaty food. How about dessert?
Mai: You must try che. You can call it sweet soup. There may be beans, jelly, some seasonal fruit, coconut milk and ice. But you can choose other ingredients too.


1. Match a word in A with a phrase in B: (1m).



1. Play

a. milk tea

2. Drink

b. to Huong Pagoda

3. Cook

c. musical instrument

4. Go

d. Vietnamese food

Answer 1+… 2+… 3+… 4+…

Xem đáp án
1+c, 2+a, 3+d, 4+b

II. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, C, or D: (2ms)

1. The first Doctor’s Stone Tablets were _______ in 1484.

A. erected

B. selected

C. regarded

D. located

2. He enjoys_______cycling at the weekend.

A .to go

B. going

C. goes

D. go

3. If you want to stay healthy, eat_______ vegetables, wholegrains, fruit and fish.

A. much

B. fewer

C. more

D. less

4. She stay in _______by exercising daily and eating well.

A. health

B. fit

C. size

D. shape

5. From his childhood, Chu Van An was _______ for his intelligence.

A. interested

B. successful

C. talented

D. famous

6. I’ve already done my homework, _______ I am going to watch TV.

A. so

B. because

C. and

D. but

7. This cake is made _______ fresh butter and eggs.

A. in

B. of

C. by

D. from

8. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:

A. soup

B. salt

C. sauce

D. sugar

Xem đáp án
1. A2. B3. C4. D5. D6. A7. D8. B

C. READING: (2,5ms)

I. Fill in each blank with a word from the box: (1m)

noodles dish served capital

Pho might be Vietnam’s most famous _______(1), but bun cha is the top choice when it comes to lunchtime in the _______(2).

You’ll find bun cha – a Ha Noi speciality at food stalls across Ha Noi. Just look for the clouds of meaty smoke after 11 am when street-side restaurants start grilling up small round flat slides of seasoned pork over a charcoal fire. The pork is put in a mixture of spices before they are grilled. Once they’re well-grilled and crispy, they are _______(3) with a large bowl of a sweetish fish sauce broth, a basket of herbs and a small amount of cold rice _______(4). Dip everything in the broth and enjoy!

Xem đáp án

Pho might be Vietnam’s most famous ____dish___(1), but bun cha is the top choice when it comes to lunchtime in the __capital_____(2).

You’ll find bun cha – a Ha Noi speciality at food stalls across Ha Noi. Just look for the clouds of meaty smoke after 11 am when street-side restaurants start grilling up small round flat slides of seasoned pork over a charcoal fire. The pork is put in a mixture of spices before they are grilled. Once they’re well-grilled and crispy, they are ___served____(3) with a large bowl of a sweetish fish sauce broth, a basket of herbs and a small amount of cold rice ___noodles____(4). Dip everything in the broth and enjoy!

II. Read the text carefully then answer the questions: (1,5ms)

Community service is work done by a person or group of people that benefits others. It is often done near the area where you live, so your own community gets the benefits of your work. You do not get paid to perform community service, but get to learn a lot. Community service can help many different groups of people; even animals and the environment. Community service is often organized through a local group, such as a place of worship, school, or non-profit organization, or you can start your own community service projects. Community service can even involve raising funds by donating used goods or selling used goods like clothing.

Many people participate in community service because they enjoy helping others and improving their community service

1. What is community service?


2. Is community service a paying job?


3. Why do many people take part in community service?


Xem đáp án

1. Community service is work done by a person or group of people that benefits others.

2. No, it isn’t.

3. Because they enjoy helping others and improving their community service.

D. WRITING: (2,5ms)

I. Arrange the words to make sentences: (0,5m)

1. hobby/ photos/ my/ is/ taking/ favourite.


2. in/ water puppetry/ the/ began/ 11th century.


Xem đáp án

1. My favourite hobby is taking photos.

2. Water puppetry began in the 11th century.

II. Make questions for the underlined words: (1m):

1. Truyen Kieu is written by the great poet Nguyen Du.


2. They do a lot of homework every day.


Xem đáp án

1. What is is written by the great poet Nguyen Du?

2. How much homework do they do every day?

III. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first one: (1m)

1. People use the Internet all over the world.

The Internet……………………………………………………………………………

2. His idea is different from mine.

His idea is not…………………………………………………………………………

Xem đáp án

1. The Internet is used all over the world.

2. His idea is not the same as mine.

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