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Tiếng Anh 11 Bright Unit 6 6c Listening

Tiếng Anh Bright 11 Unit 6 6c Listening trang 70

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Tiếng Anh 11 Bright Unit 6 6c Listening

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Multiple choice

1. Read the questions and the answer choices in Exercise 2. Which dialogue discusses ...

(Đọc câu hỏi và các lựa chọn trả lời ở bài tập 2. Đoạn đối thoại nào bàn về...)

Tiếng Anh 11 Bright Unit 6 6c Listening

Gợi ý đáp án

a work-related issue? dialogues 3

a quality of life issue? dialogues 2

a school-related issue? dialogues 1

2. Listen to the dialogues. For questions (1-3), choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

(Lắng nghe các cuộc đối thoại. Đối với câu hỏi (1-3), chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất (A, B, C hoặc D).)

Bài nghe

Tiếng Anh 11 Bright Unit 6 6c Listening

Gợi ý đáp án

1. C

2. B

3. C

Nội dung bài nghe

1. Sam: Hey, Ben. What are you up to?

Ben: Ohh, hi Sam. I'm working on a project for my social studies lesson tomorrow. I've chosen bullying as a topic.

Sam: How interesting! Are you working on it with your classmates?

Ben: No, I'm doing it by myself. Listen to this. According to an online article I read, around, one in five students have personally experienced classroom bullying.

Sam: Wow, that is a lot, isn't it?

Ben: Yes, and that's why I've chosen this topic. I want to raise awareness of the issue.

2. Girl: Hey, Amy, have you seen this article?

Amy: I don't think so. What does it say?

Girl: It's about hunger in East Africa. Did you know that one third of the people there are underfed?

Amy: That is a very serious issue. I guess poverty and war are the main reasons, but it takes a long time to end wars and improve the economy. What can we do now?

Girl: Right now, we need to help to grow more crops, to make more food available.

Amy: We can also improve the roads so the food can get to the people who need it the most. But you're right, growing the food is the most important action.

3. Girl: Hey, Jane, look at this report. Apparently, 12% of people in our capital city have experienced unfair treatment at work due to their race.

Jane: That's terrible. We should do something so that more people know about this problem.

Girl: How about we write a story for the local newspaper or send a letter to the mayor's office

Jane: We need to reach more people than that. What about starting a social media campaign or organizing a protest?

3. Listen and match the speakers (1-4) to the statements (A-E). What does each person say about unemployment? There is one extra statement.

(Nghe và nối người nói (1-4) với câu (A-E). Mỗi người nói gì về thất nghiệp? Có một câu bị thừa.)

Bài nghe

Tiếng Anh 11 Bright Unit 6 6c Listening

Gợi ý đáp án

1. B

2. E

3. A

4. D

FUN Time

Look at the picture. Circle the correct phrasal verb.

(Nhìn vào bức tranh. Khoanh tròn cụm động từ đúng.)

Tiếng Anh 11 Bright Unit 6 6c Listening

Gợi ý đáp án

Woman: Can you fill out this medical volunteer application form?

Boy: Sure. What would you like me to put in it?

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