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Tiếng Anh 11 Bright Workbook Unit 5 5e Writing

Tiếng Anh Bright 11 Unit 5 trang 45

Giải bài tập SBT tiếng Anh 11 Bright Unit 5 5e Writing trang 45 hướng dẫn giải chi tiết các phần bài tập trong Sách bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 11 Bright Unit 5 giúp các em học sinh chuẩn bị bài tập tại nhà hiệu quả.

Tiếng Anh 11 Bright Workbook Unit 5 5e Writing

Bản quyền thuộc về VnDoc nghiêm cấm mọi hành vi sao chép vì mục đích thương mại

An essay making predictions

1. Fill in the gaps (1-6) in the essay with the correct words/ phrases from the list

(Điền vào chỗ trống (1-6) trong bài luận với các từ/ cụm từ đúng trong danh sách)

Tiếng Anh 11 Bright Workbook Unit 5 5e Writing

Gợi ý đáp án

1. I predict

2. To begin with

3. For instance

4. Secondly

5. However

6. All in all

2. Complete the table with ideas from the essay in Exercise 1

(Hoàn thành bảng với các ý tưởng ở bài luận trong Bài 1)

Tiếng Anh 11 Bright Workbook Unit 5 5e Writing

Gợi ý đáp án

Positive predictions

Examples/ Reasons

better, faster & more environmentally friendly

- high - speed electric trains reduce need to fly & reduce carbon footprint.

- electric vehicles will replace petrol vehicles & reduce greenhouse gasses

Negative predictions

Examples/ Reasons

People get unfit

- easier & faster to use public transport instead of walking

- people go out less

3. Use the ideas below to complete the table

(Sử dụng các ý tưởng sau để hoàn thành bảng)

Tiếng Anh 11 Bright Workbook Unit 5 5e Writing

Gợi ý đáp án

Positive predictions

Examples/ Reasons

- Learning will be more fun.

- Learning will be easier

- lots of technology in the classroom such as hologram devices and virtual reality headsets.

- Students can learn in a digital classroom rather than a physical one.

Negative predictions

Examples/ Reasons

- Learning will be impersonal.

- Learning will be lonely.

- Students won’t develop a good relationship with their teacher because it will be a cyborg guide and not a real person.

- Students who learn in a digital classroom have no in-person friendships with classmates.

4. Write an essay making predictions about the future of education (about 150-180 words). You can use ideas from Exercises 3 and 4.

(Viết bài luận dự đoán về ngành giáo dục trong tương lai (khoảng 150 - 180 từ). Bạn có thể sử dụng các ý tưởng Bài 3 và 4.)

Gợi ý đáp án

Education is constantly changing, and we can make some predictions about what it might look like in the future. Some of these changes could be good, while others may have some challenges.

In the future, learning might become more personalized and fun. Technology like hologram devices and virtual reality headsets could be used in classrooms, making learning more interactive and exciting. Students could also use educational games and adaptive systems that adjust to their individual needs.

However, there are concerns that education could become impersonal. Instead of real teachers, students might have cyborg guides, which could make it harder to build a strong relationship with them. Additionally, if learning happens mostly online, students may miss out on making friends and having face-to-face interactions.

In summary, the future of education will likely have some positive changes, like personalized and engaging learning experiences with the help of technology. But we should be careful not to lose the personal touch of education, as having real teachers and in-person interactions are essential for a well-rounded education.

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