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Tiếng Anh 7 Right On Unit 3 Skills 3f

Tiếng Anh Right on lớp 7 Unit 3

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Tiếng Anh 7 Right On Unit 3 Skills 3f

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Tiếng Anh 7 Right On Unit 3 Skills 3f

1. Look at the texts. How are they related?

(Hãy nhìn các đoạn văn. Chúng liên quan như thế nào?)

Gợi ý đáp án

I think that the first text is a blog entry about a festival and the second text is a poster about a festival. They are about the same festival.

2. Listen and read the blog entry. Match the phrases (1-3) to the phrases (a-c) to make correct sentences

(Nghe và đọc mục blog. Nối các cụm từ (1-3) với các cụm từ (a-c) để tạo các câu đúng)

Bài nghe

Tiếng Anh 7 Right On Unit 3 Skills 3f

Gợi ý đáp án

1. c

2. a

3. b

3. Answer the questions

(Trả lời các câu hỏi)

Tiếng Anh 7 Right On Unit 3 Skills 3f

Gợi ý đáp án

1. It’s in June (from 17th June to 19th June)

2. It takes place in 3 days.

3. She’s going to visit the festival with her best friend and her (best friend’s) family.

4. She’s going to take part in the Kid’s Strawberry Race.

5. No, it isn’t

4. Think. What would you like to do at the Strawberry Festival? Why? Tell your partner

(Nghĩ. Bạn muốn làm gì tại Lễ hội Dâu tây? Tại sao? Hãy nói cho bạn cùng nhóm)

Gợi ý đáp án

I would like to watch live bands because I like live music.


Things to do at festivals/ celebrations

5. Listen and repeat

(Nghe và lặp lại)

Bài nghe

Tiếng Anh 7 Right On Unit 3 Skills 3f


6. Think of a festival in your country or in other countries. Use the phrases from Exercise 5 and your own ideas to talk about it.

(Nghĩ về một lễ hội ở nước bạn hoặc nước khác. Sử dụng các cụm từ ở bài 5 và ý tưởng của bạn để nói về nó.)

Gợi ý đáp án

In London, people celebrate Notting Hill Carnival every August. They wear traditional clothes, listen to bands and dance to music.


7. Listen and complete the poster below.

(Nghe và hoàn thành áp phích bên dưới.)

Bài nghe

Tiếng Anh 7 Right On Unit 3 Skills 3f

Gợi ý đáp án

1. July

2. music

3. contest

4. cake

Nội dung bài nghe

Good morning, listeners! Who has got a sweet tooth? I certainly have! So this Saturday, 14th July, I'm going to visit the Dessert Festival in West Park. It starts at 10 a.m. and finishes at 11:00 p.m. There's going to be so much to see and do, including lots of live music and free face painting for children. Make sure you arrive in time to take part in the pie eating contest! Even if you can't get there until late, you can still see the fantastic fireworks display at 9:00 p.m. And let's not forget the highlight of the day the desserts! There's going to be cake, ice cream, biscuits and so much more. Tickets are 10 pounds for adults and 7 pounds for children. You can reserve them, and find out more information, at See you there!


8. You are planning to go to a festival. Write an email to your best friend inviting him/her to join you (about 60-80 words). Include its name, the date, the place, what to do and what to see.

(Bạn đang lên kế hoạch đến một lễ hội. Viết một bức thư cho bạn thân, mời anh ấy/cô ấy tham gia cùng bạn (60- 80 từ). Bao gồm tên, thời gian, địa điểm, làm gì và xem gì.)

Gợi ý đáp án

In the UK, they celebrate May Day Festival, Food and Drink Spring Festival, people dance around the maypole, watch Morris dancing and crown they May Queen. At Food and Drink Spring Festival, people see celebrity chefs cook their favourite dishes, learn how to cook new dishes and shop for the freshest ingredients. At Literature Festival, people meet famous authors, watch awards for the best novel, and have conversations with top authors.

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