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Tiếng Anh 8 Starter unit Language focus trang 7

Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Friends plus Starter unit Language focus

Soạn tiếng Anh lớp 8 Chân trời sáng tạo Starter unit Language focus hướng dẫn giải sách tiếng Anh 8 Friends plus Starter unit Language focus trang 7 giúp các em chuẩn bị bài tập hiệu quả.

1. Study sentences 1-5 from the interviews on page 6. Then answer questions a - d. Nghiên cứu câu 1-5 từ các cuộc phỏng vấn ở trang 6. Sau đó trả lời các câu hỏi a -d.

1. What are you doing in town this morning?

2. I'm looking for a present for my mum.

3. I start school at nine.

4. I have some cereal or toast.

5. Do you always go shopping on Saturday mornings?

a. Which sentence refers to a scheduled action?

b. Which sentences refer to actions happening now?

c. Which sentence refers to a repeated action?

d. Which sentence contains a verb that we can't usually use in the present continuous?

Đáp án

a. Which sentence refers to a scheduled action?

  • 5. Do you always go shopping on Saturday mornings?

b. Which sentences refer to actions happening now?

  • 1. What are you doing in town this morning?
  • 2. I’m looking for a present for my mum.

c. Which sentence refers to a repeated action?

  • 3. I start school at nine.

d. Which sentence contains a verb that we can’t usually use in the present continuous?

  • 3. I start school at nine.

2. Write the negative forms of sentences 1-5 in exercise 1. Viết dạng phủ định của câu 1-5 trong bài tập 1.

Đáp án

1. What aren't you doing in town this morning?

2. I am not looking for a present for my mum.

3. I don't start school at nine.

4. I don't have some cereal or toast.

5. Don't you always go shopping on Saturday mornings?

3. Read the interviews on page 6 again. Find examples of: Đọc lại các cuộc phỏng vấn ở trang 6. Tìm ví dụ về:

1. negative forms of the present simple and present continuous

2. question forms of the present simple and present continuous

3. third person singular forms of the present simple

Đáp án

1. negative forms of the present simple and present continuous.

  • ... but I'm not playing this morning.
  • I don't often tidy my room.

2. question forms of the present simple and present continuous.

  • What are you doing in town this morning?
  • Do you always go shopping on Saturday mornings?
  • What time do you get up in the morning?
  • Do you have breakfast?
  • What time do you start school?
  • Do you have a minute to answer some questions?
  • Do you usually go home straight after school?
  • How do you relax?
  • Do you listen to music?
  • Do you help at home much after school?
  • Does someone tidy your room and cook your meals?

3. third person singular forms of the present simple.

  • My mum usually wakes me up at seven o'clock, before she goes to work.
  • My mum does it.
  • My dad always cooks

4. Pronunciation: Consonant clusters Phát âm: Cụm phụ âm

Underline consonant clusters in the words below and pronounce them. Listen and check. Gạch chân các cụm phụ âm trong các từ dưới đây và phát âm chúng. Nghe và kiểm tra.

Đáp án

break extra gift cold scholar history

text discover planet

5. Complete the phone conversation on the right using the correct present simple and present continuous forms of the verbs. Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại qua điện thoại bên phải bằng cách dùng đúng thì hiện tại đơn và thì hiện tại tiếp diễn của các động từ.

Erica: Hi, Claire. Where are you?

Claire: 1_________ (I / sit) on the bus. I'm nearly in town. 2___________ (you / want) to meet at the shopping centre?

Erica: I can't. 3__________ (I / do) my history homework at the moment.

Claire: Why 4___________ (you / do) your homework now? It's Saturday morning!

Erica: I know! 5___________ (I / not/ usually / do) homework on Saturdays, but I've got a netball tournament tomorrow. 6___________ (They / always / finish) late.

Claire: But 7___________ (Miss Macken/ not/usually/check) our homework.

Erica: That's not true. 8___________ (She/always/check) it!

Claire: Oh come on, Erica! Take the day off!

Erica: No. 9___________ (I / not / come) to town, Claire. Speak to you later, OK?

Claire: OK… looks like I'm shopping on my own, then!

Đáp án

1 - am sitting

2 - Do you want

3 - am doing

4 - are you doing

5 - don't usually do

6 - They always finish

7 - Miss Macken doesn't usually check

8 - She always checks

9 - am not come

Trên đây là Giải Sách tiếng Anh lớp 8 Starter Unit Language focus trang 7. hy vọng rằng tài liệu Soạn tiếng Anh 8 trên đây sẽ giúp các em ôn tập kiến thức hiệu quả.

>> Bài tiếp theo: Tiếng Anh 8 Starter unit Vocabulary and Listening trang 8

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