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Workbook tiếng Anh 8 unit 4 Language focus trang 27 Friends plus

Sách bài tập tiếng Anh 8 unit 4 Friends plus Language focus trang 27

Giải workbook tiếng Anh 8 Friends plus unit 4 Material world Language focus trang 27 hướng dẫn soạn bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 8 Chân trời sáng tạo unit 4 hiệu quả.

1. Complete the table with the quantifiers. Hoàn thành bảng với các định lượng.

Đáp án

1 - many

2 - much

3 - a little

4 - enough

5 - enough

6 - a lot of

2. Cross the incorrect word.  Gạch chéo từ sai.

There weren’t many people / food / presents at the birthday part.

1. How much time / money / pounds did you spend on this?

2. There is enough / a few / not enough food for everyone here.

3. There are a lot of space / people / boxes in the room at the moment.

4. I haven’t got many / enough / a lot of money.

5. They’re planted a few / enough / much new trees in the forest.

6. The children next door make a lot of / a few / too much noise when they’re playing.

7. I think there are too much / too many / enough stories about the environment in the news!

8. Have you read a lot of / a few / a little newspaper articles about food waste?

Đáp án

1 - pounds

2 - a few

3 - space

4 - many

5 - much

6 - a few

7 - too much

8 - a little

3. Complete the dialogue with the words. Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại bằng các từ.

a few; a little; a lot of; enough; many; much; not enough;

Emily: I’m reading an article about food waste. How much food do you think we throw away every year?

Harry: I don’t know. It must be more than 1. ………….. food. Maybe 20%?

Emily: No, 20% isn’t high 2. …………! We waste fifteen million tones a year! That’s around 35% of the food we buy!

Harry: Wow! That’s 3. …………… food!

Emily: Also, 4. ……….. of the food products that the supermarkets throw away are still OK for us to eat.

Harry: Oh, that’s terrible, isn’t it?

Emily: Yes, it is. There are 5. ……….. charity programmes for us unsold food, but that’s 6. ……….. .

Harry: No, it isn’t. Did you know that in France all the food that supermarkets don’t sell goes to charity? It’s the law.

Emily: What a great idea! Why can’t we do that?

Đáp án

1 - a little

2 - enough

3 - a lot of

4 - many

5 - a few

6 - not enough

4. Write one or two sentences about the topics using quatifiers. Viết một hoặc hai câu về chủ đề bằng cách sử dụng từ định nghĩa.

the time you spend doing homework

We usually have a lot of homework. I spend a few hours a week doing it.

1. the money you spend on clothes


2. the different foods you eat


3. the money that people earn in different jobs


4. the things for teenagers to do in your area


Gợi ý

1 - I spend a lot of money buying clothes. It take me too much time to decide what to wear each day.

2 - I eat a lot of vegetable and fruit every day. But, I don't eat much rice.

3 - People earn a lot of money from many different jobs.

4 - There are many different outdoor activities for teenagers every week. But they only spend most of time using smartphone.

Trên đây là Sách bài tập tiếng Anh 8 Friends plus unit 4 Language focus trang 27. hy vọng rằng tài liệu Giải Friends plus 8 workbook trên đây sẽ giúp các em chuẩn bị bài tập nhanh & chính xác.

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