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Đề cương ôn thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7 năm 2020 - 2021

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Đề cương ôn thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7

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A. Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh lớp 7 học kì 1 năm 2020 - 2021

I. Tense

1.The present simple (Thì hiện tại đơn): (Diễn tả hành động sự việc xảy ra theo thói quen, thường xuyên xảy ra hoặc lặp đi lặp lại ở hiện tại).

The present simple is often used with the following words and phrases:

-Adverbs: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never

-Phrases: every Monday/ week/ etc. each Monday/ week/ etc.

once/ twice a week/ month/ etc. three times a week/ month/ etc.

Note: trạng từ thường đi trước động từ thường, nhưng đi sau động từ “tobe”.

Ex: I often play football with my friends. I am often late for my piano lessons.

2.The future simple (Thì tương lai đơn): (Diễn tả hành động sự việc sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai; sự tiên đoán; lời đề nghị hay yêu cầu hoặc những quyết định ở thời điểm hiện tại).

-Express facts about the future: The new airport will be the biggest in Europe.

-Express predictions: You’ll have a great time in Ha Long Bay.

-Express offers or requests: We’ll help you get ready for your holiday.

-Express decisions made now: I know! I’ll go to China this summer.

3.The past simple

* We use the past simple:

-For actions which finished at a stated time in the past.

Ex: She went to school by bus yesterday.

-For actions that happened one after the other.

Ex: First he had breakfast and then he left for work.

* Time expressions: yesterday; then; last night/ week/month/year; a week/ month/ year ago; in 2010; when; etc.

4.The present perfect

* We use the present perfect:

-For recent actions or states, or for actions which happened at an unstated time in the past.

Ex: Mr. brown has bought a new house.

-For recent actions or states which began in the past and continue up to the present.

Ex: She has been a student in this school for two years.

(She came to this school two years ago and she is still here.)

* Time expressions: already; yet; just; ever, recently; so far; never; since; for; etc.

II. Imperative with more and less.

- We can use the imperative for direct commands, orders or suggestions.

Ex: do more exercises; eat more fruit/ vegetables; sleep more

wash your hands more; eat less junk food; sunbathe less

III. Compound sentences

-When we want to join two ideas, we can link two simple sentences to form a compound sentence.

-We can do this using a coordinating conjunction like: and (for addition); or (for choice); but (for contrast); so (for result)


- The Americans eat a lot, but they do not do enough exercises.

- Children do more exercise than adults, so they are more active.

IV. Comparisons

-as + adjective + as to show that things are similar.

-not as + adjective + as to mean something is “more” or “less” than something else.

-the same as... to show similarity.

-different from to show that two or more things are not similar.


-Classical music is not as exciting as rock and roll.

-The price of food is the same as it was last year.

V. too and either

-too: is used to express agreement with a positive statement.

-either: is used to express agreement with a negative statement.


-My friend likes photography, and I like it, too.

VI. Countable nouns and uncountable nouns:

-Some nouns are countable: a book - two books, an egg - six eggs

-Some nouns are uncountable: bread rice

-Some nouns are both:

Ex: Do you like ice-cream? (Or) Do you like an ice cream?

VII. A/ An; Some; Any; Much; Many

- We use many with countable nouns in questions and negatives.

Ex: How many eggs are there?

There aren’t many eggs.

-We use much with uncountable nouns in questions and negatives.

Ex: How much coffee is there?

There isn’t much coffee.

-We use some in positive sentences with uncountable nouns and plural nouns

There is



on the table

There are


-We use some in questions when we ask for things or offer things

Can I have


coffee, please?

I know there is some coffee

Would you like


I know there are some grapes

We use any in questions and negative sentences with uncountable nouns and plural nouns

Is there



I don’t know if there is any water

Does she have


VIII. Passive voice

1. The present simple passive

(+) S + be (am/ is/ are) + past participle

(-) S + be (am/ is/ are) not + past participle

(?) Be (Am/ Is/ Are)+ S + past participle?

Examples: Many old trees and beautiful flowers are taken care of by the gardeners.

2. The past simple passive:

(+) S + be (was/ were) + past participle

(-) S + be (was/ were) not + past participle

(?) Be (Was/ Were)+ S + past participle?

Examples: The One Pillar Pagoda was built in 1049.

B. Bài tập ôn thi học kì 1 Tiếng Anh lớp 7 năm 2020 - 2021

Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb form

1. Nam’s friends often (give)__________him stamps from other countries.

2. My sister (practise)_________ the guitar twice a week.

3. I (see)________ a film this Sunday evening. (you/ go)__________ with me?

4. They (give)___________ a party next week.

5. The members of the stamp collectors’ club (meet)________ at the library next Friday..

6. I enjoy (collect)_____________dolls and it becomes my pleasure.

7. Tom (call) ______________ his boss yesterday.

8. John (read) ___________ the letter from Mary already.

9. We (not begin)_____________ to learn for the test yet.

10. We (go) ____________ to that village to do volunteer work several times.

11. We (spend)_____________ our summer vacation in Ha Long Bay last July.

12. Our teacher (explain)____________ to US how to use the printer already.

13. I _____________ (not visit) my parents very often.

14. ____________________ (Mai/ go) to school every day? ~ No, she (go) _____________ to school from Monday to Friday.

15. The teachers at our school _____________ (give) us lots of homework.

Đáp án

1. give

2. practises

3. will see - Will you go

4. will give

5. will meet

6. collecting

7. called

8. has read

9. haven’t begun

10. have gone

11. spent

12. has explained

13. don’t visit

14. Does Mai go - goes

15. give

Exercise 2: Join each pair of sentences using because, as or since.

1. Jane didn’t join our programme. She had to take a summer course. (as)


2. He behaved very rudely. Everyone dislike him. (since)


3. They like doing something useful. They do volunteer work. (because)


4. I won’t be able to attend the meeting. I’ll be on holiday with my family. (since)


5. It was raining heavily. We decided to stay home and watch TV. (as)


Đáp án

1. Jane didn’t join our programme as she has to take a summer course.

2. Since he behaved very rudely, everyone dislike him.

3. They do volunteer work because they like doing something useful.

4. I won’t be able to attend the meeting since I’ll be on holiday with my family.

5. As it was raining heavily, we decided to stay home and watch TV.

Exercise 3: Combine into one sentence with “too” or “either”

1. Hoa ate bread with milk for breakfast. Hoa’s uncle ate bread with milk for breakfast.


2. She didn’t watch TV last night. Her husband didn’t watch TV last night.


3. They mustn’t stay up late. Their friends mustn’t stay up late.


4. Milk is good for your health. Fruit juice is good for your health.


5. Betty does morning exercise. Betty’s aunt does morning exercise.


Đáp án

1. Hoa ate bread with milk for breakfast, and Hoa’s uncle did, too.

2. She didn’t watch TV last night, and her husband didn’t, either.

3. They mustn’t stay up late, and their friends mustn’t, either.

4. Milk is good for your health, and fruit juice is, too.

5. Betty doesn’t do morning exercise, and Betty’s aunt doesn’t, either.

Exercise 4: Complete the sentence with as, than or from.

1. The blue car is as fast __________ the red car.

2. Physics is more difficult __________ history.

3. Animals feel pain the same __________ we do

4. Life in the country is very different __________ life in the city.

5. He’s not really __________ tall as he looks on TV.

6. This classroom is a lot nicer __________ the one we had last year.

7. London was different __________ most European capitals.

8. Driving a boat is not the same __________ driving a car.

Đáp án:

1. as

2. than

3. as

4. from

5. as

6. than

7. from

8. as

Exercise 5: Complete the second sentence using the word in brackets

1. Cycling is faster than walking. (as)

Walking __________________________________

2. This tea doesn’t taste the same as the one I usually drink. (from)

This tea __________________________________

3. Money is not as important as health. (than)

Health ___________________________________

4. His new guitar isn’t different from his old one. (as)

His new guitar ____________________________

5. Oil painting is not the same as pencil painting. (from)

Oil painting ______________________________

6. Football is more exciting than rugby.

Rugby isn’t ______________________________

7. French is easier than German.

German _________________________________

8. My mother doesn’t like thrillers. I don’t like them.

My mother doesn’t like thrillers, and I don’t _________________________

9. My sister sings better than me.

I don’t sing ______________________________

10. Ballets and modern dance are quite different.

Ballets and modern dance are not _______________________________

Đáp án:

1. Walking is not as fast as cycling.

2.This tea tastes different from the one I usually drink.

3.Health is more important than money.

4.His new guitar is the same as his old one.

5.Oil painting is different from pencil painting.

6. Rugby isn’t as exciting as football.

7. German isn’t as easy as French.

8. My mother doesn’t like thrillers, and I don’t either.

9. I don’t sing as well as my sister.

10. Ballets and modern dance are not the same.

Exercise 6: Fill in each blank with some or any.

1. There’s _____________ milk in that bottle.

2. She wanted _______ stamps but there weren’t _________ in the machine.

3. I’m afraid there isn’t __________ coffee left.

4. I’d like to buy __________ new clothes but I don’t have_________ money.

5. Do you have ________friends in Ha Noi?

Đáp án

1. some

2. some - any

3. any

4. some - any

5. any

Exercise 7: Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice

1. My father drives all of us to school every day.

All of us ______________________________.

2. A lot of people use cell phones.

Cell phones____________________________.

3. Hundreds of tourists visit my town every year.

My town_______________________________.

4. People use Khue Van Pavilion symbol on all street signs of Ha Noi.

Khue Van Pavilion symbol________________.

5. King Ly Nhan Tong built the Imperial Academy as the first university in Viet Nam in 1076.

The Imperial Academy ___________________.

6. People invented the wheel thousands of years ago.

→ The wheel _________________________________

7.My father waters these flower every morning.

→ These flowers ______________________________

8.People use computers all over the world.

→ Computers ________________________________

9.Are they building a statue of Chu Van An?

→ Is _______________________________________ ?

10.John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night.

→ Fiona ____________________________________

Đáp án

1. All of us are driven to school by my father.

2. Cell phones are used by a lot of people.

3. My town is visited by hundreds of tourists every year.

4. Khue Van Pavilion symbol is used on all street signs of Ha Noi.

5. The Imperial Academy was built as the first university in Viet Nam by King Ly Nhan Tong in 1076.

6. The wheel was invented thousands of years ago.

7. These flowers are watered by my father every morning.

8. Computers are used all over the world.

9. Is a statue of Chu Van An being built?

10. Fiona was invited to his birthday party by John last night.

Exercise 8: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined

1. A. sandwich

B. chicken

A. children

B. chilli

2. A. academy

B. imperial

C. advance

D. around

3. A. cheap

B. chicken

C. children

D. chef

4. A. bottle

B. fork

C. record

D. pork

5. A. so

B. expensive

C. saxophone

D. music

6. A. collection

B. tradition

C. exhibition

D. question

7. A. gift

B. region

C. geography

D. germ

8. A. stopped

B. carried

C. looked

D. watched

Đáp án

1. A

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. D

6. D

7. A

8. B

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