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Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 4: Learning A Foreign Language có đáp án

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 4 có đáp án

Bài tập tự luận Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 4 có đáp án này sẽ cung cấp các bài tập tự luận Unit 4 tiếng Anh 9 giúp các em học sinh củng cố vốn kiến thức về ngữ pháp và từ vựng đã được học. Mời quý thầy cô giáo và các em học sinh tham khảo nhằm nâng cao chất lượng dạy và học môn Tiếng Anh trong chương trình.

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 3: A trip to the countryside có đáp án

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 3: A trip to the countryside - Số 1 có đáp án

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 4 có đáp án


Put the following statements into reported speech. Viết những lời phát biểu sau đây sang Reported-speech.

1. "Is a return ticket cheaper than two singles?" said my uncle.

2. "Do puppies travel free?" asked a dog owner.

3. "Can I bring my dog into the compartment with me?" she asked.

4. "Does this train stop at York?" asked Bill.

5. "Can you telephone from inter – city trains?" said businessman.


Put the following statements into reported speech. Viết những lời phát biểu sau đây sang Reported-speech.

1. "Does the 2.40 train have a restaurant car?" he enquired.

2. "Can you get coffee on the train?" asked my aunt.

3. "Do they bring it round on a trolley?" she said.

4. "Are there smoking compartments?" said the man with the pipe.

5. "Have you reserved a seat?" I asked him.


Put the following statements into reported speech. Viết những lời phát biểu sau đây sang Reported-speech.

1. "What country do you come from?" said Bill.

2. "How long have you been here?" said Alice.

3. "Are you working as well as studying?" asked Peter.

4. "Have you got a work permit?" Bill wanted to know.

5. "What are you going to study?" asked Jane.


Put the following statements into reported speech. Viết những lời phát biểu sau đây sang Reported-speech.

1. Have you enrolled for more than one class?" said Bob.

2. "Do you want to buy any second hand books?" said Bill.

3. "Have you seen the library?" asked Janet.

4. "Do you play rugby?" said Brown.

5."Will you have time to play regularly?" he went on.


Put the following statements into reported speech. Viết những lời phát biểu sau đây sang Reported-speech.

1. "Did you play for your school team?" said Fred.

2. "Are you interested in acting?" asked Paula.

3. "Would you like to join our Drama Group?" she said.

4. "What do you think of the canteen coffee?" asked Henry.

5. "How can I get from the station to the airport?" said Kerry.


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. Điền động từ trong ngoặc đơn ở vào đúng thì.

1. If you (read) in bad light you will ruin your eyes.

2. Somebody (steal) your bicyle if you leave it unlocked.

3. What will happen if her parachute (not open).

4. If the page-boy (wash) my car I'll given him a dollar.

5. If she (need) a computer she can borrow mine.


Put the verb in brackets into the correct tenses. Điền động từ trong ngoặc đơn ở vào đúng thì.

1. If you (not go) away I'll send for the police.

2. I'll be very angry if she (make) any more mistakes.

3. If they (be) late I'll punish them.

4. He'll be absolutely furious if he (hear) about this.

5. If you put on the Kettle she (make)the tea.


Put the verb in brackets into the correct tenses. Điền động từ trong ngoặc đơn ở vào đúng thì.

1. You can use my hand phone if yours (not work).

2. If you (not know) the meaning of a word you may use a dictionary.

3. If Henry (refuse) to help I'll have to manage without him.

4. If Janet (not help) I'll have to manage without her.

5. If you (go out) would you buy me some cigarettes.


Read the following passage and then fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box. Do not use the same word more than once











Every year many people in the world learn English. Some of them are young children. Others are (1) __________. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others leatn in (2) __________ classes. A few learn English by themselves or just by hearing the (3) __________ on television or among their friends. Most people must work (4) __________ to learn English. Why do these people want to learn English? It isn’t (5) __________ to answer that question. Young children learn English at school beacause it is one of their (6) __________. Many adults learn English beacuse it is (7) __________ for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their higher (8) __________, because some of their books are in English at (9) __________ or unversity. Other people learn English beacuse they want to read (10) __________ or magazines in English.

Đáp án Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 4


1. My uncle asked if a return ticket was.

2. A dog owner asked if puppies traveled free.

3. She asked if she could bring her dog into the compartment with her.

4. Bill asked if the train stopped at York.

5. The businessman asked if I could telephone from inter-city train.


1. He asked if the 2.40 train had a restaurant car.

2. My aunt asked if you could get coffee on the train.

3. She asked if they brought it round on a trolley.

4. The man with the pipe asked if there were smoking compartments.

5. I asked if he had reserved a seat.


1. Bill asked what country I came from.

2. Alice asked how long I'd been there.

3. Peter asked if I was working as well as studying.

4. Bill asked if had got a work permit.

5. Jane asked what I was going to study.


1. Bib asked if I had enrolled for more than one class.

2. Bill asked if I wanted to buy any second hand books.

3. Janet asked if had seen the library.

4. Brow asked if I played rugby.

5. He asked if I would have time to play regulary.


1. Fred asked if I had played for my school team.

2. Paula asked if I was interested in acting.

3. She asked if I would like to join their Drama Group.

4. Henry asked what I thought of the canteen coffee.

5. Kerry asked how he could get from the station to the airport.


1. read

2. will steal

3. doesn't open

4. washes

5. needs


1. don't go

2. makes

3. are

4. hears

5. will make


1. doesn't work

2. don't know

3. refuses

4. doesn't help

5. are going


1. teenagers

2. evening

3. language

4. hard

5. difficult

6. subjects

7. useful

8. studies

9. college

10. newspapers

Trên đây là Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 4: Learning A Foreign Language có đáp án. Bên cạnh đó, mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu ôn tập tiếng Anh 9 cả năm khác như: Để học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 9, Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 9 theo từng Unit trực tuyến, Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 9, Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 9, Bài tập nâng cao Tiếng Anh 9,... được cập nhật liên tục trên

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