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Bài tập tiếng Anh 9 Unit 4 Learning A Foreign Language

Bài tập tiếng Anh Unit 4 lớp 9 Learning Foreign Language

Để việc dạy và học môn tiếng Anh 9 được hiệu quả, quý thầy cô, các em học sinh hãy tham khảo ngay Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 4: Learning A Foreign Language có đáp án. đã chọn lọc nhiều bài tập hay, thể hiện dưới hình thức tự luận giúp cho các em học sinh được ôn tập toàn diện, hệ thống. Các kiến thức về từ vựng, ngữ pháp của bài học sẽ được tổng hợp để gửi đến các em qua Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 4 này. tin rằng, Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 4 sẽ mang lại nhiều tư liệu hữu ích, hỗ trợ công tác giảng dạy, học tập của quý thầy cô và các em học sinh.

I. Rewrite each sentence, beginning with the words provided.

1. " I have something to show you now." He said to me.

He told me__________________________________________________.

2. " I'm leaving here for Hue tomorrow." She said.

She said __________________________________________________.

3. " I'll come with you as soon as I am ready." Tom said to her.

Tom told her __________________________________________________.

4. " I must go now." The father said to us.

The father told us__________________________________________________.

5. " Why do you come here late?" she asked me.

She asked__________________________________________________.

6. " Who puts the salt in my cup of coffee?" asked Peter.

Peter asked__________________________________________________.

7. " Can you play the piano?" he asked the girl.

He asked the girl__________________________________________________.

8. " I'm having good time here." Said Maryam.

Maryam said__________________________________________________.

9. " Do you like pop music?" Ho asked Maryam.

Ho asked Maryam__________________________________________________.

10. " Where do you live, the boy?" asked the man.

The man asked__________________________________________________.

II. Supply the correct verb form.

1. She asked me where I (buy).................. that car.

2. She asked him where he (be)...................from.

3. They said that they (sell).....................their house.

4. I asked them if they (pass)................... the final exam.

5. I asked him if he (can).................. help me.

6. She said to me that she (sell)................ That car the following day.

7. He asked me where I (go).............. the previous day.

8. The teacher asked her why she (not do).......................... the test.

9. I asked her if she (listen) .................... to music.

10. They asked him if he (must).................go then.

III. Rewrite each sentence, beginning with the words provided.

1. It is high time for us to go home

It is high time we........................................................

2. You can't go in to this restaurant without jacket and tie


3. The question was so difficult that no one could answer it

It was such ...............................................................

4. She hasn't finished the letter yet

This letter.................................................................

5. He isn't good at English. He can't get job.

If. ..........................................................................

IV. Rewrite each sentence, beginning with the words provided.

1. The weather isn't fine. We can't go for walk in the woods

If ...................................................................................................

2. I'll ask someone to make new dress

I'll have ..........................................................................................

3. The bridge might be built in hurry

People ...........................................................................................

4. You really should be able to dress yourself by now

It's high time ...................................................................................

5. I wish I hadn't told him what we were planning to do that evening

I regret...........................................................................................

6. I have never eaten with knives and folks before

This is ...........................................................................................

7. "Why don't you ask Tom for help, Mary?" Bsaid

Bsuggested ...................................................................................

8. Bis too young to see horror films

Bis not........................................................................................

9. They should quit smoking

They had .......................................................................................

10. They once started these machines by hand.

They used to ..................................................................................

V. Find the mistake then correct it.

1. The teacher ordered us not open our book until she told us to do so.

2. He is angry about having not been invited to her birthday party.

3. John was upset last night because he had to do too many homework.

4.We wish we have longer vacation but we don't

5. He doesn't have any informations about the departure and arrival time of today's flights.

6. I wish I didn't go there for my holiday last year. I didn't enjoy it.

7. The mother asked her son what did he want for his birthday.

8. Throughout the United States there is fast food restaurants where hamburgers are served.

9. Each of the students in the class has to do their own assignment this semester.

10. Helen was proud for finishing the work in such short time.

VI. Fill in each gap one suitable preposition.

Dear sir,

I saw your advertisement (1)................... English classes (2).............. Sunflowers magazine and I am interested (3)............. coming (4)................your Foreign Language Center this summer.

I have learnt English (5)................. 2 years but I have never been (6)........... England and I feel that it is now necessary, especially to improve my pronunciation. Could you please send me more information (7)............. your courses and an application form? I would also like some information about accommodation. I can do your tests (8)............ attending your course if necessary.

I look forward (9)............. hearing (10)............ you as soon as possible.

Your faithfully,

J.B John.

VII. Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions below it

Language, the way we express ourselves, is a vital part of learning. A baby learns his native tongue naturally by hearing speech around him. If the speech he hears is rapid, not clear and never directed at him then he hears slowly and speaks badly. A child of two or three years old who can’t make his desires known or put his thought into words will usually become angry. His relationships with others will get worse. If the speech a baby hears around him is clear, and his family talk to him, he will gain a satisfactory command of language directly, by his mother, his languege ability will be greater.

By the time he is two, it is quite possible for him to have a vocabulary of two thounsand words and by the time he is three, he will be able to read. Onece ahead he will stay ahead.

1. How is language defined by the writer?


2. How does the baby learn his mother tongue?


3. How does the child usually react when he can’t express himself?


4. What is the role odd the mother in the education of her child?


5. What are the ideas expressed by the writer on how a child should be taught his native language?


VIII. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of the words in parentheses.

1. She practises ……………… to English on the radio 2 hours a day. (listen)

2. Oxford is a university with an excellent ……………… in England. (reputable)

3. If you want to sell your old house, why not put an ……………… on TV. (advertise)

4. The decision was made in the ……………… interest. (nation)

5. I’d love to go to your party but, ………………, I have to go to somewhere else. (fortunate)

6. I ……………… with you on spending so much money on the project. It’s a waste of money! (agree)


I. Rewrite each sentence, beginning with the words provided.

1 - He told me he had something to show me then.

2 - She said she were leaving there for Hue the following day.

3 - Tom told her he would come with me as soon as I were ready.

4 - The father told us that we had to go now.

5 - She asked me why I came there later.

6 - Peter asked who put the salt in his cup of coffee.

7 - He asked the girl she could play the piano.

8 - Maryam said she were having good time there.

9 - Ho asked Maryam if she liked pop music.

10 - The man asked the boy where they lived

II. Supply the correct verb form.

1. She asked me where I (buy)........bought.......... that car.

2. She asked him where he (be)........was...........from.

3. They said that they (sell).........had sold............their house.

4. I asked them if they (pass).........passed.......... the final exam.

5. I asked him if he (can)........could.......... help me.

6. She said to me that she (sell).........would sell....... That car the following day.

7. He asked me where I (go).......had gone....... the previous day.

8. The teacher asked her why she (not do).............didn't do............. the test.

9. I asked her if she (listen) .........listened........... to music.

10. They asked him if he (must).......had to..........go then.

III. Rewrite each sentence, beginning with the words provided.

1 - It is high time we went home.

2 - Unless you have jacket and tie, you can't go in to this restaurant.

3 - It was such a difficult question that no one could answer it.

4 - This letter hasn't been finished yet.

5 - If he was good at English, he could get job.

IV. Rewrite each sentence, beginning with the words provided.

1 - If the weather was fine, we could go for a walk in the woods.

2 - I'll have new dress made.

3 - People might build the bridge in hurry.

4 - It is high time for you to dress yourself.

5 - I regret having told him what we were planning to do that evening.

6 - This is the first time I have eaten with knives and folks.

7 - B suggested Mary should ask Tom for help.

8 - B is not old enough to see horror films.

9 - They had to quit smoking.

10 - They used to start these machines by hand.

V. Find the mistake then correct it.

1 - not thành not to; 2 - having not thành not having; 3 - many thành much;

4 - have thành had; 5 - informations thành information; 6 - didn't go thành hadn't gone;

7 - did he want thành he wanted; 8 - is thành are; 9 - their thành his/ her; 10 - for thành of;

VI. Fill in each gap one suitable preposition.

Dear sir,

I saw your advertisement (1).........about......... English classes (2) Sunflowers magazine and I am interested (3) coming (4) Foreign Language Center this summer.

I have learnt English (5)........for......... 2 years but I have never been (6) England and I feel that it is now necessary, especially to improve my pronunciation. Could you please send me more information (7)......about....... your courses and an application form? I would also like some information about accommodation. I can do your tests (8)......before...... attending your course if necessary.

I look forward (9) hearing (10).....from....... you as soon as possible.

Your faithfully,

J.B John

VII. Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions below it

1. Language, the way we express ourselves, is a vital part of learning.

2. A baby learns his native tongue naturally by hearing speech around him

3. If the speech he hears is rapid, not clear and never directed at him then he learns slowly and speaks badly.

4. Mother plays an essential part.

5. If the speech a baby hears around him is clear, and his family talk to him, he will gain a satisfactory command of language directly, by his mother, his language ability will be greater.

VIII. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of the words in parentheses.

1. She practises ……listening………… to English on the radio 2 hours a day. (listen)

2. Oxford is a university with an excellent ………reputation……… in England. (reputable)

3. If you want to sell your old house, why not put an ……advertisement………… on TV. (advertise)

4. The decision was made in the ………national……… interest. (nation)

5. I’d love to go to your party but, ……unfortunately…………, I have to go to somewhere else. (fortunate)

6. I ……disagree………… with you on spending so much money on the project. It’s a waste of money! (agree)

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