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Giải bài tập SBT Tiếng Anh lớp 9 chương trình mới Unit 3: Teen stress and pressure

Giải bài tập SBT Tiếng Anh lớp 9 chương trình mới Unit 3 xin giới thiệu đến các bạn Giải bài tập SBT Tiếng Anh lớp 9 chương trình mới Unit 3: Teen stress and pressure do sưu tầm và đăng tải dưới đây sẽ là nguồn tài liệu hữu ích giúp các bạn học tốt môn học. Sau đây mời các bạn vào tham khảo.

A. Phonetics - trang 19 - Unit 3– Sách bài tập (SBT) tiếng Anh 9 mới

1. Practise saying these sentences, paying attention to how the verb forms of be are pronounced.

Luyện tập nói những câu sau, chú ý làm thế nào để phát âm động từ be.

- Aren'tyou interested in taking this course?

- I am. But I'm not sure when to take it.

2. Minh Duc is interested in playing football, but Hoang Thu isn't.

3. Do you think they are coming?

- Yes, they are coming. Don't worry.

4. - Are you tired?

- Yes, I am.

5. - Aren't you taking the bus? It's very far to walk.

- Yes, I am taking the bus. When is the next one coming?

2. Look at the verb form of be in bold in each pair of sentences. Which one should be stressed? Tick Yes or No and then practise saying both of them.

Nhìn vào dạng của động từ be trong mỗi cặp câu dưới đây. Từ nào cần đánh trọng âm? Tích Có hoặc Không rồi luyện nói tất cả các từ.



1. A. is it important for teenagers to learn life skills?

B. Isn't it important for teenagers to learn life skills?

1. A. He was frustrated.

2. - Was he frustrated?

-Yes, he was.

1. A. - Isn't swimming your favourite sport?

- Yes, swimming is my favourite sport, but today the water is too cold for me.

- Swimming is my favourite sport.

Key - Đáp án:



1. A. is it important for teenagers to learn life skills?

B. Isn't it important for teenagers to learn life skills?


1. A. He was frustrated.

2. - Was he frustrated?

- Yes, he was.


1. A. - Isn't swimming your favourite sport?

- Yes, swimming is my favourite sport, but today the water is too cold for me.

- Swimming is my favourite sport.


3. Underlined the verb forms of be which should be stressed in the following sentences. Then practise saying them.

Gạch chân dạng của động từ be cái cần đánh trọng âm trong những câu dưới đây. Rồi luyện tập nói.

1. He wasn't depressed. He was just a bit worried.

2. Isn't this painting beautiful?

3. - Are you going to the supermarket now?

- Yes, I am. Do you need something

4. - I thought he wasn't good at cooking.

- Oh yes, he is. He can cook almost anything.

5. - Is it raining?

- No, it isn't. We can go now.

Key - Đáp án:

1. He wasn't depressed. He was just a bit worried.

2. Isn't this painting beautiful?

3. - Are you going to the supermarket now?

- Yes, I am. Do you need something?

4. - I thought he wasn't good at cooking.

- Oh yes, he is. He can cook almost anything.

5. - Is it raining?

- No, it isn't. We can go now.

Vocabulary& Grammar-trang 20-Unit 3-Sách bài tập (SBT) tiếng anh lớp 9 mới

1. Choose the word that DOES NOT fit in the sentences.

Chọn từ KHÔNG phù hợp với những câu sau.

1. You may feel____ before taking an important exam.

(tense/ stressed/ surprised/ worried)

2. You have finished your exam, and you think you did well. You may feel____

(relaxed/ depressed/ calm/ confident).

3. You have a problem with your classmates at school and you don't know who to talk to. You may feel________

(worried/ delighted/ stressed/ depressed)

4. You are asked to fix a broken bicycle chain and you are not sure what to do. You may feel______ .

(confused/ frustrated/ happy/ embarrassed)

5. You have moved to a new school and you know nobody there. You may feel____.

(depressed/ left-out/ delighted/ stressed)

6. You notice something strange happening to your body when you start your adolescence. You may feel______ .

(embarrassed/ confused/ left-out/ worried)

Key - Đáp án:

1. surprised

2. depressed

3. delighted

4. happy

5. delighted

6. left-out

2. Match the verbs in A to the nouns in B

Nối những động từ ở cột A với danh từ ở cột B.



1. Make

a) Support

1. Resolve

b) Healthy habits

1. Overcome

c) risks

1. Take

d) Informed decisions

1. Ask for

e) Conflicts

1. form

f) Stress

Key - Đáp án:

1. d; 2.e; 3.f; 4.c; 5.a; 6.b

3. Use the phrases created in 2 to complete the following sentences.

Sử dụng những cụm từ ở bài 2 để hoàn thành những câu sau.

1. Recognising your feelings is a way to_________.

2. Our teacher said we should ______such as sleeping at least eight hours a night and exercising regularly.

3. "I'm fighting with my sister again! It feels like we can never____________________ our_________ !"

4. "Don't act too quickly! You should consider both the good points and bad points in order to_________!" my father advised me.

5. He is a very wise man. He knows when to_______and when to wait.

6. "When you are in trouble, who do you__________________?" asked the survey.

Key - Đáp án:

1. overcome stress 2. form healthy habits

3. resolve - conflicts 4. make informed decisions

5. take risks 6. ask for support

4. Match the skill to the example.

Nối những kĩ năng với những ví dụ sau.

Key - Đáp án:

1. b, i; 2. d, g; 3. a, f; 4. c, h; 5. e, j

5. Turn the following statements into indirect/ reported speech.

Chuyển những câu sau thành câu gián tiếp/ câu trần thuật.

1. "Have you seen her recently?" asked Thanh.

2. "Last night I couldn't sleep!" she said.

3. "I am on my way." he said.

4. "We want to send our son to a university in the UK." they said

5. "Have you ever tried calling a helpline?" the teacher asked Ngoc

6. "Tell Emma I miss her very much." she told me.

Key - Đáp án:

1. Thanh asked me if I had seen her recently.

2. She told me she couldn't sleep the night before.

3. He said he was on his way.

4. They said they wanted to send their son to a university in the UK.

5. The teacher asked Ngoc if she had ever tried calling a helpline.

6. She told me to tell Emma she missed her very much.

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