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Tiếng Anh 12 Global Success Unit 2 Writing

Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 Writing

Nằm trong bộ tài liệu Giải tiếng Anh 12 Kết nối tri thức theo từng Unit, Soạn tiếng Anh 12 Unit 2 A Muticultural World giúp các em chuẩn bị bài tập SGK tiếng Anh hiệu quả.

An opinion eassay on the impacts of world festivals on young Vietnamese people

(Bài luận văn trình bày ý kiến về ảnh hưởng của các lễ hội thế giới lên thế hệ trẻ Việt Nam)

1. Work in pairs. Decide whether the following points are positive or negative impacts of celebrating world festivals. Discuss the reasons.

(Làm việc theo cặp. Quyết định xem những điểm sau đây là tác động tích cực hay tiêu cực của việc tổ chức các lễ hội thế giới. Thảo luận về lý do.)

Tiếng Anh 12 Global Success Unit 2 Writing

Gợi ý đáp án

1. A: I believe that encouraging people to buy things they don't need has a negative impact on celebrating world festivals.

B: Absolutely. People might feel pressured to buy decorations, clothing, or other items just for the sake of celebration.

2. A: I see the encouragement of extracurricular activities during world festivals as a positive impact.

B: I agree. Festivals often involve various events and activities that promote creativity, teamwork, and skill development.

3. A: Celebrating world festivals may make people lose their sense of identity, which has a negative impact.

B: True. With the focus on global festivals, there's a risk that individuals may prioritize global trends over their own cultural identity. It's essential to strike a balance and not overshadow local traditions.

4. A: Bringing a lot of fun, happiness, and joy has a positive impact on celebrating world festivals.

B: Absolutely. Festivals are the chance to bring people together, foster a sense of community, and spread joy.

5. A: I'm concerned that celebrating world festivals may make young people ignore local festivals, which has a negative impact.

B: I agree. While it's great to embrace global cultures, it's important not to neglect one's traditions.

6. A: I think one positive impact of celebrating world festivals is that it helps young people learn about other cultures.

B: Agree. Exposure to diverse cultural practices during global festivals can broaden perspectives and promote understanding among people from different backgrounds.

2. Write an opinion essay (180 words) on the following topic. Use the ideas in 1 and the outline and suggestions below to help you.

(Viết một bài luận (180 từ) về chủ đề sau. Sử dụng những ý tưởng ở bài 1 cũng như dàn ý và những gợi ý bên dưới để giúp bạn.)

Nowadays, more and more young Vietnamese people celebrate festivals such as Christmas and Halloween. Some people think there is nothing wrong with this while others are worried about the influence of foreign cultures. What is your opinion?

(Ngày nay, ngày càng có nhiều bạn trẻ Việt Nam tổ chức các lễ hội như Giáng sinh và Halloween. Một số người cho rằng điều này không có gì sai trái trong khi những người khác lại lo lắng về ảnh hưởng của văn hóa nước ngoài. Ý kiến của bạn là gì?)

Tiếng Anh 12 Global Success Unit 2 Writing

Gợi ý đáp án

Nowadays, more and more young Vietnamese people are embracing the celebration of festivals like Christmas and Halloween. In my opinion, this trend has both positive and negative impacts on the youth in Vietnam.

Firstly, the positive aspect of this trend is the encouragement of extracurricular activities. Celebrating global festivals provides opportunities for creative expression, fostering a sense of teamwork and skill development among young individuals. This contributes positively to their personal growth and well-rounded development.

Secondly, there is a concern that such global celebrations may lead to the loss of cultural identity among the youth. It is crucial to strike a balance between embracing foreign cultures and preserving traditions. The risk of neglecting local festivals must be acknowledged to maintain a strong sense of identity.

Finally, exposure to different cultures during global festivals helps young Vietnamese people learn about the world. This cultural exchange fosters understanding and building a more interconnected global community.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that while celebrating international festivals has its positive aspects, the youth in Vietnam needs to maintain a balance. Embracing foreign cultures should not come at the expense of neglecting their rich traditions. A balanced approach will ensure the positive impacts outweigh the potential negative consequences.

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>> Bài tiếp theo: Soạn tiếng Anh 12 Global Success Unit 2 Communication/ CLIL

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