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Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global Unit 5 5H Writing

Giải Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global Unit 5 trang 69

Giải bài tập SGK tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global Unit 5 5H Writing trang 69 hướng dẫn giải chi tiết các phần bài tập trong Sách giáo khoa tiếng Anh lớp 11 Friends Global giúp các em học sinh chuẩn bị bài tập tại nhà hiệu quả.

Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global Unit 5 5H Writing

Bản quyền thuộc về VnDoc nghiêm cấm mọi hành vi sao chép vì mục đích thương mại

1. SPEAKING Ask and answer the questions about internet forums.

(Hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi về diễn đàn internet.)

Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global Unit 5 5H Writing

Gợi ý đáp án

A: Do you know what an internet forum is?

B: Yes, it's an online platform where users can engage in discussions on various topics by posting messages and comments.

A: Have you ever contributed to an internet forum?

B: Yes, I have. I contributed to a cooking forum where users share their recipes and cooking tips. I wanted to share my own recipe for a dish and also learn from others who are passionate about cooking.

2. Read the Writing Strategy and the task below. Identify the verbs in each point that tell you what you should do.

(Đọc Chiến lược viết và nhiệm vụ bên dưới. Xác định các động từ trong mỗi mục cho bạn biết bạn nên làm gì.)

Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global Unit 5 5H Writing

Gợi ý đáp án

- The verbs in the task are:

+ describe (v): mô tả

+ compare (v): so sánh

+ present (v): trình bày

+ ask (v): yêu cầu

3. Read the forum posts. Did both writers cover all four points in the way described in the task? Explain your answers.

(Đọc các bài viết diễn đàn. Cả hai người viết có trình bày tất cả bốn điểm theo cách được mô tả trong nhiệm vụ không? Giải thích câu trả lời của bạn.)

Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global Unit 5 5H Writing

Gợi ý đáp án

Both writers covered all four points in the task.

• describe your experience of using the computer.

- Sam 245: “I use it every day for schoolwork and for accessing social media. It's also great for messaging my friends.”

- HollyXX: “It's an all-in-one desktop with a widescreen display. It's a really up-to-date model, . It's bright green with a black keyboard and a wireless mouse.”

• compare it with another computer you have used.

- Sam 245: “Although it was powerful, it was very slow and it didn't have much storage. Despite its small size, the laptop is lightning-quick and has a massive 1TB hard drive.”

- HollyXX: “The screen was much smaller and the operating system was old so it was often impossible to download new software.”

• present the opinions of people who think teenagers rely too much on computers.

- Sam 245: “They think that teenagers should spend less time interacting with people via a screen.”

- HollyXX: “I agree that teenagers rely a lot on computers, although I don't really think it's a serious problem.”

ask other contributors to react to your post.

- Sam 245: “I'd be interested to hear what you think about this. Should we spend less time at our computers?”

- HollyXX: “What do you think? Do you agree with me?”

4. Read the Learn this! box. Underline four examples of concession clauses in the forum posts.

(Đọc khung Learn this! Gạch dưới bốn ví dụ về mệnh đề nhượng bộ trong các bài đăng trên diễn đàn.)

Gợi ý đáp án

- Although it was powerful, it was very slow and it didn't have much storage.

- Despite its small size, the laptop is lightning-quick and has a massive 1TB hard drive.

- It's a really up-to-date model, despite the fact that I got it second-hand on eBay.

- I agree that teenagers rely a lot on computers, although I don't really think it's a serious problem.

5. Read the task below. Identify the key words in the four points that tell you what you should do.

(Đọc nhiệm vụ dưới đây. Xác định các từ khóa trong bốn mục cho bạn biết bạn nên làm gì.)

Tiếng Anh 11 Friends Global Unit 5 5H Writing

Gợi ý đáp án

The key words are:

+ describe (v): mô tả

+ give overall instructions: đưa hướng dẫn tổng quan

+ give overall opinion: đưa ý kiến tổng quan

+ explain (v): giải thích

6. Brainstorm ideas for each of the four points in the task in exercise 5.

(Động não các ý tưởng cho từng mục trong số bốn mục trong nhiệm vụ ở bài tập 5.)

Gợi ý đáp án

• describe the tablet and some of its features.

- It has a 11-inch high-resolution display and a powerful processor which makes it great for multitasking. It comes with an S Pen which is very useful for note-taking and drawing.

• give other forum contributors brief instructions on how to use it or one of its features (e.g. taking a photo).

- To take a photo, simply open the camera app and tap on the shutter button.

• give your overall opinion of the tablet.

- Overall, I'm very happy with my purchase. The tablet's design and performance are top-notch and it's great for both personal and educational use.

• explain how it helps you with your schoolwork.

- take notes, organize my schedule, and complete assignments.

- access online textbooks and educational resources with ease.

7. Write your forum post (100-120 words).

(Viết bài đăng trên diễn đàn của bạn (100-120 từ).)

Gợi ý đáp án

Hi everyone,

I recently bought a new tablet, the Samsung Galaxy Tab S7. Although the price is high, it's a great tablet with some impressive features that I'd like to share with you. It has an 11-inch high-resolution display and a powerful processor which makes it great for multitasking. It comes with an S Pen which is very useful for note taking and drawing.

To take a photo, simply open the camera app and tap on the shutter button. It's that simple! The tablet is also easy to connect to Wi-Fi and browse the internet. There are many productivity apps available to download which makes completing schoolwork a breeze.

Overall, I'm very happy with my purchase. The tablet's design and performance are top-notch and it's great for both personal and educational use. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking for a high-quality tablet.

The tablet has been a great asset to my schoolwork. I can take notes, organize my schedule, and complete assignments all in one place. I can also access online textbooks and educational resources with ease.

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