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Tiếng Anh 5 Wonderful world Unit 5 lesson 3

Tiếng Anh lớp 5 unit 5 lesson 3 Celebrations

Giải sách giáo khoa tiếng Anh 5 Wonderful World unit 5 Celebrations lesson 3 bao gồm đáp án các phần câu hỏi trong SGK tiếng Anh lớp 5 trang 58, 59, 60 giúp các em chuẩn bị bài tập trước khi đến lớp hiệu quả.

1. Look and answer. What did they do? Nhìn và trả lời. Họ đã làm gì.

Tiếng Anh 5 Wonderful world Unit 5 lesson 3

Đáp án

They had a party.

2. Listen and write short answers. Nghe và viết câu trả lời ngắn.

1. When was his birthday?

2. Where did he go first?

3. Who did he go with?

4. Where did he eat?

3. Write. Viết.

Use prompts to write four sentences about your last birthday party.

1. birthday / last Saturday

My birthday was last Saturday.

2. went / bookshop / friends

3. had / big / birthday cake

4. had / fun

5. great / birthday / nice / memories

Đáp án

2 - I went to the bookshop with my friends.

3 - We had a big birthday cake.

4 - We had fun.

5 - It was a great birthday and nice memories.

4. Listen and read. Then match. Nghe và đọc. Sau đó nối. 

Tiếng Anh 5 Wonderful world Unit 5 lesson 3

5. Listen and write ONE word. Nghe và điền một từ.

Tiếng Anh 5 Wonderful world Unit 5 lesson 3

6. Write. Viết.

Write five sentences about your activities last Mid-Autumn Festival, using had, did, went.

7. Listen and repeat.  Nghe và nhắc lại.

answer what sandwich handsome

scientist Wednesday climb wrong

8. Listen and circle the silent letters. Nghe và khoanh tròn chữ cái câm.

1 why 3 listen 5 two 7 write 9 Christmas

2 friend 4 where 6 know 8 half

9. Listen and sing. Nghe và hát.

The wheels on the bus go round and round.

Round and round,

round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round.

All through the town.

My friend on the bus is so handsome.

So handsome,

so handsome.

My friend on the bus is so handsome.

All through the town.

I really like to play on Wednesdays.



I really like to play on Wednesdays.

All through the town.

10. Let’s play. Hãy chơi nào.

Choose and write nine words. Take turns to say the words.

Trên đây là Tiếng Anh lớp 5 Wonderful World unit 5 lesson 3 Celebrations trang 58 - 60.

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