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Tiếng Anh 8 unit 3 Getting started trang 28 29 Global success

Tiếng Anh lớp 8 unit 3 Getting started Global Success trang 28 29

Giải sách tiếng Anh 8 Global Success Unit 3 Getting started hướng dẫn soạn Anh 8 unit 3 Teenagers Getting started trang 28 29 giúp các em chuẩn bị bài tập tiếng Anh 8 theo lesson hiệu quả.

1. Listen and read. Nghe và đọc. 

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Teacher: It’s great to see you again, class! What's going on?

Minh: We've decided to use Facebook for our class forum, and we joined some school club activities. We're also preparing for the midterm tests. It’s really stressful.

Teacher: I'm sorry to hear that. I know exams may give you a lot of stress. But stay calm and work hard. What other pressure do you have?

Minh: Well, we also have pressure from our parents and friends.

Teacher: Do you? Let's discuss these problems in your new Facebook group. By the way, why did you choose Facebook?

Ann: Because it’s user-friendly.

Teacher: Good! How about club activities? Do you find them enjoyable?

Ann: Yes. This year there are some new clubs like arts and crafts, and music. The club leaders will provide us with a variety of activities to suit different interests. And there will also be competitions as usual.

Teacher: Awesome! I hope you all can join the clubs you like.

2. Read the conversation again and tick (V) T (True) or F (False) for each sentence. Đọc đoạn hội thoại một lần nữa và đánh dấu (V) T (Đúng) hoặc F (Sai) cho mỗi câu sau.

1. The students finished their midterm tests.

2. Minh mentions the different types of pressure they are facing.

3. The teacher tells them to stay calm and work hard.

4. The class will discuss their problems offline.

5. The school has different clubs for its students.

Đáp án

1 - F;

2 - T;

3 - T;

4 - F;

5 - T;

3. Write a word or phrase from the box under the correct picture. Viết một từ hoặc cụm từ trong hộp dưới hình ảnh đúng.

Đáp án

1 - language focus

2 - pressure

3 - Arts and crafts club

4 - forum

5 - sport club

6 - chess club

4. Complete each of the sentences with a word or phrase in 3. There is one extra word or phrase. Hoàn thành mỗi câu với một từ hoặc cụm từ trong 3. Có một từ hoặc cụm từ thừa.

1. Minh is a member of our _____. The greeting cards he makes are really creative.

2. Students can discuss their problems in their class _____.

3. We share the essays and stories that we write in English in our _____.

4. She is not feeling very well this weekend because of all the _____from her schoolwork.

5. The coach of our _____tells us to drink plenty of water during our practice sessions.

Đáp án

1- arts and crafts club

2 - forum

3 - language club

4 - pressure

5 - sports club

5. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions below. Report your friend’s answers to the class. Làm việc theo cặp. Hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây. Báo cáo câu trả lời của bạn bè của bạn cho cả lớp.

1. What types of social media do you use?

2. What kinds of pressure do you have?

3. What clubs do you participate in?

4. Why do you choose to participate in that club?

Hướng dẫn dịch

1. Bạn sử dụng mạng xã hội nào?

2. Bạn có những loại áp lực nào?

3. Bạn tham gia câu lạc bộ nào?

4. Tại sao bạn chọn tham gia vào câu lạc bộ đó?

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