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Giải bài tập SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Chương trình mới: Review 4 (Unit 9 - 10)

Giải bài tập SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Chương trình mới: Review 4 xin gửi đến các bạn Giải bài tập SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Chương trình mới: Review 4 (Unit 9 - 10) do sưu tầm và đăng tải dưới đây là nguồn tài liệu học tập hữu ích giúp các bạn tiếp thu trọn bài học, chuẩn bị tốt nhất cho những bài học tiếp theo.

Language (Ngôn ngữ) - trang 70 Review 4 (Units 9 - 10) SGK tiếng anh 12 mới

Tổng hợp các bài tập trong phần Language (Ngôn ngữ) - trang 70 Review 4 (Units 9 - 10) SGK tiếng anh 12 mới


1. Use the right form of the words in the box to complete the sentences. (Sử dụng hình thức đúng của từ trong hộp để hoàn thành câu.)

Đáp án:

1. careers 2. apprenticeship 3. pursue

4. professional 5. flexible 6. options

2. Form new words by matching the words on the left with the appropriate form of the words on the right. Then complete the sentences using the new compound words.

Hình thành các từ mới bằng cách kết hợp các từ trên bên trái với hình thức thích hợp trong các từ bên phải. Sau đó hoàn thành câu sử dụng từ ghép mới.

Gợi ý đáp án:

1. full-time 2. self-learning 3. textbooks

4. lifelong 5. self-directed 6. workforce


3. Listen and underline the unstressed words in the following sentences. (Nghe và gạch dưới những từ không nhấn trong các câu sau đây.)

1. There are subtle differences between a letter of application and a covering letter, but the terms are sometimes used interchangeably.

2. A letter of application can stand on its own.

3. A covering letter, which is always accompanied by other documents, expresses the job applicant's interest.

4. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box. You don't need to use all the verbs.

Hoàn thành câu sử dụng hình thức đúng của mệnh đề động từ trong hộp. Bạn không cần phải sử dụng tất cả các động từ.

Gợi ý:

1. to cut down on 2. will think back on

2. to talk back to 4. dropping out of

5. come up with 6. keep up with

5. Make a complex sentence from each pair of sentences. Use the words provided and make any necessary changes. (Tạo một câu phức tạp từ mỗi cặp câu. Sử dụng các từ được cung cấp và thực hiện bất kỳ thay đổi cần thiết.)

1. A person will not be able to adapt to changes in life and work. He or she becomes a lifelong learner. (unless)

2. Lifelong learning has become important in our lives. Various courses and programmes have been designed and developed to meet our needs. (so ... that)

3. Minh reads a few books. Kieu reads many books. (as... as)

4. He acts like a career adviser. He is not a career adviser. (as if)

5. You don't keep up with new technology. You'll be left behind at work. (If)

6. Jane studies hard. Tom studies harder. (than)

Đáp án:

1. A person will not be able to adapt to changes in life and work unless he or she becomes a lifelong learner.

2. Lifelong learning has become so important in our lives that various courses and programmes have been designed and developed to meet our needs.

3. Minh doesn't read as many books as Kieu (does).

4. He acts as if he were/ was a career adviser.

5. If you don't keep up with new technology, you'll be left behind at work.

6. Tom studies harder than Jane (does).

6. Use your own ideas to complete the sentences below.

Sử dụng những ý tưởng của riêng bạn để hoàn thành các câu dưới đây.

Gợi ý:

1. I would be most grateful if you could help me to plan my career.

2. If my grandpa hadn't been a lifelong learner, he couldn't/ wouldn't have done so many things in his life.

3. If my father gets a promotion at work, he will earn more money.

4. If she hadn't had enough passion and determination, she wouldn't have achieved this level of success.

5. If the teacher changed his teaching methods, he would make his lessons more interesting.

6. If he hadn't refused to take a course in computer science,he would now be able to work with new technologies.

Skills (Kỹ năng) - trang 72 Review 4 (Units 9 - 10) SGK tiếng anh 12 mới

Tổng hợp các bài tập trong phần Skills (Kỹ năng) - trang 72 Review 4 (Units 9 - 10) SGK tiếng anh 12 mới


1. Read the text about lifelong learning. (Đọc văn bản về học tập suốt đời)

Lifelong learning: Why?

The astonishing speed of technlogical development makes it necessary for individuals to learn new skills and keep improving them throughout their lives.

The term lifelong learning (LLL) refers to the continuous accumulation of an individual's knowledge and skills. Apart from the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours people acquire in their everyday lives, LLL consists of three forms: formal, non-formal, and informal learning. Formal learning is learning that happens in formal and organised settings like schools and universities, and very often leads to certificates or degrees. While non-formal learning is considered learning gained in planned activities like vocational skills training, informal learning is learning acquired from daily life activities.

LLL offers a great number of benefits to individuals, communities, and the country. First of all, it brings individuals knowledge, enhances their existing skills, stimulates learning experiences, and builds up systems of values, necessary for them as social human beings. Secondly, knowledgeable individuals make communities more productive and creative with their up-to-date skills, abilities, and ideas. Today's fast-changing knowledge economy requires workers who are well- prepared for new challenges by constant learning. Thirdly, LLL helps the country to prosper. An able, skilful, and knowledgeable person can enormously contribute to his/ her country's development and prosperity, which in turn contributes to the happiness and well-being of its citizens. Obviously, LLL is so important that all individuals should learn throughout their lives.

2. Read the text again and answer the questions. (Đọc lại văn bản và trả lời các câu hỏi)

1. Why do individuals need to learn new skills and keep improving them throughout their lives?

2. What is meant by LLL?

3. What does formal learning include?

4. How is non-formal learning different fr informal learning?

5. What benefits does LLL offer individuals?

6. How do communities and countries benefit from LLL?

Hướng dẫn:

1. They/ Individuals need to learn new skills and keep improving them throughout their lives because of the astonishing speed of technological development.

2. LLL (which stands for lifelong learning) means the continuous accumulation of an individual's knowledge and skills.

3. It includes learning that happens in formal and organised settings like schools and universities, and very often leads to certificates or degrees.

4. Non-formal learning is learning gained in planned activities, whereas informal learning is learning acquired from daily life activities.

5. Apart from knowledge, skills, and learning experiences, it builds up systems of values necessary for all individuals.

6. With their skills, abilities, and ideas, knowledgeable individuals make communities more productive and creative, and contribute to their country's development and prosperity.


3. Work with a partner. Discuss the career planning steps below. Which one is the most important to you? (Làm việc cùng một người bạn. Thảo luận về bước lập kế hoạch sự nghiệp dưới đây. Cái nào là quan trọng nhất đối với bạn?)


- knowing yourself: strengths, skills, inter values, and ambitions

- finding out: exploring life, work, and learning options available

- getting advice: talking to career advisers, professionals, and experts

- making decisions: comparing options, narrowing down choices, and checking if they match your skills and interests

- taking action: working towards your goals, studyin; harder to pass exams and to get qualifications

4. Listen to a talk about lifelong learning.

Decide whether the following statements are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG).

Nghe nói chuyện về học tập suốt đời.

Quyết định xem các nhận định sau đây là đúng (T), sai (F), hoặc không xác định (NG).

1. We will soon be left behind if we do not keep our knowledge and skills sharp and up-to-date in this fast- changing world.

2. Lifelong learning, or LLL, sharpens our mind and improves our memory.

3. Thanks to LLL, people are more confident in their ability to learn, to work, and to share information.

4. Lifelong learners damage their relationships and decrease their ability to communicate with people.

5. LLL offers individuals better opportunities to make more money.

6. Lifelong learners can have more opportunities for career growth and quick promotion.

Đáp án: 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. NG 6. NG

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