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Giải bài tập SBT Tiếng Anh lớp 10 chương trình mới Unit 7: Cultural diversity

Giải bài tập SBT Tiếng Anh lớp 10 chương trình mới Unit 7 xin giới thiệu đến các bạn Giải bài tập SBT Tiếng Anh lớp 10 chương trình mới Unit 7: Cultural diversity do sưu tầm và đăng tải dưới đây sẽ là nguồn tài liệu hữu ích với nội dung giải rõ ràng chia từng bố cục giúp các bạn tiếp thu dễ dàng. Sau đây mời các bạn vào tham khảo.

Pronunciation - trang 13 Unit 7 Sách Bài Tập (SBT) Tiếng anh 10 mới

1. Look at the stress patterns of the sets of words below and practise saying them correctly.

Nhìn vào các mẫu trọng âm của các từ bên dưới và thực hành nói cho đúng.

Giải bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 7

2. Read the sentences and decide what stress pattern the words in bold have.

Đọc các câu và quyết định kiểu trọng âm những từ in đậm có.

1. There is an increase in the number of Vietnamese women taking the roles of leaders in their organisations.

2. You need to perfect yourself in order to look for a perfect life partner.

3. For some teenagers, when they rebel against their parents, they act as rebels.

4. If you volunteer to present about that cultural aspect, you will get a present from the teacher.

5. If you really want to get to know about their culture, you need to go there to record their daily activities as well as festivals.

Đáp án:




per'fect; 'perfect


re’bel; 'rebels


pre'sent; 'present



Vocabulary & Grammar - trang 13 Unit 7 Sách Bài Tập (SBT) Tiếng anh 10 mới

1. Find 12 words or phrases related to weddings in the word square.

Tìm 12 từ hoặc cụm từ liên quan đến đám cưới trong ô vuông.

Example: wedding

Đáp án:

Giải bài tập SBT tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 7 mới

2. Complete the questions about weddings in your culture with the correct form of the words in 1. Then answer these questions or ask another student.

Hoàn thành câu hỏi về đám cưới trong văn hoá của bạn bằng đúng hình thức của từ trong 1. Sau đó trả lời những câu hỏi này hoặc hỏi một học sinh khác.

1. Where is the________ usually held: at home or in church?

2. Is there usually a________ after the ceremony?

3. Does the groom have a________ at the ceremony?

4. Does the bride have any________ with her?

5. How many________ are usually invited?

6. Do the couples traditionally go on their_________ after the wedding?

Đáp án:

1. ceremony 2. reception

3. best man 4. bridesmaids

5. guests 6. honeymoon

3. Study the table about three countries on another planet. Write three sentences with the comparative and three sentences with the superlative forms of the adjectives given.

Nghiên cứu bảng về ba quốc gia trên một hành tinh khác. Viết ba câu với các câu so sánh hơn và ba câu với các dạng so sánh nhất của các tính từ được đưa ra.

big high low long small short




Area (sq. km.) 7.8 million Population 18 million

10 million 30 million

9.2 million 270 million

Life expectancy (years) 74



Đáp án:

Sentences with comparative forms:

1. Fantasy is bigger than Wonderland, and Wonderland is bigger than Dreamland./ Dreamland is smaller than Wonderland, and Wonderland is smaller than Fantasy.

2. Dreamland has a lower population than Fantasy, and Fantasy has a lower population than Wonderland./ Wonderland's population is higher than Fantasy's, and Fantasy's population is higher than Dreamland's.

3. Wonderland has longer life expectancy than Fantasy, and Fantasy has longer life expectancy than Dreamland./ Dreamland is a country with shorter life expectancy than Fantasy, and Fantasy is a country with shorter life expectancy than Wonderland.

Sentences with superlative forms:

1. Dreamland is the smallest country. Dreamland has the smallest area./ Fantasy is the biggest country. Fantasy has the biggest area.

2. Dreamland has the lowest population. Wonderland has the highest population.

3. Dreamland is the country with the shortest life expectancy. Wonderland is the country with the longest life expectancy.

4. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the superlative form of the adjectives given.

Hoàn thành câu thứ hai để nó có một ý nghĩa tương tự với câu đầu tiên, sử dụng hình thức so sánh nhất của các tính từ đưa ra.

1. Mount Everest is higher than every mountain in the world, (high)

2. No ocean in the world is deeper than the Pacific, (deep)

3. Many people believe that no sea in the world is warmer than the Red Sea. (warm)

4. The Nile is longer than any other river in the world, (long)

5. Russia is bigger than any other country in the world, (big)

Đáp án:

1. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

2. The Pacific is the deepest ocean in the world.

3. Many people believe that the Red Sea is the warmest sea in the world.

4. The Nile is the longest river in the world.

5. Russia is the biggest country in the world.

5. Underline the mistakes with articles in the following sentences about superstitions around the world. Write the correct one (a/an, the, or ϕ) in the space provided.

Gạch chân những sai sót với mạo từ trong các câu sau đây về các mê tín dị đoan trên khắp thế giới. Viết đúng (a/ an, the, or ϕ) vào khoảng trống đã cung cấp.

1. In Thailand, if a woman sings in a kitchen, she will marry a very old man._______

2. In the Brazil, if you eat lentils on 151January, you will make a lot of money during the year._______

3. In Korea, if a man smiles a lot during his wedding, his first child won't be the boy, it will be the girl.______

4. In United Kingdom, if a cat washes behind its ears, it will rain._______

5. In Turkey, if you see a spider in your house, you will have the visitors.______

6. In Venezuela, if you give someone a handkerchief as a gift, you won't have the good relationship with that person. ______

Đáp án:

Giải bài tập SBT tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 7 chương trình mới

6. Complete the sentences with a, an or the, or tick (√) them if they are correct without an article.

Hoàn thành các câu với a, a hoặc, hoặc đánh dấu (√) nếu chúng là chính xác khi ko có mạo từ

1. ___ People from England who went to live in North America nearly 400 years ago were called Pilgrims.

2. These people wanted to start____ new life in____ new country, but they faced a lot of difficulties because they didn't know anything about the new land.

3. The Pilgrims didn't know how to grow_____ food or build____ homes, so a lot of them became very ill.

4. On one spring day,_____ Pilgrims met two Native Americans, Squanto and Samoset, who could speak English.

5. Squanto and Samoset became____ friends with the Pilgrims and gave them a lot of______ advice about how to grow food and build homes to make their lives easier.

6. That year, things were going a lot better for the Pilgrims, thanks to_____ help of Squanto and Samoset.

7. They had____ food and____ warm homes for the winter, so they wanted to say thank you to their native American friends.

8. They invited these friends and their families to_____ special meal. It was____ first Thanksgiving dinnerwith turkey, fish, green beans, and soup.

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