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Sách bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 unit 7 Vocabulary and Listening

Workbook Tiếng Anh 6 Friends plus unit 7 Vocabulary and Listening trang 50

Giải sách bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 6 Friends plus unit 7 Growing up Vocabulary and Listening hướng dẫn giải các phần bài tập Vocabulary and Listening trang 50 SBT tiếng Anh 6 Chân trời sáng tạo.

1. Put the life events in the correct order. Number the phrases 1-8. Đặt các sự kiện trong cuộc sống theo đúng thứ tự. Đánh số các cụm từ 1-8.

a. ____ get a university qualification

b. 1 be born

c. ____ get a job

d. ____ leave school

e. ____ die

f. ____ have children

g. ____ get married

h. ____ go to school

Đáp án

a. 4 get a university qualification

b. 1 be born

c. 5 get a job

d. 3 leave school

e. 8 die

f. 7 have children

g. 6 get married

h. 2 go to school

2. Complete the text using the past simple form of the given verbs. Hoàn thành văn bản bằng cách sử dụng dạng quá khứ đơn của các động từ đã cho.

get a job grew up go to school leave school not go not get a qualification travel


The world's tallest living man is Sultan Kösen. He was born in 1982 and he grew up in Mardin in south-east Turkey. When he was a boy he (1) __________ near his home. But he (2) _______ early because it was difficult for him because of his height. He (3) _________ to university and he (4) ___________. After school, he (5) _________ and he worked from time to time as a farmer. He first became famous in 2009. This was when he first got the title of 'The World's Tallest Living Man'. In March 2014 he visited Australia, and in November 2014, he (6) ______ to London and he met the world's shortest living man at the time - Chandra Bahadur Dangi from Nepal. Sadly, Chandra died in September 2015.

Đáp án

1. went to school2. left school3. didn’t go
4. didn’t get a qualification5. got a job6. travelled

3. Listen and complete the answers to the question. Nghe và hoàn thành câu trả lời cho câu hỏi.

Pauline Musters - the smallest woman who ever lived

When was Pauline Musters born? - On 26 February 1876.

1. Where did she grow up?

She grew up in a village in the ________ of the Netherlands.

2. How tall was she when she was an adult? She was ______  cm tall.

3. How did she become famous? She often appeared at the _________.

4. What did people call her?

People called her "Princess _________”.

5. Did she travel?

Yes, she did. She went to different countries such as Germany, France, Britain and _________.

6. When did she die? She died on 1st ______ 1895.

Đáp án

1. south2. 613. theatre
4. Pauline5. the USA6. March

4. Listen again and write True or False. Nghe lại và viết Đúng hoặc Sai.

Pauline ...

was thirty-six centimeters long when she was a baby. False

1. was good at dancing.

2. often had very nice clothes.

3. only became famous when she was older.

4. appeared at a theatre in New York on New Year's Day.

5. died because she became ill.

6. was eighteen when she died.

Đáp án

1. True2. True3. False
4. False5. True6. False

5. Imagine you are very famous. Write about your life using the past simple. Use the given verbs to help you. Hãy tưởng tượng bạn rất nổi tiếng. Viết về cuộc sống của bạn bằng cách sử dụng quá khứ đơn giản. Sử dụng các động từ đã cho để giúp bạn.

be born get a job get a qualification in go to university

grow up leave school travel

Trên đây là Giải Workbook tiếng Anh 6 Friends plus unit 7 Growing up trang 50. hy vọng rằng tài liệu Giải bài tập Sách bài tập tiếng Anh 6 Chân trời sáng tạo giúp các em học sinh lớp 6 ôn tập kiến thức hiệu quả.

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