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Sách bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 unit 7 Reading

Sách bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 Friends plus unit 7 Reading trang 52

Giải Workbook tiếng Anh lớp 6 Friends plus unit 7 Growing up Reading bao gồm đáp án chi tiết các phần bài tập trang 52 SBT tiếng Anh 6 Chân trời sáng tạo.

1. Read the text. Choose the correct words. Đọc văn bản. Chọn từ đúng.

This is a story about a 1 phone/camera. The end of the story is 2 sad/happy.

A true story

Twenty-two-year-old British student, Chris Hesford, went on a long holiday. He went to the USA and Australia.

One day in Byron Bay, Australia, he went on a boat and took his camera.

But the boat moved a lot and his camera went into the water. Chris was sad because his holiday photos were on it.

Six months later, an Australian man, Steve Carmody, found the camera ninety-seven kilometres away!

He looked at the photos. There were a lot of pictures of a tall young man with short, fair hair. He was often in front of a famous monument.

Steve put two of the pictures on Facebook and asked, 'Do you know this man?' More than 8,000 people shared the photos. One of Chris's friends saw them and he told Chris.

Chris is now at home in the UK and has now got all his amazing photos.

Thank you, Steve!

Đáp án

1. camera 2. happy

2. Read the text again. Put the story in the correct order. Number the sentences. Đọc lại văn bản. Đặt câu chuyện theo đúng thứ tự. Đánh số các câu.

a. Chris's friend saw the photos on Facebook.

b. Chris went on a boat in Australia.

c. 1 Chris Hesford visited the USA.

d. Steve Carmody found the camera.

e. Chris's camera went into the water.

f. Now Chris is in the UK. He's got the photos.

g. Steve put the photos on Facebook.

h. Next, Chris went to Australia.

Đáp án

a - 7b - 3c - 1d - 5
e - 4f - 8g - 6h - 2

3. Read the text again. Write True or False. Đọc lại văn bản. Viết đúng hoặc sai.

Chris Hesford is a teacher False

1. Chris's holiday was long.

2. Chris went on a boat with Steve.

3. Steve is from Australia.

4. Chris is a short man.

5. Steve put five photos on Facebook.

Đáp án

1. True

2. False

3. True

4. False

5. False

4. Answer the questions. Write complete sentences. Trả lời các câu hỏi. Viết câu hoàn chỉnh.

How old was Chris Hesford? => He was twenty-two years old.

1. Why was Chris very sad about the camera?

2. Where was the camera when Steve found it?

3. Where was Chris in a lot of the photos?

4. Where is Chris now?

5. What type of person do you think Steve is?

Đáp án

1. He was sad because his holiday photos were on it.

2. It was ninety-seven km from Byron Bay.

3. He was in front of a monument or in a famous place.

4. He’s home in the UK.

5. He’s a nice person.

5. Complete the sentences using the past simple form of the given verbs. There are three extra verbs. Hoàn thành các câu bằng cách sử dụng dạng quá khứ đơn của các động từ đã cho. Có ba động từ thừa.

collect have give grow make

play practise take watch

When Dad was young he had curly hair.

1. Paul is tall. He _____a lot last year.

2. I _____ a nice present for Jane.

3. My aunt _____ me some money.

4. My mum _____ photo of me.

5. I _____ photos of my favourite film star. I've got a lot of them!

Đáp án

1. grew2. made3. gave4. took5. collected

Trên đây là Giải sách bài tập Reading unit 7 lớp 6 Growing up trang 52. hy vọng rằng tài liệu Giải tiếng Anh 6 Friends plus Workbook theo từng bài học giúp các em chuẩn bị bài tập tại nhà hiệu quả.

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