Giao diện mới của VnDoc Pro: Dễ sử dụng hơn - chỉ tập trung vào lớp bạn quan tâm. Vui lòng chọn lớp mà bạn quan tâm: Lưu và trải nghiệm

Lý thuyết & bài tập đảo ngữ có đáp án

Tài liệu Chuyên đề đảo ngữ lý thuyết + bài tập kèm đáp án - Inversion dưới đây nằm trong bộ đề ôn tập Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh cơ bản do sưu tầm và đăng tải. Tài liệu Tiếng Anh gồm nhiều lý thuyết về các dạng đảo ngữ thường gặp và 21 dạng bài tập viết lại câu Tiếng Anh có đáp án giúp bạn đọc nắm chắc phần kiến thức này.

A. Lý thuyết cấu trúc câu đảo ngữ

1. Tại sao lại gọi là ĐẢO NGỮ?

Bình thường câu khẳng định và phủ định sẽ có dạng:

S (+ Trợ động từ) + ADV + V

(Trạng từ có thể đứng cuối câu)

Vd: I will never forget them.


Ví dụ: - NEVER WILL I forget them.

* Lưu ý: Câu Hỏi cũng là 1 dạng Đảo Ngữ. (Are you tired? Where did she go?)

Dạng 1. Đảo ngữ với trạng từ phủ định

Các Trạng từ phủ định hay dùng cho dạng này:

- never: không bao giờ

- hardly: hầu như không

- little: ít khi, hiếm khi

- rarely: hiếm khi

- seldom: hiếm khi

- scarcely: hiếm khi

- hardly ever: hầu như không bao giờ

* Công thức: TRẠNG TỪ PHỦ ĐỊNH + TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ + S + V.

Vd: - Seldom do they eat meat (hiếm khi họ ăn thịt)

(*) CHÚ Ý: với HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN và QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN khi đã mượn trợ động từ (DO, DOES, DID), Động từ chính của câu luôn là NGUYÊN THỂ.

Vd: - Little does she visit here. (ít khi cô ấy thăm nơi này)

Dạng 2: Đảo ngữ với các cấu trúc No

Bao gồm:

- at no time: không bao giờ

- on no condition: không đủ khả năng, dù thế nào

- on no account: không thể nào, không ..... trong bất kỳ hoàn cảnh nào

- under/ in no circumstances: không bao giờ

- for no searson: không có lý do gì

- in no way: không thể nào, không thể

- no longer: không..........nữa

- nowhere: không ở nơi nào

(công thức giống Dạng 1) Vd:

- For no reason will we surrender

(chúng ta sẽ không đầu hàng vì bất kỳ lí do gì)

- No longer does he work here (ông ta không làm việc ở đây nữa)

Dạng 3: Đảo ngữ với Such và So


* SO + ADJ + BE (chia) + S + THAT + S + V + O

* SO + ADV + TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ + S + V + THAT + S + V + O (ít gặp)


- So angry was the man that he beat all the woman. (người đàn ông quá tức giận đến nỗi hắn đánh mụ ta)

- So stupid are you that you will die. (Mày quá ngu đến nỗi mày sẽ chết)

- So quickly did she run that they couldn't catch them.


SUCH + BE(chia) (+ A/AN) + N + THAT + S + V + O


SUCH (+ A/AN) + N + BE + S + THAT + S + V + O

Vd: - Such is a beautiful girl that all boys love her (1 cô gái quá đẹp đến nỗi bọn con trai đều thích)


- Such a beautiful girl is she that all boys love her.

Dạng 4: Đảo ngữ với Hardly ... when....

* HARDLY + HAD + S + VP2 + WHEN + S + V- quá khứ đơn.

(vừa mới .............. thì) Vd

- Hardly had she left home when it rained

(cô ta vừa ra ngoài thì trời mưa)

- Hardly had the chopper taken off when it exploded (máy bay trực thăng vừa cất cánh thì nó bị nổ)

Dạng 5: Đảo ngữ với các cấu trúc có Only

* LOẠI 1:

- only once: chỉ 1 lần

- only later: chỉ sau đó

- only in this/ that way: chỉ bằng cách này/ cách đó

- only after + /v-ing/ n: chỉ sau khi

- only by v_ing/ n: chỉ bằng cách, bằng việc

- only with + n: chỉ với

- only then: chỉ sau đó

- only + giới từ + thời gian: chỉ vào lúc




- Only by practising frequenly can you play footbell well.

(chỉ bằng việc tập luyện thường xuyên chú mới có thể chơi bóng đá giỏi)

* LOẠI 2:

- only when: chỉ khi

- only after: chỉ sau khi

- only if: chỉ nếu mà

=> CÁC CỤM NÀY + S1 + V1+ O1 + TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ + S2 + V2

(CÁC CỤM NÀY + S1 + V1+ O1 + ĐẢO NGỮ)


- Only when she left did he understand her love for him.

(chỉ khi cô ấy ra đi, anh ấy mới hiểu được tình yêu của cô ấy cho mình)

Dạng 6: Đảo ngữ với cấu trúc Not only ... but also...

(không những..........mà còn)

* NOT ONLY + TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ + S + V1 + BUT + S + ALSO + V2

(V1 sẽ nguyên thể nếu đó là Hiện tại đơn hoặc Qúa khứ đơn – V2 sẽ vẫn giữ nguyên dạng theo THÌ)


- Not only did he steal the car but he also burnt the house. (Nó không chỉ ăn cắp xe hơi mà còn đốt nhà)

* CHÚ Ý: vị trí của vế BUT ALSO có thể khác một chút nhưng đây là dạng PHỔ BIẾN)

Dạng 7: Đảo ngữ với Not until (hay till)

((mãi) cho đến khi/ chỉ khi........thì mới......)



Vd: - Not until I went to bed did i remember the task

((Mãi) Cho đến khi/ chỉ khi tao đi ngủ thì tao mới nhớ đến nhiệm vụ)

- Not until 11 p.m will he come back. (mãi đến lúc 11 giờ đêm nó mới về)

Dạng 8: Đảo ngữ với No sooner ... than ... (vừa mới.......thì.......)

Dạn này giống với dạng 4 "hardly.......when......": 1 vế QKHT và 1 vế QKĐ)

* NO SOONER + HAD + S + VP2 + THAN + S + V-quá khứ đơn.

Vd: - No sooner had he died than his sons fought for his property. (Lão vừa mới chết thì những thằng con trai lão tranh giành tài sản)

Dạng 9: Đảo ngữ với các trạng từ chỉ chuyển động

- round and round: vòng quanh

- to and fro: đi đi lại lại

- up and down: lên lên xuống xuống

- away: rời xa

- off: rời xa

.............................. (còn nhiều nữa)


Vd: - Round and round flies the bird (con chim bay vòng quanh)

- Away ran the thief (tên trộm chuồn mất)


–cấu trúc sẽ là:

=> TRẠNG TỪ + S + V


(nó chạy trốn)

Dạng 10: Đảo ngữ với giới từ chỉ địa điểm

- here: ở đây

- there: ở đó

- Giới từ (in, on, at, from, to...) + đia điểm

=> CÁC CỤM NÀY + V + S.

Vd: - There came the guests. (những người khách đã đến đó)

- In the kitchen was a ghost (1 con ma ở trong bếp)


– cấu trúc sẽ là:



(chúng tao ở đây)

Dạng 11: Đảo ngữ với câu điều kiện

(1) Câu điều kiện LOẠI 1:

* SHOULD + S + V-nguyên thể, S + WILL + V-nguyên thể

Vd: - Should she come late, he will beat her. (Nếu cô ấy đến muộn, hắn sẽ đánh cô ấy)

(nếu phủ định thì cho NOT sau chủ ngữ)

(2) Câu điều kiện LOẠI 2

* WERE + S + TO + V-nguyên thể, S + WOULD + V-nguyên thể

Vd: - Were I to quit the job, I wouldn't have enough money. (Nếu tôi bỏ việc, tôi sẽ không có đủ tiền)

(nếu phủ định thì cho NOT sau chủ ngữ)

- Nếu sau nó là Danh từ hoạc Tính từ thì có thể bỏ cụm TO V. Vd: Were I you, I would go home....

(3) Câu điều kiện LOẠI 3

* HAD + S + VP2, S + WOULD HAVE + VP2

Vd: - HAD WE KNOWN your address, we would have visited you. (Nếu chúng tôi biết địa chỉ của ông, chúng tôi đã đến thăm ông rồi)

(nếu phủ định thì cho NOT sau chủ ngữ)

Dạng 12: Một số cấu trúc câu đảo ngữ khác

với Dạng 4: HARDLY HAD + S + V-p2 + WHEN + S + V-quá khứ đơn.

=> HARDLY có thể thay bằng dạng có BARELY hoặc SCARCELY BARELY/ SCARCELY HAD + S + V-p2 + WHEN + S + V-quá khứ đơn.

(vừa mới....thì.........)

Vd: - barely/ scarcely had we set off when it snowed. (Chúng tao vừa khởi hành thì trời đổ tuyết)

B. Luyện tập về câu đảo ngữ trong tiếng Anh

Bài 1. Chuyển sang dạng Đảo Ngữ:

1. He is so gentle that he never scolds anyone.

=> So _________________________________

2. He hardly bought a new bike when he had an accident.

(1) => Hardly _________________________________

(2) => No sooner _________________________________

3. The thief ran away.

=> Away _________________________________

4. I could drive a car only when I reached 30.

=> Only when _________________________________

5. If he goes to school, he will have money.

=> Should _________________________________

6. The man not only beat the child but also took all her money.

=> Not only _________________________________

7. She will never accept his proposal.

=> At no time _________________________________

8. Mr. Bean rarely showed his intelligence.

=> Rarely _________________________________

9. I phone him as soon as I went home.

(1) => No sooner _________________________________

(2) => Scarcely _________________________________

10. If you had followed the advice, you would have succeeded.

=> Had _________________________________

11. He dived into the sea.

=> Into _________________________________

12. If he had money, he would travel.

=> Were _________________________________

13. She is such a gentle girl that she speaks very softly.

=> Such _________________________________

14. The girl lay on the bed.

=> On _________________________________

15. It was not until she was 18 that she went abroad.

=> Not until _________________________________

16. We can only improve our skills by training hard.

=> Only _________________________________

17. They are here.

=> Here _________________________________

18. He no longer drinks coffee.

=> No _________________________________

19. He stood outside the door.

=> Outside _________________________________

20. It was not until they were robbed of money that they became more careful.

=> Not until _________________________________

Bài 2. Dùng NEVER viết lại câu với hình thức đảo ngữ

1. She had never been so happy before.

=> Never before…………………………………………

2. I have never heard such nonsense!

=> Never…………………………………………………...

3. I have never seen such a mess in my life.

=> Never in my life…………………………………

4. Our profits have never been higher than they are this year.

=> Never…………………………

5. The film had never before laid on such a sumptuous celebration.


6. I've never come across such a horrifying film.

=> Never………………………………………

7. I've never been so moved by a Shakespeare production.

=> Never……………………………

8. I have never seen anyone in my life drink as much as you.

=> Never…………………………

9. I'll never forget you.

=> Never ………………………………………………………………..

Bài 3. Dùng RARELY, SELDOM hoặc LITTLE viết lại câu với hình thức đảo ngữ

1. One rarely finds good service these days.


2. She has rarely travelled more than fifty miles from her village.

=> Rarely………………………………

3. Public borrowing has seldom been so high.

=> Seldom…………………………………………

4. They had seldom participated in such a fascinating ceremony.

=> Seldom…………………………

5. They little suspected that the musical was going to be a runaway success.

=> Little……………………………

6. The embassy staff little realized that Ted was a secret agent

=> Little…………………………………………

7. He has seldom seen anything stranger

=> Seldom……………………………………………

Bài 4. Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with NOT.

1. He is my friend as well as yours.

=> Not only…………………………………………………

2. He not only spent all his money but also borrowed some from me.

=> Not only………………………………………

3. Harry not only broke his leg but also injured his shoulder.

=> Not only………………………………………………

4. He is both intelligent and handsome.

=> Not only…………………………………………………………………….

5. She is impatient and dishonest.

=> Not only………………………………………………………

6. The bus not only crashed into a tree, but it also ran over a cat.

=> Not……………………………………………………………………………..

7. She not only wrote the text but also selected the illustrations.

=> Not……………………………………………………………………………..

8. She is not only beautiful but also attractive.

=> Not……………………………………………………………………………..

9. He translated not only fast but also correctly.

=> Not……………………………………………………………………………..

10. They are not only good at mathematics but also at science.

=> Not……………………………………………………………………………..

11. She not only sings but also dances.

=> Not…………………………………………………………………

Bài 5. Rewrite each of the following sentences with the given words in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed above it.

1. He had hardly left the office when the telephone rang.

=> No sooner __________________________________________________ ___

2. I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back.

=> Hardly __________________________________________________ _____

3. He didn’t finish his work until the bell rang.

=> Not until __________________________________________________ ____

4. We only began to see the symptoms of the disease after several months.

=> Only __________________________________________________ _______

5. A sleeping dog was lying under the table.

=> Under the table _________________________________________________

6. His brother had rarely been more excited.

=> Rarely____________________________________________ _____________

7. The facts were not all made public until later.

=> Only______________________________________________ ____________

8. If I had realized what would happen, I wouldn’t have accepted the job.

=> Had_______________________________________________ ____________

Bài 6. Rewrite each of the following sentences with the given words in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed above it.

1.He only thought about having a holiday abroad after he retired.

=> Only __________________________________________________________.

2. I only realized how dangerous the situation had been when I got home.

=> Only __________________________________________________________.

3. It wasn’t until last week that the Agriculture Minister admitted defeat.

=> Only __________________________________________________________.

4. I understood Hamlet only after seeing it on the stage.

=> Only __________________________________________________________.

5. They didn’t get round to business until they had finished eating.

=> Only __________________________________________________________.

6. They had to wait for twelve hours before their flight left.

=> Only __________________________________________________________.

7. I didn’t realize who he was until later.

=> Only __________________________________________________________.

8. The door could not be opened without using force.

=> Only __________________________________________________________.

9. I won’t agree until Tom’s apologized.

=> Only __________________________________________________________.

10.The only way you can become a good athlete is by training hard every day.
=> Only __________________________________________________________.

Bài 7. Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with SHOULD.

1. If the Government are forced into another election, it will be the favorite to win.

=> Should__________________________________________________________.

2. If you want to make an appointment to see Dr Simons, she is free after 9. A.M

=> Should__________________________________________________________.

3. If you have further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice.

=> Should__________________________________________________________.

4. If you decide to accept the post, you will be expected to start work on 1st April.

=> Should__________________________________________________________.

5. If we hear any further news, we will be in touch immediately.

=> Should__________________________________________________________.

6. If you wish to take advantage of the offer, kindly tick the box on your order form.

=> Should__________________________________________________________.

7. If you change your mind, there will always be a job for you here.

=> Should__________________________________________________________.

Bài 8. Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with WERE OR HAD

1. If the salary were high, the job would be worth doing.

=> Were ___________________________________________________________.

2. Would you visit me if I were sent to prison?

=> Were ___________________________________________________________.

3. I didn’t see the signal, so I didn’t stop.

=> Had___________________________________________________________.

4. If I were rich, I could afford to buy an expensive car.

=> Were ___________________________________________________________.

5. If I were you, I would tell him the truth.

=> Were ___________________________________________________________.

6. If he weren’t busy right now, he could help them.

=> Were ___________________________________________________________.

7. If she had said sorry, he wouldn’t have been angry.

=> Had___________________________________________________________.

8. If the computer hadn’t broken down and I wouldn’t have had to stop my work.

=> Had___________________________________________________________.

9. If he hadn’t been angry, I would have said something.

=> Had___________________________________________________________.

10. If his friends hadn’t been late, they wouldn’t have missed the train.
=> Had___________________________________________________________.

Bài 9. Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with SO OR SUCH.

1. The weather is so beautiful that we decided to go to the beach.

=> So__________________________________________________________________.

2. He is so strong that he can lift the box.

=> So__________________________________________________________________.

3. He is such a lazy boy that no one likes him.

=> Such________________________________________________________________.

4. He ate so much food that he became ill.

=> So__________________________________________________________________.
5. It is such hot coffee that I can't drink it.

=> Such________________________________________________________________.

6. He bought so many books that he didn't know where to put them.

=> So__________________________________________________________________.

7. She has such a soft voice that everyone likes her.

=> Such________________________________________________________________.

8. This book is so boring that I couldn’t finish it

=> So__________________________________________________________________.

9. He was such a fast speaker that we couldn’t understand him.

=> Such________________________________________________________________.

10. She was so tired that she fell asleep in the armchair.

=> So__________________________________________________________________.

11. It was such a foggy day that we couldn’t see the road.

=> Such________________________________________________________________.

12. This tea is so good that I’ll have another cup.

=> So__________________________________________________________________.

Bài 10. I Rewrite each of the following sentences with the given words in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed above it.

1. He spent all his money. He even borrowed some from me.

=> Not only_______________________________________________________

2. He had hardly left the office when the telephone rang.

=> No sooner _____________________________________________________

3. I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back.

=> Hardly _______________________________________________________

4. He didn’t finish his work until the bell rang.

=> Not until ______________________________________________________

5. We only began to see the symptoms of the disease after several months.

=> Only _________________________________________________________

6. I have never seen anyone in my life drink as much as you.

=> Never ________________________________________________________

7. A sleeping dog was lying under the table.

=> Under the table _________________________________________________

8. His brother had rarely been more excited.

=> Rarely_________________________________________________________

9. The facts were not all made public until later.

=> Only__________________________________________________________

10. If I had realized what would happen, I wouldn’t have accepted the job.

=> Had___________________________________________________________

11. The response to our appeal was so great that we has to take on more staff.

=> Such__________________________________________________________

12. Harry broke his leg, and also injured his shoulder.

=> Not only ______________________________________________________

13. The police didn’t at all suspect that the judge was the murderer.

=> Little _________________________________________________________

14. If you do happen to see Helen, could you ask her to call me?

=> Should________________________________________________________

15. The bus driver cannot be blamed for the accident in any way.

=> In ___________________________________________________________

16. The snowfall was so heavy that all the trains had to be cancelled.

=> So ___________________________________________________________

17. If the government raised interest rates. They would lose the election.

=> Were__________________________________________________________

18. As soon as I got into the bath, someone knocked at the door.

=> No sooner _____________________________________________________

19. There was so much uncertainty that the financial markets remained closed.

=> Such__________________________________________________________

20. It’s not common for there to be so much rain in March.

=> Seldom________________________________________________________

21. You won’t allowed in until your identify has been checked.

=> Only__________________________________________________________

22. Just after the play started there was a power failure.

=> Hardly________________________________________________________

23. The Prime Minister has hardly ever made a speech as inept as this.

=> Rarely_________________________________________________________

24. We had only just arrived home when the police called.

=> Scarcely_______________________________________________________.

25. Press photographers are banned from taking photographs backstage.

=> On no_________________________________________________________.

26. The way so much money has been spent to so little purpose must be a record.

=> Never before___________________________________________________.

27. The judge was taken ill just after the trial proceedings began.

=> Barely________________________________________________________.

28. She seldom misses a lecture.

=> Seldom_______________________________________________________.

29. As soon as we had come home, it started to rain

=> No sooner_____________________________________________________.
30. As soon as we had turned on the TV, the electricity went out.

=> Hardly _______________________________________________________.

31. I have never been embarrassed like that!

=> Never _______________________________________________________.

32. She had never experienced this exhilarating emotion in her life.

=> Never _______________________________________________________.

33. He has seldom seen anything stranger

=> Seldom_______________________________________________________.

34. I have seldom seen him looking so miserable.

=> Seldom_______________________________________________________.

35. As soon as I had got out of the bed, the phone rang.

=> Scarcely _______________________________________________________.

36. As soon as he had finished dinner, she walked in the door.

=> No sooner _____________________________________________________.

37. I only understood the problem then.

=> Only _________________________________________________________.

38. We will be only able to accomplish this great task by working hard.

=> Only _________________________________________________________.
39. You can only pass this exam by studying hard.

=> Only _________________________________________________________.
40. You can only understand it when you grow up.

=> Only _________________________________________________________.

41. I can only forgive you if you tell me the truth.

=> Only _________________________________________________________.

42. I only realized that I'd seen it before after the film started.

=> Only _________________________________________________________.

43. The situation was so strange that I couldn’t sleep.

=> So ___________________________________________________________.

44. The test is so difficult that students need three months to prepare.

=> So ___________________________________________________________.

45. The exercise is so easy that every students can do it easily.

=> So ___________________________________________________________.

46. He not only studies well, but also he sings well.

=> Not only ______________________________________________________.

47. If you meet her, please call me!

=> Should _______________________________________________________.

48. If you had obeyed orders this disaster would not have happened

=> Had___ _______________________________________________________.

Bài 11. Viết lại các câu sau với cấu trúc đảo ngữ của các câu điều kiện

If you need some more money, take an extra 200.


2. If I were your father, I would insist you practice harder.


3. If my girlfriend calls, please let me know right away.


4. If I had thought of the right words, I would have told them what I was thinking!


5. If I were a rich kid, I would not have to worry about anything.


6. If they run out of tickets, we will have to go to another theater.


7. If you change your mind, let us know.


8. If you had known my mom, you would have thought she was crazy too


9. If you had heard her singing, you would have laughed too.


10. If I were a celebrity, I could buy any bag I want.


11. You shouldn’t in any way consider him as your worst enemy

In no way _______________________________________

12. You must on no account upset your parents.

On no account _______________________________________

13. Mr and Mrs Adam live across the bridge.

Across the bridge _______________________________________

14. I was so scared that I could not even scream

So scared _______________________________________

15. The horrific view of massacre was in front of us.

In front of us _______________________________________

16. The cayon lies behind those mountains

Behind those mountains _______________________________________

17. He only then became aware of the dangers of the jungle.

Only then _______________________________________

18. She had barely begun to study when her boyfriend rang the bell

Barely _______________________________________

19. She had no sooner fallen asleep than the telephone rang.

No sooner _____________________________________

20. We not only got lost but our car broken down.

Not only _______________________________________

21. I have never heard such a terrible story before.

Never __________________________________________

22. We realized only then that the jewels had been stolen.

Only then ________________________________________

23. Business has rarely been so good.

Not once __________________________________________

24. The boss has not once given him a bonus

Not once __________________________________________

25. You should not ennter this room under any circumstances.

Under no circumstances _______________________________

Bài 12. Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi.

1. Her grief was so great that she almost fainted.

–> So __________________________________________

2. He got down to writing the letter as soon as he returned from his walk.

–> No sooner __________________________________________

3. She had hardly begun to speak before people started interrupting her.

–> Hardly __________________________________________

4. I only realized what I had missed when they told me about it later.

–> Only __________________________________________

5. You won’t find a more dedicated worker anywhere than Mrs John.

–> Nowhere __________________________________________

6. The outcome of the election was never in doubt.

–> At no __________________________________________

7. He forgot about the gun until he got home.

–> Not until __________________________________________

8. The only way you can become a good athlete is by training hard everyday.

–> Only __________________________________________

Bài 13. Change the normal sentence into one with inversion.

For example: "We had hardly arrived when Julie burst into the house"

becomes "Hardly had we arrived when Julie burst into the house".

1) John had never been to such a fantastic restaurant.

Never ____________________________________

2) I in no way want to be associated with this project.

In no way ____________________________________

3) They had no sooner eaten dinner than the ceiling crashed onto the dining table.

No sooner ____________________________________

4) I had scarcely finished writing my essay when the examiner announced the end of the exam.

Scarcely ____________________________________

5) I seldom leave my house so early.

Seldom ____________________________________

6) People rarely appreciate this musician's talent.

Rarely ____________________________________

7) We would understand what had happened that night only later.

Only ____________________________________

8) They had met such rude people nowhere before.

Nowhere ____________________________________

9) He understood little about the situation.

Little ____________________________________

10) The children should on no account go on their own.

On no account ____________________________________

Bài 14. Inversion conditional sentences exercises

1. __________ (the books/be) cheaper, I would have bought them all.

2. ______________ (the Prime Minister/fail) to get the necessary support, he would be forced to call a snap election.

3. ________________ (the evidence/not be destroyed) , the accused would have been found guilty.

4. _________________ (you/need) any further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.

5. _______________ (the ship/ not capsize) , there would have been more survivors.

6. _____________ (I/win) the prize, I wouldn't spend it on things I don't need.

7. ________________ (the storm/be) at night, the rescue team wouldn't have found the lost boy scouts.

8. ___________________ (he/decide) to come, please let me know as soon as possible.

9. __________________(I/ be offered) the job, I would have to think about it.

10. _________________(you/have) any further questions, please ask to see the main assistant.

Bài 15. Choose the correct answer.

1. Rarely _______ anyone using typewriters now-a-days.

A. you see

B. will you see

C. you will see

D. you have seen

2. ________ received law degrees as today.

A. Never so many women have

B. Never have so many women

C. The women aren’t ever

D. Women who have never

3. _______ but also it filters out harmful rays.

A. The environment gives us air to breathe

B. Not only the environment gives us air to breathe

C. The environment which gives us air to breathe

D. Not only does the environment give us air to breathe

4. _______ have goods returned to us because they are faulty.

A. Seldom we do

B. Seldom do we

C. Rarely we

D. Hardly we

5. Hardly _______ entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his wallet.

A. he had

B. he was

C. had he

D. did he

Bài 16. Choose the correct answer.

1. Pioneer men and women endured terrible hardships, and _______.

A. so do their children

B. neither did the children

C. so did their children

D. so the children did

2. Never _______ such a heinous crime.

A. he has committed

B. has he done

C. he has done

D. has he committed

3. _______ resigned, we would have been forced to sack him.

A. Had he not

B. He had

C. Had he

D. If he has not

4. Only after the food has been dried or canned_______.

A. that it should be stored for later consumption

B. should be stored for later consumption

C. should it be stored for later consumption

D. it should be stored for later consumption

5. _______ did Jonathan realize that there was a danger.

A. Upon entering the store

B. When he entered the store

C. After he has entered the store

D. Only after entering the store

Bài 17. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.

1. I wondered what time …………………… starting.

a. was the show

b. the show was

2. She asked me what ……………………….. thinking about.

a. was I

b. I was

3. I wondered who ………………………

a. had left the door open

b. the door had left open

4. What a lovely place ………………………….!

a. is Shimla

b. Shimla is

5. How beautiful ………………………..!

a. are the flowers

b. the flowers are

6. At no time ………………………….. aware of what was happening.

a. he was

b. was he

7. Hardly ……………………… arrived when trouble started.

a. had he

b. he had

8. Never ……………………….. seen such a mess.

a. I have

b. have I

9. Little ……………………….. what she was doing

a. did she realize

b. she realized

10. Only then ………………………… what I had done.

a. did I understand

b. I understood

Bài 18. Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words in bold

1.- The rain came down


2.- The birds flew away


3.- My house is at the end of the road


4.- The actors came onto the stage


5.- The airplane rose up into the sky


6.- The Grand Hotel stands at the foot of the mountains


7.- The policeman walked down the street


8.- The window cleaner climbed up the ladder


Bài 19. Rewrite the sentence using the given word.

1. The restaurant cannot accept pets under any circumstances.

Under ...…………………………………………………

2. She never at any time said that she was allergic to dogs.

Never ...…………………………………………………

3. Tony only realized the meaning of the comment when he saw his wife's face.

Only ...…………………………………………………

4. The couple had no sooner arrived than the priest started the ceremony.

No sooner ...…………………………………………………

5. The shop can in no way be held responsible for customers' lost property.

In no way ...…………………………………………………

Bài 20. Make inverted sentences from the sentences given, using the words in brackets

1. I have seldom watched such an exciting show. (Seldom)

2. He only gets up early if he goes to school. (Only if)

3. They had hardly started playing football when it rained. (Hardly)

4. He laughed so much that his stomach hurt. (Did)

5. He was so anxious that he fell asleep. (Was)

6. The demands of her job are such that she is rarely able to take a holiday. (Such)

7. It was only when I stopped that I realized I had made a big mistake. (Did)

8. The murder never expressed regret for what he had done. (At no time)

9. Liz didn’t realize that she had lost her bag until she got home. (Not until)

10. They started to argue soon after they got married. (No sooner)

Bài 21. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence. Write three words in each gap.

1. We have rarely seen weather like this in October.

Rarely ________ weather like this in October.

2. He's won the election and got ninety per cent of the vote.

Not __________ won the election but he's got ninety per cent of the vote.

3. The film started just as we found our seats.

No sooner _______ our seats than the film started.

4. People can rarely photograph the Amur leopard.

Rarely _________ the Amur leopard.

5. We couldn't relax until we heard they'd arrived safely.

Only when ________ they'd arrived safely could we relax.

6. I didn't realise at the time how soon I'd need your help.

Little ________ at the time how soon I'd need your help.

7. I really didn't expect a reaction like this.

In no way __________ a reaction like this.

8. There has never been such a good time to do this.

Never before ________ such a good time to do this.

C. Đáp án đề luyện tập về câu đảo ngữ trong tiếng Anh

Bài 1. Chuyển sang dạng Đảo Ngữ:

1. So gentle is he that he never scolds anyone.

2. (1) => Hardly had he bought a new bike when he had an accident.

(2) => No sooner had he bought a new bike than he had an accident.

3. Away ran the thief

4. Only when I reached 30 could I drive a car.

5. Should he go to school, he will have money.

6. Not only did the man beat the child, but he also took all her money.

7. At no time will she accept his proposal.

8. Rarely did Mr. Bean show his intelligence.

9. (1) => No sooner had I gone home than I phoned him.

(2)  => Scarcely had I gone home when I phoned him.

10. Had you followed the advice, you would have succeeded

11. Into the sea he dived

12. Were he to have money, he would travel.

13. Such is a gentle girl that she speaks very softly.

hoặc: Such a gentle girl is she that she speaks very softly.

14. On the bed lay the girl

15. Not until she was 18 did she go abroad.

16. Only by training hard can we improve our skills.

17. Here they are.

18. No longer does he drink coffee.

19. Outside the door he stood.

20. Not until they were robbed of money did they become more careful.

Bài 2. Dùng NEVER viết lại câu với hình thức đảo ngữ

1. Never before had she been so happy.

2. Never have I heard such nonsense

3. Never in my life have I seen such a mess in my life

4. Never have our profits been higher than they are this year

5. Never before had the film laid on such a sumptuous celebration.

6. Never have I come across such a horrifying film.

7. Never have I been so moved by a Shakespeare production.

8. Never before had I tasted such a wonderful combination of flavors

9. Never do I go to school late

10. Never in my life have I seen anyone as much as you.

11. Never shall I forget you

Bài 3. Dùng RARELY, SELDOM hoặc LITTLE viết lại câu với hình thức đảo ngữ

1. Rarely does one find good service these days

2. Rarely has she traveled more than fifty miles from her village

3. Seldom public borrowing has been so high

4. Seldom had they participated in such a fascinating ceremony.

5. Little did they suspect that the musical was going to be a runaway success.

6. Little did the embassy staff realize that Ted was a secret agent

7. Little did she realize what would happen to her next.

8. Seldom has he seldom seen anything stranger

Bài 4. Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with NOT.

1. Not only is he my friend but also yours

2. Not only did he spend all his money but also borrowed some from me

3. Not only did Harry break his leg but also injured his shoulder

4. Not only is he intelligent but also handsome

5. Not only is she impatient but dishonest as well

6. Not only did the bus crash into a tree but it also ran over a cat.

7. Not only did she write the text but also selected the illustrations.

8. Not only is she beautiful but also attractive

9. Not did he translate fast but also correctly.

10. Not only are they good at mathematics but also at science.

11. Not only does she sing but also dances.

Bài 5. Rewrite each of the following sentences with the given words in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed above it.

1.  No sooner had he left the office than the telephone rang.

2. Hardly had I just put the phone down when the boss rang back.

3. Not until the bell rang did he finish his work

4. Only after several months did we begin to see the symptoms of the disease

5. Under the table was lying a sleeping dog

6. Rarely had his brother been more excited.

7. Only until later were the facts all made public

8. Had I realized what would happen, I wouldn’t have accepted the job.

Bài 6. Rewrite each of the following sentences with the given words in such a way that
it means the same as the sentence printed above it.

1. Only after he retired did he think about having a holiday abroad

2. Only when I got home did I realize how dangerous the situation had been.

3. Only until last week did the Agriculture Minister admit defeat

4. Only after seeing Hamlet on the stage did I understand it.

5. Only until they had finished eating did they get around to business.

6. Only after they had waited for 12 hours did their flight leave.

7. Only later did I realize who he was.

8. Only using force could the door be opened.

9. Only until Tom's apologized will I agree.

10. Only by training hard every day can you become a good athlete.

Bài 7. Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with SHOULD.

1. Should the Government be forced into another election, it will be the favorite to win.

2. Should you want to make an appointment to see Dr Simons, she is free after 9. A.M

3. Should you have further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice.

4. Should you decide to accept the post, you will be expected to start work on 1st April.

5. Should we hear any further news, we will be in touch immediately.

6. Should you wish to take advantage of the offer, kindly tick the box on your order form.

7. Should you change your mind, there will always be a job for you here.

Bài 8. Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with WERE OR HAD

1. Were the salary high, the job would be worth doing.

2. Were I sent to prison would you visit me?

3. Had I seen the signal I would have stopped.

4. Were I rich and I could afford to buy an expensive car.

5. Were I you, I would tell him the truth.

6. Were he not busy right now, he could help them.

7. Had she said sorry, he wouldn’t have been angry.

8. Had the computer not broken down and I wouldn’t have had to stop my work.

9. Had I he not been angry, I would have said something.

10. Had his friends not been late, they wouldn’t have missed the train.

Bài 9. Rewrite these sentences, using inversion with SO OR SUCH.

1 - So beautiful is the weather that we decided to go to the beach.

2 - So strong is he that he can lift the box.

3 - Such a lazy boy is he that no one likes him.

4 - So much food did he eat that he became ill.

5 - Such hot coffee is it that I can’t drink it.

6 - So many books did he buy that he didn’t know where to put them.

7 - Such a soft voice does she has that everyone likes her.

8 - So boring is this book that I couldn’t finish it.

9 - Such a fast speaker was he that we couldn’t understand him.

10 - So tired was she that she fell asleep in the armchair.

11 - Such a foggy day was it that we couldn’t see the road.

12 - So good was this tea that I’ll have another cup.

Bài 10. Rewrite each of the following sentences with the given words in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed above it.

1. Not only did he spend all his money but she also borrowed some from me.

2. No sooner had I left the office than the phone rang.

3. Hardly had I put the phone down when the boss rang back.

4. Not until the bell rang did he finish his work.

5. Only after several months did we begin to see the symptoms of the disease.

6. Never in my life have seen anyone drink as much as you.

7. Under the table was lying a sleeping dog.

8. Rarely had his brother been more excited.

9. Only later were all the facts made public.

10. Had I realized what would happen, I wouldn’t have accepted the job.

11. Such was the responsible to our appeal that we has to take on more staff

12. Not only did Harry break his leg but he also injured his shoulder.

13. Little did the police suspect that the judgment was the murderer.

14. Should you see Helen, could you ask her to call me?

15. In no way can the bus be blamed for the accident.

16. So heavy was the snowfall that all the trains had to be cancelled.

17. Were the government to write interest rates they would lose the election.

18. No sooner had I got into the bath than someone knocked on the door.

19. Such was the uncertainty that the financial markets remained closed.

20. Seldom is there so much rain in March.

21. Only when your identity has been checked will you be allowed in.

22. Hardly had the play started when there was a power failure.

23. Rarely has the Prime Minister made so inept a speech.

24. Scarcely had we arrived home when the police called.

25. On no account are press photographers allowed to take photographs backstage.

26. Never before has so much money been spent to so little purpose!.

27. Barely had the trial proceedings begun when the judge was taken ill.

28. Seldom does she miss a lecture

29. No sooner had we come home than it started to rain

30. Hardly had we turned on the TV, the electricity went out.

31. Never have I been embarrassed like that!

32. Never in her life had she experienced this exhilarating emotion.

33. Seldom has he seen anything stranger.

34. Seldom have I seen him looking so miserable.

35. Scarcely had I got out of bed when the doorbell rang.

36. No sooner had he finished dinner than she walked in the door.

37. Only then did I understand the problem.

38. Only by hard work will we be able to accomplish this great task.

39. Only by studying hard can you pass this exam.

40. Only when you grow up, can you understand it.

41. Only if you tell me the truth, can I forgive you.

42. Only after the film started did I realize that I'd seen it before.

43. So strange was the situation that I couldn't sleep.

44. So difficult is the test that students need three months to prepare.

45. So easy is the exercise that every students can do it easily.

46. Not only does he study well, but also he sings well.

47. Should you meet her, please call me!

48. Had you obeyed orders, this disaster would not have happened.

Bài 11. Viết lại các câu sau với cấu trúc đảo ngữ của các câu điều kiện

1. Should you need some more money, take an extra 200.

2. Were I your father, I would insist you practice harder.

3. Should my girlfriend call, please let me know right away.

4. Had I thought of the right words, I would have told them what I was thinking!

5. Were I a rich kid, I would not have to worry about spending anything.

6. Should they run out of tickets, we will have to go to another theater.

7. Should you change your mind, let us know.

8. Had you known my mom, you would have thought he was crazy too.

9. Had you heard her singing, you would have laughed too.

10. Were I a celebrity, I could get buy any bag I want.

11. In no way should you consider him as your worst enemy

12. On no account must you upset parents.

13. Across the bridge live Mr and Mrs Adam

14. So scared was I that I could not even scream

15. In front of us was the horrific view of the massacre

16. Behind those mountains lies the canyon.

17. Only then did he become aware of the dangers of the jungle.

18. Scarely had she begun to study when her boyfriend rang the bell.

19. No sooner had she fallen asleep than the telephone rang.

20. Not only did we get lost, but (also) our car broke down.

21. Never have I heard such a terrible story.

22. Only then did we realised that the jewel had been stolen

23. Not once has business been so good.

24. Not once has the boss given him a bonus.

25. Under no circumstances meeting Peter several times did I get to know him

Bài 12. Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi.

1 - So great was her grief that she almost fainted.

2 - No sooner had he returned from his walk than he got down to writing the letter.

3 - Hardly had she begun to speak when people started interrupting her.

4 - Only when they told me about it later did I realize what I had missed.

5 - Nowhere will you find a more dedicated worker than Mrs John.

6 - At no time was the outcome of the election in doubt.

7 - Not until he got home did he remember about the gun.

8 - Only by training hard everyday can you become a good athlete.

Bài 13. Change the normal sentence into one with inversion.

1 - Never had John been to such a fantastic restaurant.

2 - In no way do I want to be associated with this project.

3 - No sooner had they eaten dinner than the ceiling crashed onto the dining table.

4 - Scarcely had I finished writing my essay when the examiner announced the end of the exam.

5 - Seldom do I leave my house so early.

6 - Rarely do people appreciate this musician's talent.

7 - Only later would we understand what had happened that night

8 - Nowhere had they met such rude people before.

9 - Little did he understand about the situation.

10 - On no account should the children go on their own.

Bài 14. Inversion conditional sentences exercises

1. ___Had the books been_______ (the books/be) cheaper, I would have bought them all.

2. ______Were the Prime Minister to fail ________ (the Prime Minister/fail) to get the necessary support, he would be forced to call a snap election.

3. ______Had the evidence not been destroyed__________ (the evidence/not be destroyed) , the accused would have been found guilty.

4. ______Should you need___ (you/need) any further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.

5. _____Had the ship not capsized_______ (the ship/ not capsize) , there would have been more survivors.

6. _____Were I to win_____ (I/win) the prize, I wouldn't spend it on things I don't need.

7. ______Had the storm been_____ (the storm/be) at night, the rescue team wouldn't have found the lost boy scouts.

8. ____Should he decide_____ (he/decide) to come, please let me know as soon as possible.

9. ____Were I to be offered____(I/ be offered) the job, I would have to think about it.

10. ___Should you have___(you/have) any further questions, please ask to see the main assistant.

Bài 15. Choose the correct answer.

1 - B; 2 - B; 3 - D; 4 - B; 5 - C;

Bài 16. Choose the correct answer.

1 - C; 2 - D; 3 - A; 4 - C; 5 - D;

Bài 17. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.

1 - b; 2 - b; 3 - a; 4 - b; 5 - b;

6 - b; 7 - a; 8 - b; 9 - a; 10 - a;

Bài 12. Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words in bold

1. Down came the rain

2. Away flew the birds

3. At the end of the road is my house

4. Onto the stage came the actors

5. Up into the sky rose the airplane

6. At the foot of the mountain stands the Grand Hotel

7. Down the street walked the policeman.

8. Up the ladder climbed the window cleaner

Bài 19. Rewrite the sentence using the given word.

1. The restaurant cannot accept pets under any circumstances.

Under ...……no circumstances can the restaurant accept pets..…………

2. She never at any time said that she was allergic to dogs.

Never ...…at any time did she say that she was allergic to dogs.………

3. Tony only realized the meaning of the comment when he saw his wife's face.

Only ...……when Tony saw his wife's face did he realize the meaning of the comment.…………

4. The couple had no sooner arrived than the priest started the ceremony.

No sooner ...………had the couple arrived than the priest started the ceremony.……

5. The shop can in no way be held responsible for customers' lost property.

In no way ...… can the shop be held responsible for customers' lost property.………………

Bài 20. Make inverted sentences from the sentences given, using the words in brackets

1. Seldom have I watched such an exciting show.

2. Only if he goes to school does she get up early.

3. Hardly had they started playing football when it rained.

4. So much did he laugh that his stomach hurt.

5. So anxious was he that he fell asleep.

6. Such are the demands of her job that she is rarely able to take a holiday.

7. Only when I stopped did I realize I had made a big mistake.

8. At no time did the murder express regret for what he had done.

9. Not until Liz got home did she realize that she had lost her bag.

10. No sooner they got married did they start to argue.

Bài 21. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence. Write three words in each gap.

1. We have rarely seen weather like this in October.

Rarely ___have we seen_____ weather like this in October.

2. He's won the election and got ninety per cent of the vote.

Not ____only has he______ won the election but he's got ninety per cent of the vote.

3. The film started just as we found our seats.

No sooner ___had we found____ our seats than the film started.

4. People can rarely photograph the Amur leopard.

Rarely ____can people photograph_____ the Amur leopard.

5. We couldn't relax until we heard they'd arrived safely.

Only when ___we had heard/ we'd heard_____ they'd arrived safely could we relax.

6. I didn't realise at the time how soon I'd need your help.

Little ___did I realise_____ at the time how soon I'd need your help.

7. I really didn't expect a reaction like this.

In no way _____did I expect_____ a reaction like this.

8. There has never been such a good time to do this.

Never before ____has there been____ such a good time to do this.

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