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Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 9: Undersea World Số 2

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 9: Undersea World Số 2

Đến với Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 9: Undersea World Số 2, quý thầy cô và các em học sinh sẽ có thêm nhiều tài liệu phục vụ cho công tác dạy và học môn Tiếng Anh. Bộ sưu tập này sẽ giúp các em học sinh nắm được từ vựng và ngữ pháp đã được học trong Unit 9 tiếng Anh lớp 10.

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 9: Undersea World Số 1 có đáp án

Giải bài tập SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 9: Undersea World

Từ vựng Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 9: Undersea World

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 9: Undersea World có đáp án


1. a. here b. clear c. idea d. there

2. a. tour b. sure c. pair d. poor

3. a. cheer b. where c. care d. pair

4. a. jellyfish b. submarine c. magazine d. conservation

5. a. cancer b. damage c. defense d. widen


6. One ocean is divided ......................five different parts: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Antarctic and Arctic Oceans.

a. with b. into c. by d. about

7. Thanks to modern technology, scientists have been able to .................the life of plants and animals that live under the sea.

a. provide b. divide c. investigate d. overcome

8. A a large area of sea that is partly surrounded by land.

a. gulf b. lake c. river d. cave

9. the term that refers to the existence of different kinds of animals and plants which make a balance environment.

a. Challenge b. Sample c. Biodiversity d. Technology

10. Some of plants and animals live on or depend .................the bottom like the starfish.

a. at b. in c. with d. on

11. Some plants and animals are referred to as ...............organisms because they are extremely small.

a. big b. huge c. tiny d. large

12. The scientists have collected different analyze for their experiment.

a. plants b. animals c. submarines d. samples

13. It's raining. You should .................

a. take an umbrella b. see a doctor c. take a rest d. pay by check

14. It is too far to walk. You should ................

a. ask a policeman b. take a taxi c. call the police d. wear an overcoat

15. If I had a typewriter, I myself.

a. will type b. would type c. would have typed d. had typed

16. If I ................a big prize in a lottery, I would give up my job.

a. win b. won c. will win d. had won

20. He is here now. If he, he .................the film.

a. is/ will enjoy b. were/ would enjoy c. was/ would enjoy d. had been/ would have enjoyed

21. If I sold my car, I ...............much money for it.

a. will get b. wouldn't get c. wouldn't have got d. won't get

22. I have a toothache. I think you ................ an aspirin

a. should take b. should to take c. should taking d. should took

23. I we ............more rain, our crop would grow faster.

a. had b. had had c. have d. would have

24. I could tell you what this means if I ..............Chinese.

a. know b. knew c. had known d. didn't know

25. If he worked more slowly, he many mistakes.

a. would make b. will make c. wouldn't make d. would have made

26. I shouldn't drink that wine if I

a. am b. was c. had been d. were

27. Most of the earth surface water.

a. is covered b. covers c. covered d. cover

28. Sperm whales are the ..............animals on earth that have teeth.

a. big b. biggest c. bigger d. most big

29. What a beautiful view. You should ...............a photograph.

a. make b. give c. bring d. take

30. He might get fat if he ................smoking.

a. stops b. stop c. stopped d. had stopped


31. I will call the police if you don't leave me alone.

Unless .................................................................................

32. You drink too much coffee and you can't sleep.

If .......................................................................................

33. John is fat because he eats so many chips.

If .......................................................................................

34. Because the weather is bad, we don't go to the beach.

If .......................................................................................

35. I don't have enough money so I can't go on holiday this year.

If ........................................................................................

36. Nam loses his job because he is late everyday.

If ..........................................................................................

37. My father smokes a lot. He gets a bad cough.

If ...........................................................................................

38. I'm cold. I think you should ..........................................................

39. I feel hungry. I think you should ......................................................

40. Your room is very dirty. You should .................................................

41. I can't speak English fluently, so I don't get that job.

a. If I could speak English fluently, I could get that job.

b. If I had spoken English fluently, I would have got that job.

c. If I speak English fluently, I will get that job.

d. If I spoke English fluently, I did get that job.

42. He doesn't answer all questions and he fails the exam.

a. If he answers all questions, he won't fail the exam.

b. If he answered all questions, he would fail the exam.

c. If he answered all questions, he wouldn't fail the exam.

d. If he had answered all questions, he wouldn't have failed the exam.

43. She forgets her visa that's why she comes back.

a. If she doesn't forget her visa, she won't come back.

b. If she forgot her visa, she would come back.

c. If she had forgotten her visa, she would have come back.

d. If she didn't forget her visa, she wouldn't come back.

44. If I knew his address, I to you.

a. will give b. would give c. would have given d. had given

45. If you ..............under the mosquito net, you wouldn't be bitten so often.

a. sleep b. sleeps c. had slept d. slept

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