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Friends Plus 9 Workbook giải Language Focus Practice Starter Unit

Sách bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 Friends Plus Language Focus Practice Starter Unit

VnDoc xin giới thiệu Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 9 Friend Plus theo từng Unit các hướng dẫn giải chi tiết cho từng phần trong SBT Tiếng Anh lớp 9 mới, kèm với đó là file nghe giúp các em hiểu bài học dễ dàng hơn.

1. Choose the correct words.

(Chọn những từ đúng.)

I upload a video once a month.

1. 'Where are Max and Ivan?' 'They're watching / watch that new music video upstairs.'

2. We don't understand / 're not understanding how to use this app.

3. I never check / 'm never checking my phone when I'm in class.

4. Are you chatting / Do you chat to your cousin on Skype once a week?

5. What video game does Mark play / is Mark playing now? It's really noisy!

6. I'm still angry with Julia. She always uses / 's always using my tablet.

Gợi ý đáp án

1. ’re watching

2. don’t understand

3. never check

4. Do you chat

5. is Mark playing

6. ’s always using

2. Complete the sentences with the correct present simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

(Hoàn thành câu bằng dạng hiện tại đơn hoặc tiếp diễn đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.)

We live (live) in the centre of Prague.

1. I _____ (download) a film now so that we can watch it tonight.

2. Tina _____ (not update) her status every day.

3. Adam usually _____ (take) the bus to school in the morning.

4. _____ your grandparents _____ (exercise) once a week?

5. Get your own social media account! You _____ always _____ (use) mine!

6. Why _____ you _____ (chat) online right now?

Gợi ý đáp án

1. ’m downloading

2. doesn’t update

3. takes

4. Do, exercise

5. ’re, using

6. are, chatting

3. Complete the sentences with to-infinitive of the verbs in the box.

(Hoàn thành các câu với động từ to V ở trong hộp)










When to start the project depends on various factors.

1. We are still discussing where _____ on vacation this year.

2. What _____ for dinner is always a tough decision.

3. Some children still wonder why _____ further education.

4. We haven't found out whom _____ with this secret.

5. Can you recommend what _____ to the graduation party?

6. He needs to make a decision on where _____ his savings.

7. Do you know who _____ for advice in this situation?

8. My father is considering when _____ the flights for our trip.

Gợi ý đáp án

1. to go

2. to cook

3. to pursue

4. to trust

5. to wear

6. to invest

7. to ask

8. to book

4. Correct the question tags in bold. Two of them are correct.

(Sửa các câu hỏi in đậm. Có hai câu đúng.)

We can use the GPS, don't we? can't we

1. Marek hasn't got a camera, does he? _____

2. It didn't rain today, did it? _____

3. You like this film, doesn't you? _____

4. There isn't much time, is it? _____

5. They're eating dinner, aren't they? _____

6. I'm not too late for the party, aren't I? _____

Gợi ý đáp án

1. has he?

2. √

3. don’t you?

4. is there?

5. √

6. am I?

5. Complete the blog post with used to and the verbs.

(Hoàn thành bài đăng trên blog bằng used to và các động từ.)

My taste in music by Gabriela

I've always loved music. I'm into singers like Ellie Goulding now and I often download her songs, but in the past I used to have a very different taste in music. When I was very young, I (1) _____ the piano. A teacher (2) _____ to our house and she taught me simple songs. I (3) _____ playing Mozart, but I don't like classical music now. To be honest, I (4) _____ the piano often - perhaps once a week. I wasn't very good at it, so I stopped.

When I was twelve, I was really into boy bands – I (5) _____ to anything else on my MP3 player! I played One Direction songs all day and I (6) _____ videos of them online. I never listen to boy bands anymore - they're not my thing!

Gợi ý đáp án

1. used to play

2. used to come

3. used to enjoy

4. didn’t use to practise

5. didn’t use to listen

6. used to watch

6. Order the words to make sentences.

(Sắp xếp các từ để tạo thành câu.)

TV / watch / time / the / They / all

They watch TV all the time.

1. on / never / Oleg and Alex / go / that / website


2. always / is / sister / social media / on / My


3. week / chat / a / they / three / times / Do / ?


4. I / stream / usually / films / don't


Gợi ý đáp án

1. Oleg and Alex never go on that website.

2. My sister is always on social media.

3. Do they chat three times a week?

4. I don’t usually stream films.

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