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Friends Plus 9 Workbook giải Unit 2 Vocabulary and Listening

Sách bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 Friends Plus Unit 2 Vocabulary and Listening

VnDoc xin giới thiệu Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 9 Friend Plus theo từng Unit các hướng dẫn giải chi tiết cho từng phần trong SBT Tiếng Anh lớp 9 mới, kèm với đó là file nghe giúp các em hiểu bài học dễ dàng hơn.

1. Match 1-7 with a-g.

(Nối 1-7 với a-g.)

The advantages of doing work experience are ...

1. that it helps you to get b

2. that you get used to ...

3. that you get together ...

4. that you often get to ...

5. that you can get a lot ...

6. that you can get in ...

7. that you also get the ...

a. being with different people.

b. ready for the world of work.

c. know your work colleagues.

d. with other young people, too.

e. chance to learn new skills.

f. out of helping customers.

g. touch with useful contacts.

Gợi ý đáp án

1. b

2. a

3. d

4. c

5. f

6. g

7. e

2. Complete the letter with the words.

(Hoàn thành bức thư với các từ.)

the chance


in touch



to know


7 January

Dear students,

I'm writing to you about the community work that you'll do later this year. You'll get the chance to visit a place in the community, such as a primary school, and get (1) _____ with projects there. There are a lot of different options for you to choose from.

Students are often nervous about trying something new like this, but there's no need to worry. One of last year's students said, 'I soon got (2) _____ to being in a new place and I got (3) _____ working with the children. I got (4) _____ the teachers well and I felt sad when it was time to leave'.

This month, all students need to prepare and get (5) _____ for the community work by choosing an option on our website. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get (6) _____.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Saunders

Gợi ý đáp án

1. involved

2. used

3. into

4. to know

5. ready

6. in touch

3. Listen to a teacher interviewing three seventeen-year-old students about their first year at sixth form college in the UK. Complete the sentences with the names of the students. Write Rebecca, James or Marcus.

(Hãy nghe một giáo viên phỏng vấn ba sinh viên 17 tuổi về năm đầu tiên của họ tại trường đại học loại sáu ở Anh. Hoàn thành câu với tên của học sinh. Viết Rebecca, James hoặc Marcus.)

Bài nghe

1. _____ didn't have a very positive experience at the beginning, but things have improved.

2. _____ has had a very positive experience.

3. _____ has had a generally negative experience at the college up to now.

Gợi ý đáp án

1. Marcus

2. Rebecca

3. James

4. Listen to the interviews again and write true or false.

(Nghe lại cuộc phỏng vấn và viết đúng hoặc sai.)

Bài nghe

Rebecca has found all her lessons interesting thanks to her teachers. true

1. Rebecca has taken part in some activities outside of class.

2. James wishes that he'd chosen to do more science subjects.

3. It hasn't been easy for James to make friends with other students, but he has now.

4. Marcus is worried that he isn't getting prepared for work in the future.

5. Marcus has contacted some companies with the help of his teachers.

Gợi ý đáp án

1. true

2. false

3. true

4. false

5. true

5. Choose one of the community work projects below. Write about why you would like to get involved with the project. Use some of the 'get' phrases from this page.

(Chọn một trong các dự án công tác cộng đồng dưới đây. Viết về lý do tại sao bạn muốn tham gia vào dự án. Sử dụng một số cụm từ 'get' từ trang này.)

- a sports club for children aged eight to eleven

- a nature reserve for rare animals and birds

- a large hospital in your area


I'd prefer to volunteer at the hospital because I'd get the chance to make a difference to the patients' lives. I'm sure I'd get to know some fascinating people and I'd get a lot out of the experience because I'd learn ...

Gợi ý đáp án

I'm eager to get involved with the sports club for children aged eight to eleven because I'm passionate about sports and enjoy working with young athletes. Getting to know each child individually will help me tailor my coaching to their needs, while also helping them get used to the routines and values of sportsmanship. Overall, I see this as an opportunity to make a positive impact by promoting physical activity.

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