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Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 9: The post office đăng tải bài tập Tiếng Anh theo chủ đề The post office để bạn ôn tập từ mới, các dạng bài kiểm tra đa dạng và linh hoạt giúp bạn hệ thống lại kiến thức Tiếng Anh của mình.


English 11 unit 9 The post office

  1. architect ['ɑ:kitekt] kiến trúc sư
  2. arrogant ['ærəgənt] kiêu ngạo, kiêu căng
  3. bother ['bɔðə] điều bực mình, điều khó chịu,
    what a bother! chà, phiền quá
  4. làm buồn bực, làm phiền, quấy rầy
  5. brave [breiv] gan dạ, can đảm, dũng cảm
  6. burglar ['bə:glə] kẻ trộm
  7. capacity kə'pæsiti] sức chứa
  8. communal ['kɔmjunl] công, chung, công cộng
  9. courteous 'kə:tjəs] lịch sự, nhã nhặn
  10. coward ['kauəd] người nhát gan, người nhút nhát;
    người hèn nhát
  11. (tính từ) nhát gan, nhút nhát; hèn nhát
  12. cramped [kræmpt] chật hẹp, tù túng
  13. customer ['kʌstəmə] khách hàng
  14. facsimile [fæk'simili] bản sao, bản chép
  15. fax [fæks] bản sao của một tài liệu; bản fax
  16. graphics ['græfiks] hình vẽ; đồ hoạ
  17. in operation: hoạt động, có tác dụng
  18. make: mác, hiệu
  19. network ['netwə:k] mạng lưới, hệ thống
  20. notify ['noutifai] (to notify somebody of something; to notify something to somebody) báo tin ; thông báo; cho hay; cho biết
21. pacifist ['pæsifist] = pacificist [pə'sifisist] người theo chủ nghĩa hòa bình
22. pickpocket ['pik,pɔkit] kẻ móc túi
23. punctual ['pʌηkt∫uəl] đúng giờ (không chậm trễ)
24. recipient [ri'sipiənt] người nhận
25. reduction [ri'dʌk∫n] sự thu nhỏ, sự giảm bớt
26. release [ri'li:s] sự thả, sự phóng thích
27. secure [si'kjuə] ( secure about something) không có cảm giác lo âu, nghi ngờ; an tâm; yên tâm; bảo đảm
28. shoplifter ['∫ɔp'liftə] kẻ cắp giả làm khách mua hàng
29. spacious ['spei∫əs] rộng rãi
30. speedy ['spi:di]nhanh chóng
31. subscribe [səb'skraib]( to subscribe to something) đặt mua dài hạn
32. surface mail: thư gửi bằng đường bộ hay đường biển
33. telecommunications [,telikə,mju:ni'kei∫nz] viễn thông
34. telegram ['teligræm] bức điện tín
35. tenant 'tenənt] người thuê, người mướn
36. thoughtful ['θɔ:tfl] có suy nghĩ, chín chắn, thận trọng, thâm trầm, chu đáo; quan tâm; ân ần
37. transaction [træn'zæk∫n] sự giao dịch
38. transfer ['trænsfə:] sự di chuyển, sự dời chỗ;
39. transmission [trænz'mi∫n] sự phát, sự truyền

Reading comprehension

1. What is Thanh Ba Post Office equipped with?

2. What services are offered at Thanh Ba Post Office?

3. What are the three different ways of sending a letter?

4. What is the Messenger Call Service used for?

5. What will you have to do if you want to get your newspapers and magazines delivered to your house?


Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

  1. a. relative b. telephone c. spacious d. deliver
  2. a. equip b. surface c. away d. advance
  3. a. convenient b. recipient c. transmission d. possible
  4. a. secure b. service c. parcel d. early
  5. a. letter b. pleasant c. express d. office

Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one.

6. Mrs. Pike has just bought some kitchen ______ for her new house.
a. equip b. equipped c. equipment d. equipping

7. Thank you for phoning when I was ill. It was very ______ of you.
a. think b. thought c. thoughtful d. thoughtfully

8. Thanks to the progress of science and ______, human life has become better and better.
a. technology b. technological
c. technologically d. technician

9. I would like to send these letters _____ air mail.
a. in b. with c. by d. over

10. Could you please provide us ______ some more modern equipment?
a. for b. by c. in d. with

11. How far is your house away ______ the city center?
a. in b. for c. at d. from

12. _____ fax transmission is commonly used in most offices.
a. A b. An c. The d. Ø

13. That post office provides us with _____best services with ___well-trained staff.
a. the / a c. Ø/ the c. a / the d. the / Ø

14. He was a kind and courteous mailman.
a. polite b. strict c. unpleasant d. rude

15. Without more training or advanced technical skills, they'll lose their jobs.
a. out of date b. backward c. up to date d. old

16. There was a _____ parking area to cater for the tourist trade.
a. thoughtful b. courteous c. possible d. spacious

17. Newspapers and magazines are often delivered early in the morning.
a. offered b. given c. provided d. distributed

18. Because the doctors and nurses acted properly and quickly, the baby was operated successfully.
a. cheaply b. promptly c. conveniently d. usefully

19. If you want to send a document and do not want to lose its original shape, our facsimile service will help you.
a. post b. express c. parcel d. fax

20. She had been assisted by a stranger ____ her motor and drove her to safety.
a. who started b. whom starting c. starting d. that will start

21. With our senses, we perceive everything ____

a. is around us b. that is around us
c. whom is around us d. whose is around us

22. The volunteers, ____ enthusiasm was obvious, finished the work quickly.

a. who b. whom c. whose d. that

23. The musicians _____ yesterday have played together for many years.

a. to who we listened b. who we listened to
c. to that we listened d. to whom we listened

24. Many scientists have claimed that ____ like music are often good at mathematics.

a. Children b. children who
c. children whom d. whose children

25. The student had an impressive record.

a. the prize was awarded b. that the prize was awarded

c. to whom the prize was awarded d. who the prize was awarded

26. Those ____ have used our services for more than one year can enter the competition.

a. who b. whom c. which d. whose

27. I think it was your Dad ____

a. phoned b. phoning c. that phoned d. which phoned

28. That man is a newcomer in our company. Do you know him?

a. That man is a newcomer in our company. Do you know whom?

b. That man who is a newcomer in our company. Do you know him?

c. Do you know him that man is a newcomer in our company?

d. Do you know that man, who is a newcomer in our company?

29. Yesterday I went to ____ I had never been to before.

a. Thanh Ba Post Office, that b. Thanh Ba Post Office where

c. Thanh Ba Post Office which d. Thanh Ba Post Office, which

30. She has two grown children, both of ______ live abroad.

a. who b. whom c. that d. whose

Xem đáp án

6. B

7. C

8. A

9. C

10. D

11. D

12. A

13. A

14. A

15. C

16. D

17. D

18. B

19. D

20. A

21. B

22. C

23. D

24. B

25. C

26. A

27. D

28. D

29. B

30. B

Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given.

31. yesterday / I / go / Thanh Ba Post Office/ send some money / my brother / the city

a. Yesterday I went to Thanh Ba Post Office where to send some money to my brother who was in the city.

b. Yesterday I went to Thanh Ba Post Office to send some money to my brother in the city.

c. Yesterday when I went to Thanh Ba Post Office sending some money to my brother in the city.

d. Yesterday I went to Thanh Ba Post Office and sending some money to my brother in the city.

32. I / arrive / 7 am / the post office / open

a. When I arrived at 7 a.m., the post office which had just been opened.

b. When I arrived at 7 a.m., the post office had just been opened.

c. I arrived at 7 a.m. when the post office had just been opened.

d. I arrived at 7 a.m. at the time the post office had just opened.

33. the staff / help / me / send the money / very helpful and courteous

a. The staff helped me to send the money were very helpful and courteous.

b. The staff that helped me to send the money which were very helpful and courteous.

c. The staff whom helped me to send the money they were very helpful and courteous.

d. The staff that helped me to send the money were very helpful and courteous.

34. the service / good / only two hours later / my brother / phone / he had received the money

a. The service was so good that only two hours later my brother phoned me to say that he had received the money.

b. The service which was such a good that only two hours later my brother phoned me to tell that he had received the money.

c. The service was such good that only two hours later my brother phoned to tell he had received the money.

d. The service was so good that only two hours later when my brother phoned to tell that he had received the money.

35. I / satisfied / the service / Thanh Ba Post Office

a. I was satisfied with the service of Thanh Ba Post Office.

b. So that, I was satisfied with the service of Thanh Ba Post ·Office.

c. Nevertheless, I was satisfied with the service of Thanh Ba Post Office.

d. I was satisfied with the service of which Thanh Ba Post Office.

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English 11 unit 9 The post office

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