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Bài tập Unit 9 lớp 11 The Post Office có đáp án

Bài tập tiếng Anh Unit 9 lớp 11 The Post Office có đáp án

Với mong muốn giúp các em học sinh học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 11 chương trình cũ, luôn cập nhật rất nhiều tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh lớp 11 theo từng Unit khác nhau. Bài tập tiếng Anh 11 Unit 9 The Post Office có đáp án dưới đây được biên tập dưới nhiều dạng bài tập trắc nghiệm & tự luận tiếng Anh 11 khác nhau bám sát nội dung bài học unit 9 giúp các em học sinh lớp 11 ôn tập kiến thức Từ vựng - Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh trọng tâm đã học trong Unit 9 The Post Office hiệu quả.

I. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.

compete - distribute - transmit - space post

courteous - transfer - subscribe - deliver - satisfy

1. All mail ________ were suspended during the strike.

2. It's only common ________ to thank someone when they help.

3. Do you wish to take out a full twelve-month _______ to the journal?

4. We offer a wide range' of goods at very ________ prices.

5. If you are ________ with our service, please write to the manager.

6. This ticket is only used by the person who bought it. It is not _________.

7. Fax _______ has now become a cheap and convenient way to transmit texts over distances.

8. White walls can give a feeling of _________.

9. The newspaper is _________ free.

10. How much was the _________ on that letter?

II. Write all the pronouns possible to complete each sentence. Write Ø if the sentence is correct without adding a pronoun.

1. We talk about the party ________ Sarah wants to organise for my birthday.

2. To get to Frank's house, take the main road _________ bypasses the village.

3. The paintings _______ Mr Flowers has in his house are worth around £100,000.

4. Mrs Richmond, ____ is 42, has three children,

5. Don is a friend _______ I stayed with in Australia.

6. She was probably the hardest working student ______ I've ever taught.

7. Stevenson is an architect ______ designs have won international praise.

8. The Roman coins, _____ a local farmer came across in a field, are now displayed in the National Museum.

9. Dorothy said something _______ I couldn't hear clearly.

10. There was a little ______ we could do to help her.

11. He received a low mark for his essay, ______ was only one page long.

12. We need to learn from companies _______ trading is more healthy than our own.

13. Professor Johnson, _____ I have long admired, is visiting the University next week.

14. The man ___________ I introduced to you last night may be the next president of the university.

15. These walls are all ______ remain of the city.

III. Write the information in brackets as a relative clause (defining or non - defining) in an appropriate place in the sentence. Give alternative relative pronouns if possible. (Use - to indicate 'no relative pronoun'.)

1. Julia's father has just come back from a skiing holiday. (he is over 80)

→ Julia's father ____________________________________

2. The problems faced by the company are being resolved. (I'll look at these in detail in a moment.)

→ The problems faced by the company ____________________________

3. She was greatly influenced by her farther. (she adored him)

→ She was __________________________

4. Parents are being asked to take part in the survey. (their children are between four and six)

→ Parents ______________________________

5. He isn't looking forward to the time. (he will have to leave at that time)

→ He isn't ________________________

6. The Roman coins are now on display in the National Museum. (a local farmer came across them in a field)

→ The Roman coins _______________________________

7. He pointed to the stairs. (they led down to the cellar)

→ He __________________________

8. These drugs have been withdraw from sale. (they are used to treat stomach ulcers)

→ These drugs ________________________________

9. The singer had to cancel her concert. (she was recovering from flu)

→ The singer _________________________________

10. The minister talked about the plans for tax reform. (he will reveal them next month)

→ The minister talked about _______________________________

11. We went to the Riverside Restaurant. (l once had lunch with Henry there)

→ We went to ________________________________

12. My aunt is now a manager of a department store. (her first job was filling shelves in a supermarket).

→ My aunt __________________________________

13. John Graham's latest film is his first for more than five years. (the film is set in the north of Australia)

→ John Graham's latest film ______________________________

14. The newspaper is owned by the Mears group. (its chairperson is Sir James Bex)

→ The newspaper _________________________________

15. The Master's course is no longer taught. (I took this course in 1990)

→ The Master's course ______________________________

IV. If necessary, correct or make improvements to these sentences. If they are already correct, write True.

1. He just said anything which came into his head.

2. Yesterday was the hottest day I can remember.

3. There isn't much can go wrong with the machine.

4. Thieves whom stole paintings from Notfort art gallery have been arrested in Paris.

5. It may be the most important decision which you will ever take.

6. The boy took the photograph was paid £100.

7. The Southham Chess Club, that has more than 50 members, meets weekly on Friday evenings.

8. The clock makes a noise what keeps me awake at night.

9. I heard many different accents in the room, but none which I could identify as British.

10. She is one of the kindest people who I know.

V. Choose the best answer.

1. Post office is a place ______ you can buy stamps, mail letters and packages, and receive mail.

a. that

b. which

c. where

d. in which

2. Do you know the date ______ we have to hand in the essay?

a. which

b. in which

c. on that

d. when

3. My uncle ______ you met yesterday is a lawyer.

a. which

b. who

c. whose

d. to whom

4. The council is in discussion with Lord Thomas, ______ land most of the village is built on.

a, who

b. whom

c. whose

d. that

5. These adults, ______ come to my night class, are very eager to learn.

a. whose

b. who

c. that

d. when

6. Regina, ______ you have never met before, is a genius in painting.

a. that

b. whose

c. whom

d. whoever

7. The paintings Mr Flowers has in his house are worth around $ 100,000.

a. which

b. whose

c. what

d. whom

8. Oxford, ______ attracts many tourists, is often crowded in the summer.

a. that

b. which

c. whose

d. where

9. It's the best film ______ has ever been made about madness.

a. which

b. whom

c. whose

d. that

10. She cycled from London to Glasgow, ______ is pretty good for a woman of 75.

a. that

b. what

c. which

d. where

11. Most folk songs are ballads ______ have simple words and tell simple stories.

a. what

b. when

c. where

d. that

12. ______ wins will go on to play Barcelona in the final.

a. Who

b. Whoever

c. Which

d. Whichever

13. I think the reason ______ we get on so well is that we both enjoy talking.

a. why

b. which

c. that

d. what

14. Children ______ diets contain high levels of protein do better in examination.

a. who

b. who

c. whose

d. Ø

15. I'm sure that Keith will do well at university, ______ one he goes to.

a. which

b. whichever

c. where

d. wherever

VI. Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition.

1. We take great pride ________ offering the best service in town.

2. This post office is equiped _______ advanced technology ______ transaction.

3. What is the Messenger Call Service used _______?

4. Let us take care _____ your postal and telecommunication needs ______ now and ever.

5. We subscribe _____ all the main medical journals.

6. This computer isn't capable _____ running this software.

7. She seemed satisfied _____ the results.

8. She was fiercely proud ______ family traditions and continuity.

9. I was useful _______ them because I could speak French.

10. I am living away _______ my family and my relatives.

VII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.

1. I live in the town not far from the capital.

→ _________________________________

2. Nobody does it better than you.

→ ______________________________

3. Thanks to Laura's report. I was able to finish the project.

→ _________________________________

4. He got down to writing the letter as soon as he returned from his walk.

→ _________________________________

5. That question cannot be answered satisfactorily.

→ _________________________________

6. It is my impression that she's enjoying her new job a great deal.

→ _________________________________

7. The secretary didn't reply me for ten days.

→ _________________________________

8. All of those present were in agreement with the proposal.

→ _________________________________

9. It's a pity it's too late to do anything about it.

→ _________________________________

10. She was so good to me that I'll always remember it.

→ _________________________________

VIII. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence.

1. I suddenfy came __ a very valuable book when we was in the bookshop.

a. up

b. into

c. across

d. down

2. Does he tell you how he is getting _____ his new colleagues?

a. on with

b. on of

c. away with

d. out of

3. An extra copy of each document was supplied for onward _____ to head office.

a. transmit

b. transmitted

c. transmitter

d. transmission

4. We _____ to several sports channels on television.

a. subscribe

b. deliver

c. offer

d. notify

5. We offer a very _____ rate for parcels of under 15 kg.

a. competing

b. competent

c. competitive

d. competition

IX. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.

The last two decades have seen enormous changes in the way people's lives are affected by IT. Twenty years ago, few people had access to a computer whilst today most people use them at work, home or school and use of e-mail and the Internet is an every day event.

These developments have brought many benefits to our lives. E-mail makes communication much easier and more immediate. This has numerous benefits for business, commerce, and education. The World Wide Web means that information on every conceivable subject is now available to us. Clearly, .for many people this has made life much easier and more convenient.

However, not all the effects of the new technology have been beneficial. Many people feel that the widespread use of e-mail is destroying traditional forms of communication such as letter writing, telephone and face-to-face conversation. In addition, the huge size of the Web means it is almost impossible to control and regulate. This has led to many concerns regarding children accessing unsuitable websites. In conclusion, developments in IT have brought many benefits, yet I believe developments relating to new technology in the future are likely to produce many negative effects that will need to be addressed very carefully.

1. In the last twenty years __________________.

a. there have been dramatic changes in the field of computer science

b. people's lives have been changed a lot because of the invention of the computer.

c. the World Wide Web and e-mail communication have affected modern life.

d. there have been developments in telecomunications.

2. According to the passage, E-mail ________________.

a. reduces face-to-face contact

b. can be checked quickly and easily

c. is used only in business

d. takes a lot of time to transmit

3. The World Wide Web and e-mail communication _______________.

a. causes a busy and exciting life

b. have also been used for education purpose

c. is difficult to get access to

d. is destroying traditional customs

4. What does the IT stand for?

a. Information Transfer b. Information Transmission

c. Information Theory d. Information Technology

5. Which sentence is NOT mentioned?

a. The World Wide Web is difficult to navigate.

b. The World Wide Web provides information.

c. The World Wide Web is difficult to control.

d. E-mail communic8.tion is quick and easy.

6. The writer thinks future IT developments will be

a. more positive b. more negative c. more rapid d. unexpected

Match the words in column A with their suitable explanations in column B



1. equipped with

a. reasonable

2. courteous

b. person who recieves st

3. competitive

c. supplied with

4. notify

d. buy st regularly over a period of time

5. recipient

e. inform

6. subscribe

f. polite, friendly

Complete the following sentencces with the words in the box above. Put them in the correct form.

1. Is it cheaper to …………………….. to the magazine than to buy it at a newsagent?

2. Have you …………………….. the police of the loss of your personal document?

3. It was …………………….. of the staff to show you what to do.

4. My office is well …………………….. a computer, a printer, a scanner and an air-conditioner.

5. Why don’t you try these shops? They always offer …………………….. prices.

6. Don’t forget to write the name and address of the …………………….. of the parcel.

Đáp án Bài tập Unit 9 lớp 11 The post office

I. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.

1 - deliveries; 2 - courtesy; 3 - subscription; 4 - competitive; 5 - dissatisfied;

6 - transferable; 7 - transmission; 8 - spaciousness; 9 - distributed; 10 - postage;

II. Write all the pronouns possible to complete each sentence. Write Ø if the sentence is correct without adding a pronoun.

1. which/ that/ Ø

2. which/ that

3. which/ that/ Ø

4. who

5. who/ whom/ that/ Ø

6. that/ Ø

7. whose

8. which

9. that/ Ø

10. that/ Ø

11. which

12. whose

13. who/ whom

14. who/ whom/ that/ Ø

15. that

III. Write the information in brackets as a relative clause (defining or non - defining) in an appropriate place in the sentence. Give alternative relative pronouns if possible. (Use - to indicate 'no relative pronoun'.)

1 - Julia's father, who is over 80, has just come back from a skiing holiday.

2 - The problems faced by the company, which I'll look at in detail in a moment, are being resolved.

3 - She was greatly influenced by her father, who/ whom she adored.

4 - Parents whose children are between four and six are being asked to take part in the survey.

5 - He isn't looking forward to the time when he will have to leave.

6 - The Roman coins, which a local farmer came across in a field, are now on display in the National Museum.

7 - He pointed to the stairs which/that led down to the cellar.

8 - These drugs, which are used to treat stomach ulcers, have been withdraw from sale.

9 - The singer, who was recovering from flu, had to cancel her concert.

10 - The minister talked about the plans for tax reform that/ which/ - he will reveal next month.

11 - We went to the Riverside Restaurant where I once had lunch with Henry.

12 - My aunt, whose first job was filling shelves in a supermarket, is now a manager of a department store.

13 - John Graham's latest film, which is set in the north of Australia, is his first for more than five years.

14 - The newspaper is owned by the Mears group, whose chairperson is Sir James Hex.

15 - The Master's course, which I took in 1990, is no longer taught.

IV. If necessary, correct or make improvements to these sentences. If they are already correct, write True.

1. Which → can

2. True

3. much can → much that can

4. whom → who

5. which → that/ Ø

6. the boy → the boy who

7. that → which

8. what → which/ that

9. which → that

10. who → that/ Ø

V. Choose the best answer.

1 - c; 2 - d; 3 - b; 4 - c; 5 - b;

6 - c; 7 - a; 8 - b; 9 - d; 10 - c;

11 - d; 12 - b; 13 - a; 14 - c; 15 - b;

VI. Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition.

1. We take great pride in offering the best service in town.

2. This post office is equiped with advanced technology of transaction.

3. What is the Messenger Call Service used for?

4. Let us take care of your postal and telecommunication needs for now and ever.

5. We subscribe to all the main medical journals.

6. This computer isn't capable of running this software.

7. She seemed satisfied with the results.

8. She was fiercely proud of family traditions and continuity.

9. I was useful to them because I could speak French.

10. I am living away from my family and my relatives.

VII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.

1 - The town which I live in is not far from the capital.

→ The town in which I live is not far from the capital.

2 - There isn't anybody else who does it better than you.

3 - Had it not been for Laura's report, I wouldn't have been able to finish the project.

4 - No sooner had he returned from his walk than he got down to writing the letter.

5 - There is no satisfactory answer for that question.

6 - She seems to be enjoying her new job a great deal.

7 - No reply from the secretary was said to me for ten days.

8 - Everyone who was present agreed with the proposal.

9 - I wish there were enough time to do something about it.

10 - I'll always remember how good she was to me.

VIII. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence.

1 - c, 2 - a, 3 - d, 4 - a, 5 - c

IX. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.

1 - c; 2 - a; 3 - b; 4 - d; 5 - a; 6 - a

Match the words in column A with their suitable explanations in column B

1. c

2. f

3. a

4. e

5. b

6. f

Complete the following sentencces with the words in the box above. Put them in the correct form.

1. Is it cheaper to ………subscribe…………….. to the magazine than to buy it at a newsagent?

2. Have you ………notified…………….. the police of the loss of your personal document?

3. It was ………………courteous…….. of the staff to show you what to do.

4. My office is well ………equipped with…………….. a computer, a printer, a scanner and an air-conditioner.

5. Why don’t you try these shops? They always offer ………competitive…………….. prices.

6. Don’t forget to write the name and address of the ………recipient…………….. of the parcel.

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